
Disabling FieldSet items when it is collapsed.

I have Ext.form.FieldSet with some fields in it. It looks like: var register_options = new Ext.form.FieldSet({ autoHeight: true, title: 'My Title', checkboxToggle: true, checkboxName: 'register_options', items: [item1, item2, item3] }); When my fieldset checkbox is unchecked (fieldset is collapsed) i don't want sub...

ExtJS: How to wrap text in a ListView with columns?

I have an ExtJS ListView control with 4 columns. One of the columns contain text which extends the width of the column, thus some of the text are located beneath the next column. How can I set white-space to normal for the cells in the listview? ...

Validate one button is clicked before another with Javascript

This is in ASP.NET. We are using a ExtJS frontend, and have our own VB.NET controls to make all the Ext Forms and stuff. However, I hope this can be done in plain javascript. There is already some Javascript on the page for the 'Test Connection' button click and handling the result. However, I need validation on the screen to make sure ...

Avoiding Nested Anonymous Functions in JavaScript / Sencha Touch / ExtJS

I've started using the Sencha Touch / ExtJS JavaScript framework and have am noticing a wide use of nested, anonymous functions. For example, this is a common way to start your app: Ext.setup({ blah: blah, onReady: function() { my fairly long startup code } }); It's been a while since I...

Ext.tree.TreeNode setting tooltip dynamic

I was wonder is it possible to add dynamicly tooltiptext to a specific tree node, i've tryied to set qtip property but with no success.... ...

How to Split datagrid Rows Extjs

I want to split my dataGrid Rows , like we do in Html by using ... this picture illustrate what i'm asking for view the screenShot I tried with the gridView and Xtemplate , i need help ...

ExtJS - Progress Bar Pager with extension Ext.ux.grid.FilterRow

Hello, I'm trying to add in Progress Bar Pager the extension "Ext.ux.grid.FilterRow". It works good but the FilterRow is available only for the grid records in the select page. Is it possible to filter all the grid records and not only the records shown in each page? I show you what I've done. This is my php page: <html> <head> <...

Adding a filter header row to ExtJS GridPanel

Hi ! I know that it's possible to add a filter row UNDER the column title because I've seen it done with Coolite. But since I'm a total newbie with Sencha (ExtJS), I have trouble finding how to do it with the ExtJS.grid.GridPanel directly in the script. Would you point me in the right direction with some samples please ? If possible, I...

Extjs dynamic grid

i've made a grid dat can append columns in it dynamically.. the static columns in the grid dont lose their ability to sort in asc or desc order.. but for the dynamically added columns the sort ascending and sort descending optio is not workin.. Need help.. Thanx in advance.. ...

ExtJS: disable checkbox toggle on label click

I am designing a checkbox for a for and I absolutely cannot have the checkbox to toggle when the user clicks on its label, as this label contains a link to open a small infobox where the user gets to know what he or she is accepting by selecting the checkbox. How can I disable checkbox toggle when clicking on its label? The code looks ...

ExtJS accordion setActiveItem

Hello. I am developing an application using ExtJS. I have an accordion and I need to select an active item(so it expands). Accordion.setActiveItem outputs: "setActiveItem" is not a function in a browser's error window. Second issue is that hideCollapseTool property, when set to true in the initialisation, doesn't do anything. Collapse ...

how to select combobox item internet explorer for extjs application ?

First of all the code below works for my app for non ie browsers (i am using perl with selenium for extjs testing): http://seleniumexamples.com/blog/examples/select-an-option-from-an-extjs-combobox/ unfortunately the xpath library gives zero xpath count if i dare to add the visibility condition. The page content changes, so first i ha...

Stop event firing on child elements using EXT's mouseenter

The Problem: I have an anchor tag with a class name 'hasChildren' which in turn has a span element containing the text. When using EXT's .on('mouseenter',function()) on the anchor tag, it fires the event on both the span and/or the anchor tag. expected result: hovering over either the span or the anchor tag, the class should be added to...

EXTJS: If entry has same title in combo

I have 2 accounts with same title my data is like Account No AccountTitle Town =========== ============= ===== 60 Shahansha Flour Mill MTN 64 Shahansha Flour Mill LHR When I show this data in a combo it shows me 2 entries for "Shahan...

Ext JS Tree with Grid in nodes - combine widgets

I'm looking for a solution on how to combine two widgets. I'm taling about the Tree widget and the Grid widget in such way that f.e. every node of tree represents a database table and after expanding it shows record in a grid widget. Is there a way to combine those two in one ? ...

How to get my dropdown to default to first row name in table

Edit: more code Dim oControl As New Forms.Control() Using types As New DataSet With oDal .Parameters.Clear() .Execute(sql, types) End With Wi...

Grid won't refresh everytime. Can I do a whole window refresh?

How do I create a Javascript method in here that RELOADS the .aspx page, that I can call during one of those other existing methods. <%@ Page Language="VB" Inherits="Core.Web.BaseView(OfLending.Controllers.Workspace.DocumentUploadData)" %> <%@ Import Namespace="Framework.WebControls.Forms" %> <%@ Import Namespace="Framework....

EXTJS: Editor grid - inserting one row with different attributes

Hello, i have an editor grid, what i want to do i create one row in the editor grid that the user have to ADD new information on the grid with blank information. What i want if, after inserting that row to the editor, apply different style/id/etc to it. 1- How do i do that first? 2- how do i make it that the NEW ROW for inserting is a...

Sencha treePanel

Hi, I'm using sencha framework to build trees from json and i get result like in this sample: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/examples/tree/two-trees.html but in my application i want to allow user to do some manipulations with this trees with drag-n-drop and i want get a result from some tree in json (json structure of the tree) so i c...

ExtJS: Drag and Drop: Dropping Panel within a Panel within a Panel

Hi, I am trying to work on a simple example of dragging a panel(lets say B) and dropping it within a panel (A) and then dropping another panel (C) within panel B. I am achieving this by overriding the methods in class DropZone.js but when I am dropping panel C within panel B the onNodeDrop method in DropZone is being called twice. I wa...