
EXTJS:Filter store not occur first click of combo

hi i want to filter a store on selecting value from combo. when i select first value it does not filter it but on selecting anyother value 2nd time it works well my store has autoLoad=true here is my code xtype: 'combo' ,fieldLabel: 'Online Type' ,name:'OnlineType' ,id:'cmb...

How to hide textfield with label?

I have textfield: { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'LBL_EMAIL', anchor: '100%', listeners: { 'render': function(p) { // check certain conditions this.hide() } ...

Problem right aligning statictextfield controls

So I am adding StaticTextField controls to a page. This is using ExtJS, but we use VB.NET methods to add ExtJS so we don't actually have to write it. I tried using .Style = "text-align:right" But that isn't working, in fact it isn't doing anything. Here is the whole code of one of the controls: With .AddColumns(2) Wi...

IE 8 partially cut of my JSON data return from WCF service

Hi All, I am using treepanel and custom treeloader and call the ajax request when click the node. It is working fine in both IE and FF. But today we found out that if node have only one child (return only one record base on parent node id), then IE does not show child node. Same thing happening in Combo store as well if service return o...

failing to render in extjs

Sometimes when I open a page, it has blank only, but when I refresh the page or the browser, the page can be rendered. I want to know why it happened and how the problem happened so much! ...

Add row to grid panel, but with separate construction details in ExtJS

I have generated grid panel based on my results in PHP. Here is a grid panel: myGridPanel. Now I need to create third row in grid panel and place Ext.form.ComboBox inside this third row. There should be a Ext.form.ComboBox for every column. NB! Not one combobox, but a number of them for every column, but only in third row. I thought ab...

Regex Eliminate Vertical Bar/ Pipe Character

Using the following regex with the ExtJS library, the intention is to only allow spaces, dollar signs, underscores, alpha and numeric characters. However, for some reason, the vertical bar/ pipe character is allowed as well. I hope someone can tell me what I am missing here. Am I inadvertently escaping one of the vertical bars? maskRe:...

Does anybody know how to load data in ExtJS TreeGrid on demand?

Hi! I have found a good TreeGrid control in ExtJS library. But there is one thing, I have very big tree and I need the loading on demand. Does anybody know how to load data in ExtJS TreeGrid on demand? My code is here: Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.QuickTips.init(); var tree = new Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid({ title: 'Encyclopedia'...

GMapPanel: "a is undefined" when trying to create GPolyline's

I'm getting stuck on a piece of code, mostly because Google's API is quite unhelpful when getting errors due to the packing. I'm trying to render a circle around a marker via a click listener on my DataView. It renders the markers just fine, but when I attempt to create a GPolyline (the error occurs when I attempt to create GPolyline no...

ExtJS ViewPort ContentEl not rendering Google Visualisation API Pie Chart

Hi there, I am unable to render google pie chart in my border layout of the interface. Though the pie chart works fine on separate html page. The div is as follows: The javascript code looks like this: { title: 'View Interactive Reports', ContentEl: "pChartMap", plain: true, bodyStyle: 'padding:5px', border: false, autoScroll: true ...

Sencha Touch - looking for a good tutorial / getting started for a content application

I'm trying to build a mobile "content" application that will be used to display many pages of mostly text, using Sencha Touch (based on ExtJs). I'm familiar with JQuery & JQTouch; I've never used ExtJs before. What's the best/fastest way to get started? I started with the "icons" demo and was able to add a scroll property ('vertical') ...

[ExtJs] How to add checkboxes to Ext.tree.TreePanel?

Hi all, I created this simple tree: var children = [{ text:'My Layers', children:[ new Ext.tree.TreeNode({text:'test1',leaf:true}), new Ext.tree.TreeNode({text:'test2',leaf:true}) ] }]; var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ loader:new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(), width:150, ...

ExtJS: Clear panel content before loading

i'm trying to load some content to an existing panel with #{component}.load({url:''}); but the panel has already some content, how do i clear the panel content? ...

Why does this function take more time in Firefox

In my grid I want to set 3 buttons allowing the user to choose the cols to view So I wrote this function; it's fast on chrome and safari, but it takes a lot of time on Firefox. Where is the problem? Is there another way to do this? function showHideCols(dcols){ thisGrid = Ext.getCmp('myGrid') thisColModel = th...

how to get args to constructor at extjs?

Hello everyone! I have a some class AddOrgWindowUI = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { title: 'form', width: 400, height: 198, layout: 'form', padding: 5, initComponent: function() { this.items = [ { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'parapapa', anchor: '95%', value: m, emptyT...

How to get the Ext Tree childNodes' id ?

I make a Ext tree ,every node contains a checked,every node has a "checkchange" listeners. If I choose a node ,how to make all its childNodes' checked selection to true? And how can I get all child leafNodes' id ? ...

Need to Save HTML markup from a form element

I want to save html markup in my database for a field from an ASP.Net MVC2 application. Upon reading I found that using the [ValidateInput(false)] attribute lets you do that. But it is not working for me. The data comes from the extjs htmleditor form element. Anyone has any ideas? Is there something else I need to do? Any setting in w...

ExtJs - FormPanel not rendering properly

Hello guys! I have constuctor (window + formPanel) AddOrgWindowUI = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { title: 'Create something', width: 400, height: 200, layout: 'fit', initComponent: function() { this.items = [ { xtype: 'form', id: 'add-form', padding: 5, initialConfig: Ext.apply(this...

ExtJs draggable textfield, radio buttons, sliders

Hi, I am trying make a palette of different components (texfield,radio buttons, sliders etc).The palette is used by dragging these component off the palette on to a formpanel. I have sucessfully dragged a panel from palette on to the form panel but unable to do the same with textfields. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thank you...

ExtJS - problem setting combobox width

Let me preface this by saying that I've been working with ExtJS for all of a week and half, so please pardon the noobishness. I'm building a form inside of a tab panel, and I was testing different ways to lay out two comboboxes side by side instead of stacked on top of each other. My first attempt was with a fieldset, but I abandoned t...