
Facelets and JSTL (Converting a Date to a String for use in a field)

I need to convert a Date to a String within a page (I dont want to add loads of toStrings to my domain model so adding to the bean is not an option). <ice:graphicImage value="bean.image" title="#{bean.date}"/> The above code works but formats the Date in the default format...I would like to change the format. I have tried using JSTL ...

Using java to create a dynamic rich:panelMenu

Hail This attempt at using component libs to access a Map<String, ArrayList<String>> <rich:panelMenu style="width:35%" mode="ajax" iconExpandedTopGroup="/img/logListIcon.png" iconCollapsedTopGroup="/img/logListIcon.png" iconCollapsedGroup="/img/logListFolderIconClosed.png" iconExpandedGroup="/img/logLi...

Non-existing values evaluate to some random value in facelets custom component

I have written a custom facelet component which looks like this: <ice:inputText styleClass="datepicker" required="#{required}" id="#{cid}" disabled="#{disabled }" validator="notnull" value="#{value}" rendered="#{empty binding }"> </ice:inputText...

JSF Navigation issue Facelets and Beans

Hi, I have an issue with navigation in my simple jsf system. I have MainBean that has two methods: public String register() and public String login(). I have played with faces-config.xml for several hours and I feel like I miss something very important because I think like I have tried all simple solutions so far :). I have added the...

How to read a parameter passed to a facelet from a backing bean

Hi, I've written a facelet, and a corresponding backing bean, that implements user management (addition, deletion and so on). I'd want to be able to perform some custom processing when, for instance, a new user is added. There is a "create" button in the facelet, whose click event is handled by its backing bean. At the end of ...

JSF: SelectOneRadio shortcuts for options

I have the following h:selectOneRadio: <h:selectOneRadio id="#{prefix}_rating" value="#{examinationPanel.tempResult}" > <f:selectItems value="#{examinationPanel.options}"></f:selectItems> </h:selectOneRadio> And then the backing bean is loading the options based on some userpreferences: public List<SelectItem> loadOptions (Set<Result...

JEE Filter is not being executed during <h:commandLink> request

Hi, I am working on a JEE application with facelets running in Tomcat 6. I wrote I Filter which works fine. Inside some facelet pages there are <h:commandLink> elements refering to another page inside the application and passing parameters to a managed bean. The refered page works on with the managed bean which got the parameter p...

Facelet selectOneMenu with POJOs and converter problem

Hi, I want to have a facelet page with a formular and a dropdown menu. With the dropdown menu the user shoul select a POJO of the type Lieferant: public class Lieferant extends AbstractPersistentWarenwirtschaftsObject { private String firma; public Lieferant(WarenwirtschaftDatabaseLayer database, String firma) { this...

Unable to find class 'com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler'

Hi All, I have Richfaces application which I deploy to Glassfish v3. For many weeks (almost) everything works fine, but suddenly today a got following error. I have jsf-facelets-1.1.14.jar dependency in my pom.xml. I have no idea how to fix that. Help!! Source Document: jndi:/server/swmind.rcp.web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml Cause: Unable...

Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence

I have a MyFaces Facelets application, where the page coding is a bit rugged. Anyway, it's developed with Eclipse and built with Ant, and kindof runs ok in Tomcat 2.0.26. So far so good. Now, I'd rather build with Maven, so I made a couple of pom-files, opened them in Netbeans and built, and now I have a war file that deploys ok. Howeve...

How to get the ui:param value in Javabean

Hello, I am learning facelets and Seam and I'm facing the following problem: I have 2 xhtml files, one includes the other and each one has its own Seam component as backing bean. I want to send and object to the included facelet and obtain that object in the backing bean corresponding to the included facelet. I'll take an example to exp...

How to use JSF's h:selectBooleanCheckbox with h:dataTable to create one object per row?

I have a Facelets page with a h:dataTable. In each row of the h:dataTable there is a h:selectBooleanCheckbox. If the checkbox is selected a new Object should be created with the data out of the corresponding row. How do I do this? How to get the selected rows or their data in a backing bean? Or would it be better to do it with h:sel...

Facelet does not convert formatted currency correctly

Hi, I have the follwing code inside a facelet page: <h:inputNumber value="bean.property"> <f:convertNumber type="currency" /> </h:inputNumber The converter is because there can be a kind of default value inside the input field, which comes from the bean property. Everything is rendered correctly. The value inside the input field...

How do I access a non-managed-bean class in JSF page?

I am using facelets. I have one class: public class foo{ public static String foofookoo() { return "tookoofoopoo"; } } How do I access this on my JSF page because this is a simple POJO not a managed bean? ...

Not getting image in h:graphicImage in JSF

Hello, I have this very strange error with h:graphicImage This code works fine :- <h:graphicImage value="/Common/Images/#{item.templatePicName}"/> And this one doesn't :- <h:graphicImage alt="${app:getCommonImagePath(item.templatePicName)}" value="${app:getCommonImagePath(item.templatePicName)}" /> It only shows alt value /Common...

This page calls for XML namespace declared with prefix br but no taglibrary exists

I just finished the Netbeans introduction to Hibernate tutorial ( http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/web/hibernate-webapp.html#01 ) and I am getting the following error: "This page calls for XML namespace declared with prefix br but no taglibrary exists" Now, I have seen a similar question somewhere else: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?thre...

Seam/JSF/Facelets Compiler or Validator (equivalent of JspC for JSP)

Is there such a thing as JspC in the Seam/JSF/Facelets world? I used the Tomcat's JspC to validate a JSP/Struts application to validate if there are typos in the JSPs or some JSP was calling a Java function that didn't exist, etc. etc. From time to time I come across bugs in my current project (Seam/Facelets/RichFaces) where it's cause...

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd

I am getting below exception while using facelates and Myfaces. if any body have any idea please share it. Thanks In advance javax.faces.FacesException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Error reading file "/jspx/login.jspx" at org.apache.myfaces.context.ExceptionHandlerImpl.wrap(ExceptionHandlerImpl.java:241) at org.apache.myfaces...

Why does IceFaces seem to be eating my get request?

I have an IceFaces page which is powered by several Request scoped beans. When I make an initial GET request, I grab the external context via the faces context grab a GET parameter and use it to initialize my beans in their @PostConstruct method. However, if I try to link to the same page with a different get parameter, it seems to be e...

Custom Facelets components and attributes defined in taglib

Defining custom components in Facelets is easy and quick but there's one thing I can't figure out. Is it possible with Facelets to define what attributes my custom component has? I.e: I've created a component which is used in such a way: <blue:modalWindow id="editFeesWizard" width="500" height="440" title="Wizard"> and is defined i...