
Using JBoss EL on Weblogic 11g (

Hi, I have a facelets 1.2 application that I am running on Weblogic 11g. I want to use the JBoss EL implementation that allows me to call bean methods with arguments. For this, I have packaged the jboss-el-2.0.1.GA.jar in my WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory. I have also added a context-param in my web.xml to override the Sun implementation. ...

Integrating JSTL With Facelets

Hi, I am considering using Facelets and JSTL in the same web project. Are there any issues in integrating these ? ...

JSF 2.0: java based custom component + html table + facelets = data model not updated

Hi, I'm having problems getting the data model of a HtmlDataTable to be correctly updated by JSF 2.0 and Facelets. I have created a custom Java-based component that extends HtmlDataTable and dynamically adds columns in the encodeBegin method. @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { if (this.findCo...

facelet - nested <ui:insert>

I have multiple templates which differs with each other only by few containers. The most complex one contains superset of all containers used in all other one thus to avoid creating multiple templates I created the most complex one in following format some layout stuff (div and all) defining nested insert for each c...

facelet - nested <ui:insert>

I have multiple templates which differs with each other only by few containers. The most complex one contains superset of all containers used in all other one thus to avoid creating multiple templates I created the most complex one in following format <ui:insert name="container1"> some layout stuff (div and all) <ui:insert name="con...

Is it possible to use objects as function paremeters in EL with JBoss EL resolver?

There is this sentence in JBoss EL resolver online documentation: It's important to fully understand how this extension to EL works. When the page is rendered, the parameter names are stored (for example, hotel.id and user.username), and evaluated (as value expressions) when the page is submitted. You can't pass objects as paramete...

How can I pass a dynamic backing bean into a JSF 2.0 page using facelets?

Hi, I am using a JSF 2.0 to create a web app (purely jee6, without spring/seam etc.). I would like to have a single xhtml page but pass the proper backing bean / entity into it. For example, I would like to be able to edit a user other than the logged in user, I have a user edit page which displays the information of the logged in user ...

Internet Explorer won't display facelets .xhtml files

I'm just starting to work with JSF and Facelets and I've put together a very simple page that is just taking a template from another file and inserting some text (just to show that it pulls inormation from both the template and the calling page) However whenever I try to view the page in Internet Explorer 7, it attempts to download the ...

Are there “server-side comments” in JSF / Seam / RichFaces?

With the JSF/Seam/RichFaces stack, is there a way to mark up comments (on XHTML pages) so that they will not be included in the HTML output? I.e., something like JSP's <%-- comments --%>, as opposed to normal <!-- comments -->. I heard that facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS context-param migth do this for normal HTML comments, but is there any oth...

Why do I get error "prefix [..] is not defined" when I try to use my jsf custom tag?

I created a jsf custom tag (I'm not sure that it's correct, I could miss something easily, so I attached code below). Now I'm trying to use this tag but I get an error: error on line 28 at column 49: Namespace prefix gc on ganttchart is not defined So, here is the xhtml-page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T...

Quick way to create JSF custom component

I know of two ways of creating custom JSF components: 1. Native JSF way: creating JSF component class, tag, etc. 2. Facelets way: defining component in a xhtml file and then creating appropriate decrption in facelets taglib. Currently I work on a project in which introducing facelets is unfortunately out of the question. On the other ha...

Remove files after session expiry in java web application

I have a java web application that generates and displays graphical pictures based upon some user parameters. I used to store the graphics in the Session map, but that is generally not a good idea (you want to keep the session data as small as possible). So instead, I only want to generate a file on the server and refer to it via an UR...

How to implement custom JSF component for drawing chart?

I want to create a component which can be used like: <mc:chart data="#{bean.data}" width="200" height="300" /> where #{bean.data} returns a collection of some objects or chart model object or something else what can be represented as a chart (to put it simple, let's assume it returns a collection of integers). I want this component t...

The jsf2 h:outputText tag is not formating the h:outputText with the MessageFormat

The jsf2 h:outputText tag is not formating the h:outputText with the MessageFormat my faces config <application> <resource-bundle> <base-name>Messages_pt_BR</base-name> <var>bundle</var> </resource-bundle> </application> My resource bundle: ... EventPageTitle=Event: {0} ... My JSF2 XHTML: <h:outputText val...

Using JSP 2.0 tags in Facelets

Is someone using Facelets with JSP 2.0 tags? How to add tag library to xhtml page? In JSP I used: <% taglib prefix="example" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/my" %> and : <example:sample/> How can I do the same in facelets with JSP 2.0 tags? ...

Including a JSP page with Icefaces/Facelets

Hi, I have a requirement to allow a user to embed JSP pages into my website...I'm using IceFaces/Facelets to do the navigation menus etc. and would like to include a JSP page using ui:include Is there anyway of doing this (given that the JSP is not valid XML). Thanks. ...

How to show user-friendly error page instead of tomcat log with stack trace in browser when runtime exception is thrown?

I'm developing web-application with JSF. I tested it as I was able to but from time to time runtime exceptions are thrown. So, how to redirect user to special error page every time an exception is thrown (instead of displaying 500 Error with full tomcat logs)? ...

How do I refer property of <ui:insert>'s managed bean?

I take <ui:insert> to be same as Masterpage in Asp.Net. In Asp.Net we can refer methods of MasterPage. How can I refer the managed bean's property of <ui:insert>'s page in managed bean of <ui:define>'s page? ...

JSf tags not being rendered

Hi, this is a question i've seen here but the solution posted didn't resolve my issue. Again i'm dealing with jsf 2.0 and i have 2 pages: login.xhtml and index.xhtml, i'm also using SpringSecurity for auth purposes. index.xhtml renders ok but login doesn't(page source shows jsf tags un-parsed). I already deactivated SpringSecurity to che...

JSF managed bean question

Hello, I have one page which uses <ui:insert> called master.xhtml which uses one managedbean named MasterBean.java and its of viewScoped. It calls webservice and has all useful data which will be useful in master.xhtml as well as page which is built using master.xhtml (which uses <ui:include>). When i visit data.xhtml (which uses templa...