
Can someone explain facelets ?

I have been involved in JSF + Facelets dev for a month or so. I used composition, insert, define and other tags from facelets. I am finding it difficult to understand what facelets really give me? What are its alternatives ? What is that View Handler technology?I am not able to find good material / online notes on the same. Can someone e...

How to get selected row index in JSF datatable?

I have a databale on index.xhtml <h:dataTable style="border: solid 2px black;" value="#{IndexBean.bookList}" var="item" binding="#{IndexBean.datatableBooks}"> <h:column> <h:commandButton value="Edit" actionListener="#{IndexBean.editBook}"> <f:param name="index" value="#{IndexBean.datatableBooks.rowIndex}...

JSF question about communication between managed bean

Hello, It seems i am not clear on my previous question about managed bean. So, i am posting it again in a more systematic manner. I have one page :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www...

Primefaces p:fileupload component problem

Hello, I am using Primefaces 2.0.1 but the FileUpload component is not working properly. It uses JQuery uploadify behind the scenes. This is my web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="3.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://j...

How do I know which element is clicked in ui:repeat?

In JSF, we can bind HtmlDataTable to backing bean and get the row data. But ui:repeat doesn't even have a binding attribute. So, how do I know which row (element) is clicked in ui:repeat? ...

Why does @PostConstruct callback fire every time even though bean is @ViewScoped? JSF

Hello, I am using datatable on page and using binding attribute to bind it to my backing bean. This is my code :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="h...

JSF (and friends) tags vs. traditional html tags

So this question came up today and I didn't have a specific or scientific answer. What are the costs associated with using jsf (or tomahawk, faclets, etc., etc.) tags in place of traditional html tags. My gut reaction is that you should use jsf tags in situations where you need the additional functionality they provide, and use traditi...

Why does this expression not work? JSF

Hello, I have a simple problem on .xhtml page. This expression is not working :- <a href="Photos.jsf?albumId=#{item.albumId}&blogId=#{PhotoAlbumsCommonBean.blogId}"> photos </a> I get this error :- Error Parsing /Common/PhotoAlbums.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 20] The reference to entity "blogId" must end with the ';' delimiter. & is...

JSTL c:forEach causes @ViewScoped bean to invoke @PostConstruct on every request

Hello, Again i see that the @PostConstruct is firing every time even though no binding attribute is used. See this code :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" x...

MyFaces vs. Sun's Reference Implementation - latter not free?

Hi all Just a stupid beginner's question, which will be quickly solved, but I am curious. http://www.irian.at/myfacesexamples/home.jsf says: "MyFaces - The free JavaServerâ„¢ Faces Implementation" Errr ... is Sun's implementation not free, then? Thanks & Cheers Er ...

Why does the JSF action tag handler in JSP invoke rendering immediately after creation?

Dear fellows, I read the article "Improving JSF by Dumping JSP" from Hans Bergsten. There I read the following: The JSP container processes the page and invokes the JSF action tag handlers as they are encountered. A JSF tag handler looks for the JSF component it represents in the component tree. If it can't find the component, it c...

Can my Facelets converter depend on a `ui:repeat` loop var?

The following doesn't work as I'd hoped: <ul> <ui:repeat var="i" value="#{fn:split('1,2,3,4', ',')}"> <li> <h:outputText value="1.2345"> <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="#{i}" maxFractionDigits="#{i}" /> </h:outputText> </li> ...

Does NavigationHandler.handleNavigation() clear the flash?

I am using JSF2.0 Mojarra 2.0.2. I have a method that logs out a user and puts a logout message in the flash, forwards to the login page (which has a div that prints out the flash). However, when I use navigationHandlers handleNavigation method for some reason the flash is not being displayed. I have a similar method that forwards a use...

Can we use Facelets in JSF1.1_02?

Can we use Facelets in JSF RI 1.1_02? If we can please send me some piece of code relating to that? Can anyone tell me which version of Tomcat will support Sun RI 1.1_02? I have a restriction of JSF 1.1 in my project, so if anyone know the thing related to this please share with me. ...

<sec:IfAnyGranted roles="ROLE_ADMIN" > tag ignored

I find that the tag <sec:IfAnyGranted roles="ROLE_ADMIN" > is ignored and on the .xhtml page I am getting following message. The attribute **roles** is not defined in Component's interface Thanks for the help in advance. Reply With Quote ...

ui:include disables menu

<rich:tabPanel id="profileChangePanel" switchType="client" > <rich:tab id="profileCompetenceTab" label="Kompetenser" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab1.jsp" /> </rich:tab> <rich:tab id="profileInfoTab" label="Information" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab2.jsp" /> </rich:tab> ...

How to hide some nodes in Richfaces Tree (do not render nodes by condition)?

I have a tree of categories and courses in my SEAM application. Courses may be active and inactive. I want to be able to show only active or all courses in my tree. I've decided to always build complete tree in my PAGE scope component since building this tree is quite expensive operation. I have boolean flag courseActive in the data wra...

Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5?

Facelets relies on XML namespaces to work with XHTML. How are HTML 4, and as far as I know, HTML 5 do not support namespaces. Also HTML 5 has some new elements that are not available in XHTML. Even HTML 4 and XHTML have some differences regarding elements and attributes they support. The question is: Is it possible to render HTML 4/5 do...

Stop on breakpoint in Eclipse facelet file

Hi! I switched to use facelet in Eclipse. Before, when I used JSP i could put breakpoint on the page. How can I put now on a facelet page? ...

Facelets duplicate id

I'm creating a facelet component which I intened to include many times in a single page. I need to define one a4j:outputPanel tag inside my component and give it an id, so that it would be possible to reRender this outputPanel via ajax. But facelets seems not to handle that situation as "duplicateId Exception" is thrown. I partialy unde...