
How to Add facebook "Install App Button" on a Fanpage Tab (Based on working example)

Hello there! For some time now I try to figure out how these guys were able to add "Sign online here" button which is "install App" button on their fan-page tab: http://www.facebook.com/GuinnessIreland?v=app_165491161181 I've read around the web and couldn't come up with any solid solution. The FBML and FBJS documentation left me with...

how to test a facebook application?

I am developing a facebook application using php5. I am using dreamweaver as the editor. I want to test the application. I have a test account. But, now, how do I test the application using that test account? Do I need to submit my application prior to testing? ...

spotty image loading in FBML app?

I have an FBML app I built which is working pretty good but the images are loading really spotty, it's just a simple image tag like this: <img src="http://c0200801.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/Surfboard83_thumbnail.jpg"/&gt; The images are hosted on Cloud Files CDN which works great for every website I use them for. But sometime...

send data from fbml dialog window to another page

how do i submit data from a form inside fbml modal dialog window ...

FBJS/FBML: Display a textbox on click of radio button

I want to use FBML as a canvas and would like to display a textbox on click of radio button. Can anybody out there help me out on this? e.g. if a user selects other as option it should make appear a text box. Is it possible? how? I'm eager to learn more from the responder. ...

Making a facebook app

I plan to make an pretty big application on Facebook. Would it be a wiser choice to get the code working on any hosted site before actually modifying it to be used in FB? or would it be too much of a pain to make the code compatible with FB? ...

How to tell if a user is a fan of the fan page

Hi, I'm working on a FBML fan page for a client. I need to perform a check to see if the current user is a fan of the page. I tried using the JavaScript API but I've found this is not compatible with FBML. I have looked through the FBML page on the developer wiki and found checks for practically everything else but no is user fan che...

Facebook staticFBML detect fan

How do I detect if a visitor to my staticFBML page is a fan or not? Please help! ...

Facebook IFrame on page canvas?

Hey guys, I have developed a small site that i would like to embed into a tab on a facebook page. Previously I used this code to load in an iframe, it worked great: <a onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_1);" style="cursor: pointer;">Link 1</a> | <a class="red" onClick="outside_location.setInnerFBML(link_2);" style="cur...

'showing' a facebook fb:dialog

i want to use facebook's fb:dialog tag to display a simple pop-up form for the user to fill in. but i want to show that dialog using javascript (in the ondone handler of an ajax request). is this possible? i took a stab in the dark and tried document.getElementById('dialog_id').show() but show() is not a method. alternatively there is ...

Facebook Page - Latest Stories Posted?

Not sure if this is possible. I want to grab the latest X stories posted to a facebook page wall and embed them into an external site - preferably with PHP. Something like the latest tweets but with a facebook page. ...

Fbml Appllication - Select friend and Post a news on friend's wall - New method

I'm a newbie facebok developer from Italy Sorry, but my english is very poor. I would like to ask you how to create in my facebook application a multi-friend selector to allow my users to post news on friend's wall. How can I let my user select friends, and than send to those friends a news on their wall? I 'don't know ajax, so please c...

facebook application designing?

im creating an facebook application that gets uploaded pictures in albums. no display design. i want to display the pictures in my facebook application like album pics in facebook. im using php..(how to design the facebook application to view multiple photos, form) ...

regular expression to parse youtube embed code

I want to take the youtube embed code that youtube provides and use a regex to convert it to valid FBML code i.e. use the fb:swf tag. Has anyone done something like this? So far the regex I've come up with is : preg_replace('/<object(.*)<\/object>/i', "Whatever I need here...", $str); I know its lame but its my first try. Thanks for ...

Facebook Connect on Coldfusion 8

Hi, I am trying to get ColdFusion 8 work with FB Connect I am running CF8 on IIS, Windows Server 2003. I use this FB Connect wrapper for ColdFusion written by James Constable, http://jamesconstable.co.uk/web-development/facebook-connect-library-for-coldfusion The library is written for Railo server, I managed to port it (or i thin...

getting _POST value of fb:request-form FBML - PHP

Hi there I am using this following code trying to build an app that simulates sending gift to other users, <fb:request-form action="sendgift" method="post" type="gifts" invite="false" content='Enter the name of your friends whom you will send GIFT to <fb:req-choice url="http://apps.facebook.com/appname" label="Confi...

FBML elements rendering delay

I am using FBML for rendering certain elements on the page such as the name of the user, profil pic, etc. However when there are many FBML elements on page, there is a slight delay which occurs before they are rendered - that's fine since AJAX calls are made to the server to fetch the data by the JS FB library. However, I want to hide th...

How can I distribute a bookmarklet in FBML?

I have a JavaScript bookmarklet that I'd like fans of a certain page to take. Unfortunately, the only way I've found of distributing it is giving them the raw JavaScript source, which is then problematic to add as a bookmark. Ideally, I'd use <a href="javascript:/*my bookmarklet*/">Drag this to the bookmarks bar</a> But FBML filters ...

How to Prompt user with permission dialog in iframe application

Hi, I am using Facebook.showPermissionDialog("read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email") to show permission dialog. Its working in FBML mode but the problem is in IFRAME mode. The below code also works fine in FBML mode but not in Iframe mode. fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email">Al...

How to attach application withj facebook publisher

Many time i found several facebook application on my attach list of publisher . how can I do it for my facebook application? ...