
XFBML fb:login_button only loading 20% of the time

I have a fb:login-button that is working but the button only displays about 20% of the time I load the page. Have a look here to see what I mean, bearing in mind I have never had to refresh the page more than 20 times before I finally turns up. What am I doing wrong...( Head: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "h...

Post-Render Fbml (Ajax Callback)

Hi there, i am doing a simple ajax call with FBJS. The server returns a fbml string which i render in one of my DIVs. The Problem: FB doesnt render the prefix for attributes like style, onclick etc. I have seen a function for some kind of post-rendering somewhere. But i cant remember Thanks for helping. ...

NO FBML is working in iframe in facebook using PHP (ie or ff or anywhere else!)

I have tried for three days now and gotten nowhere on this.... I absolutely can not get any "fb:" code to render anything! I've tried the exact code in the sandbox and it works fine. I've read through every search result I could find and gotten nowhere... I'm using a standard xd_receiver page, and in the body there's this line: < scr...

Facebook dev - loading fbml & html code into a div in an iFrame via Ajax

I've got an iframe application that's working fine and rendering fbml in facebook. But the whole app is built using ajax calls to load large chunks of pages. Several of these have < fb: tags that aren't being rendered when they load. I tried the code below, which is then loaded into a div in my index page, but it doesn't show anything at...

Redirection inside a "Static FBML" tab

On Facebook, is it possible to use a redirect statement inside a "Static FBML" tab? I've been trying to use but with no success. ...

FBML application - "fb:prompt-permission" prompts user to connect with fb even he has connected

Facebook - FBML application prompts user an additional dialog box of "this site requires that you connect with facebook" The user has already connected tho How to eliminate that facebook connect box? ...

FBML tag to detect user language in a tab

I have a custom tab for a fan page that need to display a JPEG image. I have an image in English and one in French. Is there a way to detect the user locale in FBML to display the right image? I know how to do this server side using the Facebook fb_sig_locale param but I was planning on just using the Static FBML app which is much simpl...

document.getElementById not working at FBJS

I'm developing apps at Facebook using FBML and FBJS. When I tried to use document.getElementById to read tag, it did not reply the correct value. Can we really use this command on FBML to get data? Here is detail of my code : <input type="hidden" value="123" id="number"/> <a href="#" onclick="new Dialog().showMessage('Dialog', documen...

Snatching the code of a Facebook fan page canvas?

I am trying to snatch the code of this fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/See-oho-nieps-YothG-RRofiLe/106340746065367 I need the function that suggests the fan page to the users friends automatically (not for spamming purposes as the above fan page is used for). Now by looking at the source, I know that the code is under the pagele...

Facebook fan page canvas source?

Im trying to understand how to learn reading the source of a facebook fan page. So far, I can only get the layout displayed while viewing the source. Here is an example: If you go here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/See-oho-nieps-YothG-RRofiLe/106340746065367#!/pages/Milton-Keynes-United-Kingdom/IF-MR-BEAN-WAS-IN-AVATAR-HE-WOULD-LOOK-LI...

facebook quote application error

how do i code a facebook quote application taking its data from php/mysql page generating quotes randomely? i've already developed one, but it's using jquery which fbml doesn't support and since i'd like the profile tab i'd rather go for fbml instead of iframe. anyone have any ideas on how to do this without jquery or using fbjs? thank...

fbjs ajax to load content

i tried one of the examples here to load the content in the div, but apart from displaying the image, it doesn't show anything. can anyone please point out where i'm going wrong? ajax1.js: function General_Refresh(url,div){ //Showing the load image (pay attention to /> of <img document.getElementById(div).setInnerXHTML('<span id=...

showing content in profile box from another file

i'm stuck at this facebook application, not knowing how do i go ahead. for the canvas, the app works quite perfectly. i've two pages, quote.html and quote.php. in quote.html, quote.php [which gets the quotes from the database] is called through ajax which displays a quote randomly for 10 secs. however, for the wall tab/profile box, i ...

FBML is not rendered in Facebook App in iframe - please help

I'm developing an Facebook Application in PHP. It's loaded as an iframe and not as FBML. The normal interaction with Facebook works. For example the following code gives the username: $facebook = new Facebook($config->appapikey, $config->appsecret); $user_id = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email'); echo $user->name; ...

How can I add a text to a custom page, which will appear when I click on some button or Image?

I need a FBML/FBJS code, which will reveal the text on the click of a button or image. Can anyone help me? ...

Send POST data with FBML on Facebook

I'm new at this, and I can't seem to find the documentation that explains this. But I want to create a Facebook page, where you can send POST data to an external server, preferably with AJAX. Can someone please point me in the right direction, as I'm stumbling blind. ...

converted javascript to fbjs - tabs still not working

Hey all, I tried my best to convert javascript to fbjs according to this page: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/FBJS. Yet my tabs are still not working properly. Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this so I can click through the tabs and display and hide content accordingly: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- va...

Showing popup in the new FB JS SDK

HI, I used to have an Href in my website, when users clicked on it, multi friend selector showed so they can incite their friends to my website. That was done using the following code: FB.ensureInit(function() { var dialog = new FB.UI.FBMLPopupDialog('XXXXXXX', ''); var fbml = 'Multi-Friend-Selector FBML' dialo...

FBML in Rails views using Facebooker

Hi all, I have successfully wired up a Facebook Connect application and everything is working fine. I can sign new users up with Facebook, or I can link existing users with Facebook. No problems there. However, now I am trying to add an Invite page, where a user can see which of their Friends have the application, and then show them ...

fb:live-stream won't work in Chrome

The fb:live-stream tag won't work in Chrome when I add it to my facebook application. It works fine in Firefox. <div class="content"> <fb:live-stream event_app_id="1234" width="519" height="625"/> </div> Anyone already had this problem? ...