
Using Fiddler for measuring performance

I am playing around with Fiddler to gather stats on how long a ASP.NET page takes to load. In the Statistics tab, I see the Total Sequence Time Does this number include ALL the following: 1. Time over the wire 2. Downloading JS files 3. Running any JS scripts on load 4. Making any database calls 5. Running server side logic Anyth...

Get HTTP requests and responses made using HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse to show in Fiddler

Is there any way I can hook Fiddler up to capture requests and responses made using .NET HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse? ...

Trying to grab XML from a SSL web service call using Fiddler???

Fiddler seems to be killing a webservice call I'm making via SSL. When I have fiddler capturing traffic (with Decrypt HTTPS traffic and Ignore cert errors both checked), my Web Service call becomes untrusted (I'm able to view SSL in a browser, but the web service call seems to be 'not ignored'). Essentially, I'm trying to catch the X...

How to make Fiddler listen to all IPs

Hi, I'm having trouble with one server sending data to another server, so I thought: let's debug it. I can setup a proxy, so why not use Fiddler? So I made the server use fiddler running on my computer, by setting the host to my computer's IP ( and the port to 8888. The problem is that fiddler is listening to localhost:88...

Force visual studio to start development server using the hostname localhost. (with period at end)

Is it possible to change the hostname that the development server fires up in visual studio 2008? Ultimately I would like visual studio to start directly on http://localhost.:xxxx/ (note the period). As I am doing more ajax type calls I find that I need to inspect traffic more often using tools like fiddler to check responses/request...

castle monorails no simultaneous requests from the same user

I have created an website in Castle Monorails and the users that are using the site are complaining that it is very slow so I have done some investigations with fiddler and I discovered that the requests (from the same user) are not simultaneous. I have tried to use but it is not working and it seams that Castle monorail does not suppor...

Java Applets, Internet Explorer and Fiddler

Wish the latest Java runtimes (1.5 or 1.6) is the applet pluggin suppoed to use the Internet Explorer web stack to download the .jar file? The reason I ask is I can't see the request in Fiddler. More background - I'm trying to troubleshoot this error: load: class at.workforce.applet.VMVersionApplet.class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFou...

Using PHP cURL with an HTTP Debugging Proxy

I'm using the app "Fiddler" to debug a GET attempt to a website via PHP cURL. In order to see the cURL traffic I had to specify that the cURL connection use the Fiddler proxy (see code below). $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_...

Fiddler (v2) Hidden Features?

Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Do you happen to know about anything cool, yet pretty hidden in Fiddler (version 2)? Or a cool addon (that doesn't appear in the official site)? ...

Why is http-response in chunked transfer-encoding only for some clients

Hi! I have an mvc application running on IIS 7. The problem I'm having is that depending on client the response may be recived (as seen through fiddler) as "chunked transfer-encoding. What I can't understand is why this only happens to some of my clients (even if two computers is on the same network with the same browser (IE 8) ...

What do you wish Fiddler could do that it can't... or that you can't figure out how to do?

In this question's comment, EricLaw (the author of Fiddler) wrote: Fiddler has lots of interesting features, but not all of them are super well-documented. A related question would be: "What do you wish Fiddler could do that it can't... or that you can't figure out how to do?" – EricLaw -MSFT- Nov 2 at 2:54 Following th...

Homemade .net stress tool only creates stress when Fiddler is on -- why?

When trying to apply some heavy stress on a new web app, we were having trouble with our usual array of free tools (WAS, some other free ms tool (wcat?)), so i created a v. quick and dirty tool that would use a .net webrequest object, open up new threads, and continually hit a list urls from a file. On a single thread it produced a littl...

What is the magic behind that DOT which makes Fiddler work?

It took me a while to learn that I have to put a dot after the "localhost" in the URL so that I can use fiddler with my development server. Why do I need to put this dot here to make fiddler work for my local: http://localhost.:1888/MyPage.aspx What does it stand for? thanks ...

Fiddler: Can it be used as a proxy server with arbitray source IP addr

Hi folks: As title mentioned, can achieve it with Fiddler? Thanks. ...

Fiddler with White UI automation

Hi I have very wired problem. I have a WPF application that calls web services. When I run the application I can see the communication to the services through fiddler. I wrote some UI automation test for the WPF application, using White framework from thoughtworks. When I run the tests with NUnit, the tests will start up the applica...

Integrate fiddler with Flex technology

Hi, How can I integrate fiddler with Flex 3? Flex uses - AMF protocol to exchange messages. Can someone please help me in integrating Fiddler with Flex technology? ...

injecting javascript to website using fiddler

Hi, I was thinking of using fiddler for the following purpose - I have a javascript based service I want to demonstrate to potential clients. In order to show them what their web site could look like if they install (i.e. include) my javascript, I want to set up fiddler on my pc, so that when fetching the client's website, the <script...

How do I use Fiddler to listen to the development server (i.e. cassini)?

I am attempting to debug a (RESTful) WCF app using Fiddler. I run my project via VS IDE - which launches my app in the ASP.NET Development Server aka Cassini. I then launch Fiddler and in the Request Builder tab enter the following: "http://localhost:1066/GeneralService/sections/summary" with GET as the http method. Fiddler respon...

How to generate sample 401, 403 http responses?

I want to generate sample http 401 403 responses in fiddler, how do I do that? is there any sites I can point to get this? ...

Monitoring secure traffic from a Yahoo widget

I'm trying to log all traffic from a Yahoo widget that uses a secure connection. Right now I'm using Fiddler with both "Capture HTTPS CONNECTs" and "Decrypt HTTPS traffic" enabled. Now, when I do this with a normal web page, I can see the SSL auths as well as all the web traffic. With this Yahoo widget though, all I see are the CONN...