
Lucene QueryParser two Fields

hello i read but i didn't get it. at the moment i have a very strange construction like: parser = New QueryParser("bodytext", analyzer) parser2 = New QueryParser("title", analyzer) query = parser.Parse(strSuchbegriff) query2 = parser....

C# Using table.row.field values in a report header/footer

Hi all, now that my head is no longer swollen from pounding against the wall on untyped dataset report building, I have a new issue (head still hurts). I have a dataset that has two result tables in it. The first table has some summarization and other "static" values as a result of the query / processing to build the detail table for r...

Initializing fields in inherited classes

What's the best way to initialize constants or other fields in inherited classes? I realize there are many syntax errors in this example, but this is the best example to explain clearly what I am trying to do. public abstract class Animal { public abstract const string Name; // #1 public abstract const bool CanFly; public abstract...

C# Getter/Setter problem

Say i have a property in a class: Vector3 position{get; set;} So i create an instance of that class somewhere and now i want to change position.x, that would be impossible now because the getter and setter set and get the whole object. So i have to make a temporary Vector3 change its values and then assign it. Normally i would make ...

SQLite: <> for each id in Table1, Table2

I need the primary keys of 2 sqlite tables (say, id1 and id2) to be related such that no id1 can be equal to any id2 and viceversa. This is because I need to obtain from these 2 tables the same type of xml element, with unique attribute id. Is there a way either in sql as understood by sqlite or in "classic" sql to express such constrain...

Android private fields naming guidelines are ok?

Here it is stated that : "Field Names * Non-public, non-static field names start with m. * Static field names start with s. * Other fields start with a lower case letter. * Public static final fields (constants) are ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES. " also s...

Why ever use fields instead of properties?

I'm fairly new to C#, and I think properties are a wonderful thing. So wonderful, in fact, that I can't see any real advantage to using fields, instead. Even for private fields, it seems like the flexibility and modularity that properties offer can at best save you serious headaches, and at worst have no effect at all. The only advantag...

JS Input box more of them?

Hello. I have a profile.php, where each user in the community have their profile. Now i want to do something smart out of the editing, so i wish to do so when you click on a field it turns to a input and then you can edit it the field.. (example:, click on "Click ME") Anyways, I know how to do this already, heres a script:...

Django ModelForm with extra fields

I have done a ModelForm adding some extra fields that are not in the model. I use these fields for some calcualtions when saving the form. The extra fields appear on the form and they are sent in the POST request when uploading the form. The problem is they are not added to the cleaned_data dictionary when I validate the form. ¿How can I...

C#, immutability and public readonly fields

I have read in many places that exposing fields publicly is not a good idea, because if you later want to change to properties, you will have to recompile all the code which uses your class. However, in the case of immutable classes, I don't see why you would ever need to change to properties - you're not going to be adding logic to the...

Can the terms 'variable' and 'field' be used interchangeably in java?

While studying java with several books, none of them seem to make it clear when to use which term. Right now I understand it as follows: Variables are defined within a method, while fields are part of a class. ...

How do I correctly align numeric fields in Crystal Reports 2008?

I've got a problem in Crystal Reports that's been bugging me for years, and I wondered if anybody might have a solution. I've got a few fields (data fields and formulae, numeric and string) all aligning to the left in design mode. When I move to preview mode, the numeric fields never line up with the other fields, and they are slightly...

RUby on Rails nested dynamic fields

Hi guys! I have a problem to find the right way to program dynamic fields. For example: I have two radio buttons and depending on how the user selects one radio button, it extends the form with different fields. Start form: - Radio button: car - Radio button: ship - Text field: name If the user clicks on the radio button "car" the for...

Best way to embed data fields in text?

What's the best way to embed data fields in text so they are easily retrievable, and don't affect readability (much)? For instance, I could do something like "Some instructions here, followed by @firstname:John @lastname:Smith\n", and then write code to parse out the fields. Then I could begin to work out the problems, like embedded...

why non-static fields cannot be initialized inside structs

Consider this code block: struct Animal { public string name = ""; // Error public static int weight = 20; // OK // initialize the non-static field here public void FuncToInitializeName() { name = ""; // Now correct } } Why can we initialize a static field inside...

UpdateModel not working consistently for me if a ddl gets hidden by jQuery

Hi My jQuery code hides a ddl under certain circumstances. When this is the case, after submitting the form, using the UpdateModel doesn't seem to work consistently. My code in the controller: // POST: /IllnessDetail/Edit [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(IllnessDetail ill) { I...

Reading DataSet structure without reading it's data.

Scenerio: I want to add a calculated field to given (any) dataset during runtime. I don't know any other way to obtain a dataset structure other than performing DataSet.Open method. But the Open method causes that atleast one row of a data needs to be transfered from server to client. Then I need to close the DataSet, add field and reo...

SHAREPOINT: Custom Field type property storage defined for custom field

ok here is a great question. I have a set of generic custom fields that are highly configurable from an end user perspective and the configuration is getting overbearing as there are nearly 100 plus items each custom field allows you to perform in the areas of Server/Client Validation, Server/Client Events/Actions, Server/Client Bindings...

how do I validate form fields in sharepoint list?

I want to validate the fields of the list item while adding/editing and stop the saving operation and provide the error information what the user made on that page itself. For ex, if I want to prevent user not to leave few fields set before saving based on particular status of another field, I cannot make the field as mandatory. ...

Emerging computer fields to gain expertise in, to boost professional development

Hi, I am a budding engineer and am trying to find an emerging computer technology field in which i can become an expert mainly to boost professional development speed. for example A linux kernel expert is valued right at the top in many companies. (I am looking for something like this in a more emerging field so that I can be one of th...