
403 forbidden error when trying to add a sharepoint lookup or person or group field

After creating a new list in SharePoint, I can add other types of fields, but not lookup fields or person or group fields. When creating a new column... as soon as I change the column type radio to one of these two types of fields, I get a 403 forbidden error. Any ideas why that might be happening? Is it a setting in Central Administra...

Sharepoint: Convert a SPFieldMultilineText to SPFieldText

Hi Is it possible to programmatically change a "multi-line text field" to "single-line text field" ? SPFieldMultiLineText field = list.Fields["sample"] as SPFieldMultiLineText; // how to change the type to 'single line' now ? Or do I need to create an additional field (with a similiar name) and migrate the content? Thanks for any he...

Fields not present in custom Content Type (inherited from "Page") SharePoint

Hi! so I want to deploy a custom Content Type based on "Page" by Feature. The deployment of the Content Types works fine -- the custom Content Types is created based on "Page". The thing that is missing are the FieldRefs: The Fields I reference in the FieldRefs Tag are not showing up in my deployed Content Type. My Elements.xml looks ...

MySQL UpdateXML with automatic node inserting?

I am writing an application that supports custom fields. Currently I store all custom fields in a XML formated text field ( e.g. '<root><field1>val1</field1><field2>val2</field2></root>' in cust_field) I am able to to use updateXML(cust_field, '/root/field1', '<field1>new value</field1') to update those values, however if I use updateXM...

jQuery to populate array-named form fields based on first entered value where number of fields is unknown

Greetings, I have a form with a variable number of inputs, a simplified version of which looks like this: <form> <label for="same">all the same as first?</label> <input id="same" name="same" type="checkbox" /> <input type="text" id="foo[1]" name="foo[1]" value="" /> <input type="text" id="foo[2]" name="foo[2]" value="" /> <input type="...

PHP: Type hints for fields with Eclipse PDT

Using Eclipse + PDT, I know that you can specify the return type of a method or the type of a variable within a method via type hints. How about class fields? Can I declare the type of a field in order to enable autocompletion for that variable? I tried something on the lines of: class MyClass { protected $Field; /* @var $Field MyT...

Select statement that combines similar rows with certain ids?

hi I have a warehouse_products table which defines how many products in the warehouses so lets say I have 20 records/rows in the table, some rows may contain the same product id but in a different warehouse I need to create select statement that give every product one row, and in this row I must have the quantity in warehouse A and wa...

Why a new instance uses logger from old instances?

I generate 2 instances in this way: gameManager manager1 = new CTManager(owner,players1,"en"); manager1.start(); gameManager manager2 = new CTManager(owner,players2,"en"); manager2.start(); The start() method of the gameManager looks like that: void start() { game.start(); } When I create the game instance I cre...

Definition of variables/fields type within a constructor, how is it done?

I just had a look at Suns Java tutorial, and found something that totally confused me: Given the following example: public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) { gear = startGear; cadence = startCadence; speed = startSpeed; } Why is it, that the types of the variables (fields?) gear, cadence and speed do not nee...

How to design this simple database?

I have 2 tables - one storing user information (id, username, password) and the second one storing information about events (id, name, description, date, username(represents the user who created the event)). I would like to implement 'favourite events' functionality. This would allow the user to store his favourite events and later displ...

Hide fields in Django admin

I'm tying to hide my slug fields in the admin by setting editable=False but every time I do that I get the following error: KeyError at /admin/website/program/6/ Key 'slug' not found in Form Request Method: GET Request URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/website/program/6/ Exception Type: KeyError Exception Value: Key 'slug' not fou...

Add a Session Variable or Custom field to the Elmah Error Log table

I want to add my own session variable to elmah error log table and display it. I already have modified the source code and added the new fields to Error.cs and other fields but I don't know but when I assign an HttpContext.Current.Session["MyVar"].tostring() value to my field in the constructor it stops logging exceptions and does not lo...

MySQL syntax: can't create table

mysql> create table balance_sheet( -> Cash_and_cash_equivalents VARCHAR(20), -> Trading_financial_assets VARCHAR(20), -> Note_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Account_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Advance_money VARCHAR(20), -> Interest_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Dividend_receivable VARCHAR(20), -> Other_note...

Change field access to getter / setter method access

Hi everyone, is it possible to change external class field accesses in Java to getter / setter calls automatically, and also hide the exposed fields? I'm using Javabeans and I want change notifications when a field property changes (this is important). I've found cglib which can automatically insert the property change call to the Prope...

django simple approach to multi-field search

I have a simple address book app that I want to make searchable. The model would look something like: class Address(models.Model): address1 = models.CharField("Address Line 1", max_length=128) address2 = models.CharField("Address Line 2", max_length=128) city = models.CharField("City", max_length=128) state = mode...

Redemption using filter on a custom datetime field in contacts.

Hello, I'm having a problem using a filter on a custom date in contacts. RDOItems Contacts = null; string strSearch = string.Empty; strSearch = AddQuotes("{01234567-8901-2345-C678-901234567801}/CustomFieldString"); strSearch += " ...

Problem with event receiver in visual studio 2010

Hi everyone, I am trying to figure out how to get the title of a list item from the base.ItemAdding(properties); I know it's somewhere in properties, because what I want to do is copy the item that was just added to another list, meaning that the same item will be added to another list, can anyone help me get the the value of the fields...

Customizing Django form widgets? - Django

Hi folks, I'm having a little problem here! I have discovered the following as being the globally accepted method for customizing Django admin field. from django import forms from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe class AdminImageWidget(forms.FileInput): """ A ImageField Widget for admin that shows a thumbnail. "...

How can i have custom fields on the posts page in wordpress?

First I've created a home.php page to replace index.php and can add some custom fields on this new one and to have in it lastest 3 posts. On home.php page I put: <?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'test', true); ?>"/> but it doesn't works cause it tries get the post id and not the id of the page. If i put 18 (id of the page) directl...

basics of c++ encapsulation

I have a task to create class Encapsulation, with fields in available encapsulation sections. Then I must create an application showing all allowed and forbidden methods of fields access. What are the encapsulations sections in c++ ? And what methods apart from object.field or *object->field are there anyway ? ...