
How can I read/write bits from/to a file in Java?

I need to read file stream as bits and then I should be able to write bits to file again. Are there any classes for this purpose? ...

ASP.NET - Imitating a desktop app that copies files to a temp location before upload - possible strategies

Hi everyone, We have a desktop app that allows users to fill in a questionnaire. For certain question types, users can upload files. The desktop app performs the following logic: copies the file to a temp location reads the bytes from the copy and caches in memory uploads all cached bytes when the questionnaire is submitted It do...

Is it possible to recursively require all files in a directory in Ruby?

I am working on an API that needs to load all of the .rb files in its current directory and all subdirectories. Currently, I am entering a new require statement for each file that I add but I would like to make it where I only have to place the file in one of the subdirectories and have it automatically added. Is there a standard comma...

How to have pages without filenames (e.g. http://localhost/site/logoff)

I have a test site. I want the user to be able to logoff, but it looks ugly to go to: 'localhost/site/index.php?logoff=y'. I'm a newby at PHP, and it's probably pretty obvious how to do this, but... How would I do this? I want the logoff link to go to 'localhost/site/logoff' Any help appreciated. Thanks ...

What file do you edit the most within your project?

Lately I have been editing a single CSS file over and over, and it got me to thinking what files do you touch most within your project? For me it would be the environment.rb, or the en.yml file if I was coding in Rails. I would like to update a list here with the most frequent files over time. Rails environment.rb en.yml ...

File placement for iPhone Applications

If your application accesses and edits an already existing file is it okay for that file just to be placed in the resources folder? ...

Eclipse and Windows 7

I have reinstalled my computer with Windows 7, and Eclipse 3.5.1 (Galileo). The weird thing is that I can not see any files that Eclipse produces. I can not find the workspace, can not find the files from the SVN after check out. It seems like Windows 7 can not read the files produced by Eclipse ... wierd What could be the reason for...

How do I download a file over HTTP using Ruby?

How do I download a file over HTTP using Ruby? ...

Can PHP's glob() do a not wildcard?

I know I can do this glob('/dir/somewhere/*.zip'); but is there a way to return all files that are not ZIPs? Or should I just iterate through and filter off ones with that extension? Thanks ...

Update config file with classic ASP

I have a configuration file that i would like to update with classic asp. Lets say the conf file looks like this: [Parameters] param1 = 'foo' param2 = 'boo' param3 = 'moo' param4 = 'choo' What I would like to do is write a script to change param2 and param4 to have different. As I am not all that great with asp, I was wondering what...

Checking Mutex release

I have a multithreaded application written in C++. And I'm using mutex for file writes. I have a suspicion that somewhere during the execution of the program, the mutex isn't being released. So I was wondering if there was a way to check for mutex locks and releases on a file, programmatically or otherwise. I'm running the code on SuseLi...

How to Copy a large set of files from a sub folder to the installer

Hi All, I would like to know how to copy a large set of files Eg: I have 100 files in folder named ABC It will be a herculean task to mention it each file component by component instead is there any option to include a wild card . type. Please help me out.. ...

Bash || within if []; block

I have code matching: if [ $LAST_MODIFIED -lt 3600 || ! -f "$i" ]; then wget $WGET_OPTS $BASE$i LAST_MODIFIED=`echo "\`date +%s\` - \`stat -c %Y $i\`" | bc` if [ $LAST_MODIFIED -lt 500 ]; then $FILES_MODIFIED++ fi fi $i is defined via for i in `/bin/grep ".gz" index.html | awk -F\" '{print $2}'` however, bas...

Copying files in Xcode

I've created some files in Xcode. Now I want to copy some of them. How should I do that? Currently, I copy them in Finder & copy those back into Xcode in order to work on them. There must be a better way. ...

System call in unix: directories and files

hi I'm trying to understand system calls: directories and files on unix, .. I found this website where they explain some calls with their own examples, but do not understand these code snippets .. void state (char *file) { struct stat buf; struct passwd *pw; struct group *gr; int i; if (stat(file, &buf)...

Merging '<Files>' directives in .htaccess?

My .htaccess file looks like this: <Files misc> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> <Files computers> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> <Files products> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> ...and several more. However, given that the directive is called File**s** (i.e. plural), it seems like there should be...

Java - HowTo extract MimeType from a byte[]

Hi all, I've a web page that that can be used to upload files. Now I need to check if the file type is correct (zip, jpg, pdf,...). I can use the mimeType that comes with the request but I don't trust the user and let's say I want to be sure that nobody is able to upload a .gif file that was renamed in .jpg I think that in this case I s...

Control pdb file output from build defintion file

Hello, I am trying to generate a release build with no pdb files generated. I have seen numerous posts that suggest right-clicking on the project, selecting Properties, going to the Build tab and then to the Advanced... butoon and changing Debug Info to none. This works and all, but I need to do this for a build of ~50 solutions which...

Access to a path denied trying to write and read a file in web application

Hi friends, I have file writing permission denied problem in my web application, below is the error i'm getting Access to the path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\autohyperlink\files\test.txt' is denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information...

Headers from Remote Server with CDN

I have a CDN that is storing media files. Each file I want to store as just the ID number of the file in the data so, = 4423342 on the server. The problem is, the CDN does not allow php or any form of programming. How can I make it so I have a local file that is used to set the headers and let me change it so when they download ...