
CFBundleDocumentTypes and iPad camera connection kit (SD reader)

I am trying to register a custom document type in an iPad app, with the hopes that I can be prompted to work with files on an SD card attached to the iPad through the camera connection kit. Does anyone know if this is currently possible (or even for sure if it's not possible)? I was hoping that the Camera tab in Photos would use a docu...

What file format contents starts with "URES"?

I have a number of files that contain data in a format I am not familiar with. All of the data files begin with the same byte sequence, presumably a file header, and the sequence is "URES". I'm assuming that these files are some kind of resource file, perhaps a collection of data or other files all embedded into one file; that's just a...

How to associate application with existing file types using WiX installer?

related to this: but not a duplicate. I need to handle existing file types (.jpg files). I do not want to be the default handler for .jpg, I would just like to extend the "Open with" menu with a link to my app. I see HKCR\.jpg\OpenWith...

How to delete ProgIDs from other user accounts when uninstalling from Windows?

I've been investigating "how should a modern windows c++ application register its file types" with Windows (see And having combed through the various MSDN articles on the subject, the summary appears to be as follo...

Programatically find out a file type by looking its binary content. Possible?

I have a c# component that will recieve a file of the following types .doc, .pdf, .xls, .rtf These will be sent by the calling siebel legacy app as a filestream. So... [LegacyApp] >> {Binary file stream} >> [Component] The legacy app is a black box that cant be modified to tell the component what file type (doc,pdf,xls) it is sendi...

Android: Issue with acceptable file types via bluetooth

Hi guys, i've got a problem with pushing files to my nexus one: It seems to me that there is only a small selection of file types that are accepted by my phone (such like jpg, gif and so on). I recently tried to push other files to my phone (in my case gpx) and my phone has rejected it automatically... is there a way to bypass or ext...

java: play an avi file with default (os assigned) application, within a java application

I'm using java, in a java application for MACINTOSH computers. The application creates an AVI, and I'd like to open it on the users computer with the default assigned application for playing AVI files. Any ideas? ...

Creating an application that can open files of a given format

I've got an app, written in Obj-C. The info.plist has a list of file types that the app can open. I'm pretty sure that this is working because when I try to drag a file of an unacceptable type, the app doesn't highlight, but when I drag a file of an acceptable type, it does highlight, and lets me drop. When I drop, the app starts up, co...

How can I restrict file types in SharePoint 2010, Any Tutorial

hi, I would need to restrict some file types in sharepoint 2010 like rft's etc. how can i do that? ...

How to make *.py files have the python icon in Win7?

Hi! Installed the IronPython tools for VS 2010 but it didn't associate the *.py files to VS, neither did it (obviously) change the *.py files' icon. How do I do that in Windows 7? ...

How to define multiple Commands for same File Type in VS2010 Deployment Project?

In my solution I have 2 project. Let's call them the "editor" and the "player". They both operate on the same file type. Now in my deployment project, I have set up a new file type ".myext", and defined the command to the primary output of "editor". Then I created an action "Edit". So far so good. Now I want a second action called "Play"...

Trying to compile x64 app on linux with mono gives PE32Plus error?

the full error is Error CS8088: Your .NET Runtime does not support `PE32Plus'. Please use the latest Mono runtime instead. (CS8088) (test) this is on a x86_64 linux system with mono and monodevelop installed as x86_64. This happens with any application I try to compile as x64 including an empty test program. I have mono 2....

How to set a content-type for a specific file with Rack?

I want to have Rack serve a specific file with a specific content type. It's a .htc file and it needs to be served as text/x-component so that IE will recognize it. In apache I would just do AddType text/x-component .htc How can I achieve this with Rack? Currently the file is served by Rack::Static, but I didn't find an option to set ...

Assigning UTI to file type

I'm trying to add UTI for a pair of file types, matching by extension. I think I've got it setup properly - at the very least, the file extension -> UTI mapping is recognized (I declared it as an imported type in info.plist). However, when I try to get the UTI off of my test file, I get back a dynamic UTI. Here's the sample code I'm usin...

Have I used uniform type identifiers correctly?

I'm creating an application for Mac OS X, and I wanted to know whether I've used UTIs properly in the application's .plist file: <key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>com.petroules.silverlock.database</string> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>Silv...

Getting File Associations using Windows API

I'm working on a console based file browser for Windows in C++ and am having difficulties getting together a context menu that lists actions associated with a file and calls commands on them. The biggest issue right now is getting the actions tied to the file types. I know of the process to open and tweak the registry keys in HKEY_CLASS...

Is there a collection of consistent and nice document icons (e.g. HTML, ZIP, PDF)?

I am looking for a collection of consistent, nice looking, system neutral document icons. For example, if you check the entry of PDF file format or the ZIP file format in wikipedia you find at right side a document icon for the respective file. However, these icons are neither free nor have a consistent design. Systems like OS X, Windows...

What is the difference between .psd (photoshop) and .xcf (gimp) file types?

What are the technical specifications/capabilities of each file format? Does one type handle certain types of graphics better than the other? ...

How can I tell if a file is text using PHP?

I'm making a search engine for our gigantic PHP codebase. Given a filepath, how can I determine with some degree of certainty whether a file is a text file, or some other type? I'd prefer not to have to resort to file extensions (like substr($filename, -3) or something silly), as this is a linux based filesystem, so anything goes as far...

Which Visual C++ file types should be committed to version control?

Which Visual Studio \ Visual C++ file types should be committed to version control? In my project I have the following file types: aps cpp exe filters h ico idb ipch lastbuildstate lib log manifest obj pch pdb rc rc2 res sdf sln tlog txt user vcxproj I would greatly appreciate a short reasoning for each. If any of them are controversi...