
public static final variable in an imported java class

hi all, I happen to come across a Java code at my work place. Here's the scenario: There are 2 classes - ClassA and ClassB. ClassA has nothing except 4 public static final string values inside it. Its purpose is to use those values like ClassA.variable (don't ask me why, it's not my code). ClassB imports ClassA. I edited the string va...

final methods are inlined?

Are Java final methods automatically inlined? Many books says yes many books says no!!! ...

How can I assign final variables of the base class within a derived class' constructor in Java?

I have a base Color class that looks something like this. The class is designed to be immutable, so as a result has final modifiers and no setters: public class Color { public static Color BLACK = new Color(0, 0, 0); public static Color RED = new Color(255, 0, 0); //... public static Color WHITE = new Color(255, 255, 255...

Behaviour of final static method

I have been playing around with modifiers with static method and came across a weird behaviour. As we know, static methods cannot be overridden, as they are associated with class rather than instance. So if I have the below snippet, it compiles fine //Snippet 1 - Compiles fine public class A{ static void ts(){} } class B extends...

Proper way to declare and set a private final member variable from the constructor in Java?

There are different ways to set a member variable from the constructor. I am actually debating how to properly set a final member variable, specifically a map which is loaded with entries by a helper class. public class Base { private final Map<String, Command> availableCommands; public Base() { availableCommands = Helpe...

Java: Why does this method have side effects?

I have a method that is producing side effects, even though certain variables are marked final. Why is this? Perhaps I am confused about what final does. @Test public void testSubGraph() { WeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> g = generateSimpleCaseGraph(); Graph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> sub = ChooseRoot.subgraphInDirection(...

Subclassing a final class; or, a Degenerate Decorator

I have a number of different representations of the same kind of object; let's call it a Thing. "Thing" is a marker interface. ThingFormat0, ThingFormat1, ThingFormat2 etc. are all JavaBeans that implement Thing. (Because they are JavaBeans, a JSON marshaller automatically converts them to and from JSON automatically.) ThingFormat1 h...

How to handle a static final field initializer that throws checked exception

Hello all, I am facing a use case where I would like to declare a static finalfield with an initializer statement that is declared to throw a checked exception. Typically, it'd look like this: public static final ObjectName OBJECT_NAME = new ObjectName("foo:type=bar"); The issue I have here is that the `ObjectName` constructor may thr...

Is it a bad idea to declare a final static method?

I understand that in this code: class Foo { public static void method() { System.out.println("in Foo"); } } class Bar extends Foo { public static void method() { System.out.println("in Bar"); } } .. the static method in Bar 'hides' the static method declared in Foo, as opposed to overriding it in the ...

Where are Java final local variables stored?

Take the following example: public void init() { final Environment env = new Environment(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { env.close(); } }); } Firstly, where is env stored? Is it: copied by the compiler into a hidden member variable of the inner clas...

Make private methods final?

Is it beneficial to make private methods final? Would that improve performance? I think "private final" doesn't make much sense, because a private method cannot be overridden. So the method lookup should be efficient as when using final. And would it be better to make a private helper method static (when possible)? What's best to use?...

Is it bad practice to declare a class's ctor 'final' in PHP?

If I have a parent class that is extended by lots and lots of other classes, and I want to make sure the parent class's constructor is ALWAYS run, is it a bad idea to declare the constructor final? I was thinking of doing something like this: class ParentClass { public final function __construct() { //parent class initial...

Final variables accessibility

Why can't Final variables be accessed in a static variables. At the compile time they are simply substituted directly substituted with their values so, they should be allowed to use even in static methods why is this restriction??? ...

Why is String final in Java?

From when I learned that the class java.lang.String is declared as final in Java, I was wondering why is that? I didn't find any answer back then, but this post: How to create a replica of String class in Java? reminded me of my query. Sure, String provides all the functionality I ever needed, and never thought of any operation that wo...

Is there any functional difference between c# sealed and Java's final keyword?

In Java final applies to more than just a class. So, I wonder: is there any functional difference between the two keywords? Thank you, and sorry for a relatively noob question. A quick Google search did not satisfy my needs. ...

Final variable and synchronized block in java

What is final variable ? (if I write final int temp ; in function what is the meaning ?) For which goal use final variable(both class variable and in function variable) ? why variable in synchronized block must declare final ? ...

Does the Java 'final' keyword actually improve security?

While there are many reasons to use the 'final' keyword in Java, one of the ones I keep hearing over and over again is that it makes your code more secure. While this seems to make sense in this trivial case: public class Password { public final String passwordHash; ... } With the final keyword, you would expect that no malici...

Why do Variables that are local to a method cannot be declared final?

Hi I like to know why Variables that are local to a method cannot be declared final.. Is there any specific reason? Does it mean are there no local constants in java? ...

How to declare local "variables" as final in Objective-C?

In Java, I can declare local "variables" as final, e.g. void myMethod() { final String foo = "Hello World!"; foo = "Bye-bye..."; // compile error!! return; } When I try to change its value, a get an error from the compiler. I want to declare some of my local "variables" final to avoid changing their value by accident. Is ...

Can excessive use of final hurt more than do good?

Why are people so emphatic about making every variable within a class "final"? I don't believe that there is any true benefit to adding final to private local variables, or really to use final for anything other than constants and passing variables into anonymous inner classes. I'm not looking to start any sort of flame war, I just hon...