
Phantom Referenced Objects

Phantom References serve for post-mortem operations. The Java specification states that a phantom referenced object will not be deallocated until the phantom-reference itself is cleaned. My question is: What purpose does this feature (object not deallocated) serve? (The only idea i came up with, is to allow native code to do post-morte...

VB.NET - Should a Finalize method be added when implementing IDisposable?

In Visual Studio, when I type the line "Implements IDisposable", the IDE automatically adds: a disposedValue member variable a Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose a Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) The Dispose() should be left alone, and the clean up code should be put in Dispose(disposing). However the Dispose Final...

Final step in silverlight 2

I have been working on multiple silverlight applications, but up to this point they have only been running in my system when I test them from Visual Studio. Now that I am getting ready to push it out I cannot figure out the steps to accomplishing it. ...

What happened internally (JVM) when System.gc() or finalize() method called?

What happened internally (JVM) when System.gc() or finalize() method called? Is this really collect garbage or reduce performance ? ...

In C# what is the difference between a destructor and a Finalize method in a class?

A question for the C# gurus out there. What is the difference, if there is one, between a destructor and a Finalize method in a class? I recently discovered that Visual Studio 2008 considers a destructor synonymous with a Finalize method, meaning that Visual Studio won't let you simultaneously define both methods in a class. For examp...

Finalization Reachable Table

If I implement a destructor in a class, Foo, instances of Foo are tracked closely on the finalization queue. When an instance of Foo is garbage collected, I understand that the CLR sees the entry in the finalization queue and gives that object special treatment by moving the object off the heap and into the finalization reachable table. ...

close, dispose, finalize, GC, Idisposable,.... have you got a clear description of them ?

hi all i am completely confused about close, dispose, finalize, GC, Idisposable. Oh, could you please send me a clear description of them? ...

Gracefully finalizing the SoftReference referent

I am using a search library which advises keeping search handle object open for this can benefit query cache. Over the time I have observed that the cache tends to get bloated (few hundred megs and keeps growing) and OOMs started to kick in. There is no way to enforce limits of this cache nor plan how much memory it can use. So I have in...

C# AutoSave cleanup; best practice?

I've got a class that represents a document (GH_Document). GH_Document has an AutoSave method on it which is called prior to every potentially dangerous operation. This method creates (or overwrites) an AutoSave file next to the original file. GH_Document also contains a method called DestroyAutoSaveFiles() which removes any and all fil...

How do you export your finished application from Xcode?

I feel silly for having to ask this. I've got an application to a point where I want to send someone a beta to test on their machine, but I don't know how to get Xcode to produce a .app file for me to send to them. Help? ...

Find finalizable object in application

Hi all, Is there any way to scan through a code base and figure out which object is finalizable? I am asking since I am trying get object away from the finalization queue to improve performance. ...

Finalize method in System.Object class.

Out of curiosity i disassembled mscorlib.dll to check the implementation of System.Object class. I found something weird in that. 1). public class Object { ... protected override void Finalize(){} ... } How come a base class has an overriden method in it? 2) public class Employee { public void InstanceMethod() { ...

difference b/w destructor and finalise method

I want to know the sequence of how these function are called. Like if our heap is full, GC will be called. It will mark the object and call its finalise operation, now we have sweep stage.. in which the reference to that object is deleted and object becomes inaccessible.. So where does the destruction come in cycle...When wld it be calle...

Why is the finalize() method in java.lang.Object "protected"?

Out of curiosity, Why is the finalize() method's access modifier is made as protected. Why cant it be public? Can someone explain me is there any specific reasons behind this? Also, I came to know that finalize() method is called only once. If i call it twice in my program, internally what is happening? Will the garbage collector call ...

Java Finalize method call

I need to find when finalized method called in the JVM. I Created a test Class which write into file when finalized method called by Overriding the protected finalize method It is not executing. Can anybody tell me the reason why it is not executing?? Thanks in Advance ...

java: Close connection after all threads have terminated

The following is my Class code import*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; class Database { private Connection conn; private org.apache.log4j.Logger log ; private static Database dd=new Database(); private Database(){ try{ log= Logger.getLogger(Database.class);...

Java: file write on finalize method

In my understanding a singleton object will destroy only when the application is about to terminate. So in C++ I write a Singleton class to log my application and in that Singleton logger's destructor I log the time when my application was terminated. Things worked perfectly in C++. Now I want to have that same logger in Java, as in j...

The cost of finalize in .Net

(1) I've read a lot of questions about IDisposable where the answers recommend not using Finalize unless you really need to because of the process time involved. What I haven't seen is how much this cost is and how often it's paid. Every millisecond? second? hour, day etc. (2) Also, it seems to me that Finalize is handy when its not alw...


Is it really better not to use finalize compare to dispose ? Does dispose remove unmanaged resource in first parse ? What is suppressing finalize ? ...

Java Interview Question: finalize() method

I was given the following phrase in an interview: The invocation of an Object's finalize() method is the last thing that happens before an object is garbaged collected. I had to answer by: True False I've chosen True but it was wrong. Can you please explain me why ? ...