
Getting Quiet Make to echo command lines on error

I have a Makefile building many C files with long long command lines and we've cleaned up the output by having rules such as: .c${MT}.doj: @echo "Compiling $<";\ $(COMPILER) $(COPTS) -c -o $@ $< Now this is great as the @ suppresses the compilation line being emitted. But when we get an error, all we get is the error message, no c...

T-SQL 2005: Suppress the output of the results set.

Hi guys. I have some stored procedures which are used for generating Reports. I am trying to build a report dashboard that will show how many records are on each report. The SPs are detailed in a table which details in which order they should be run. I have a dashboard SP in which I am using Cursor to go through the database table, e...

Globally suppress c# compiler warnings

In my app I have a fair number of entities which have fields which are getting their values set via refletion. (In this case NHibernate is setting them). I'd like to get rid of the "x is never assigned to and will always have its default value 0" warnings, so I can more easily pick out the other warnings. I realize you can surround them ...

SVN command line dialogs

How do you suppress the annoying dialogs from the command line? I'm using windows 7 (WMWare), latest command line client from, I'm getting a simple confirmation dialog when I issue a checkout command. nothing to do but hit OK, however i'd rather not be asked. ...

Force Suppress in Crystal Reports

How can I suppress a Details Section with a formula? In my reports it may happen that a details section is empty. The only problem is, that CR wants to show the details section at least once because there are labels and some graphics in the Section... ...

Supressing browser's authentication dialog.

I apologize that there is a similar question already but I'd like to ask it more broadly. Is there any way at all to determine on the client side of a web application if requesting a resource will return a 401 status code and cause the browser to display an ugly authentication dialog? Or, is there any way at all to load an mp3 audio r...

Supressing section in Crystal Reports with subreport

I am trying to create a report in crystal reports 11 based on this sql query SELECT *     FROM (table) OM, (table) OL, (table) C     WHERE OM.ORDER = OL.ORDER     AND OM.COMPANY = C.COMPANY     AND (EXISTS (SELECT *             FROM (table) OSD, (table) OSDD             WHERE OSD.ORDER = OL.ORDER             AND OSD.LINE = ...

Crystal Reports: Suppressing a field conditionaly according to group name in current page

Hi! I have a group named: "Group #1 Name" and as you know when viewing the report at the first page in Group 1 section we see the title of group but this is not appears in next page till we navigate to next group. Now i want to display the current Group Title navigating by user in the header of page to help user know currently is in witc...

Outlook Automation from c# - suppressing validation messages.

Hello All, I am invoking a new meeting window from my outlook addin and allowing user to create new meeting and send. When user does not enter subject or location, i am validating (with yes/no buttons to continue) them and when i call .send() method on outlook interop object it is also validating and popping up the message. So, its doub...

Supress pop-up with VB 2008 Express Edition

Hi The radio recently broke in our bedroom and as a result my missus now listen to various radio stations through her laptop. She moans that visiting various pages and clicking the 'listen' link is a bit of a pain. (Note to self: Must buy new radio!) In the meantime, I have made a 'radio player' in VB 2008 Express, which is nothing ...

how do you suppress a direct call to a managed method?

I want to know if this is inherently possible: Think of a cloud scenario. I allow users to upload their .net code onto my server. However to manage things on my server I can't allow users to write code which make direct calls to methods such as HttpWebRequest.Create(). If the user has written such a code it would mean he/she is trying ...

In a web application can I suppress a JS message which popup in client side browser ?

I'm working on a web application, which in some times JS messages and alerts popup, I want to suppress this messages and alerts from poping up, How can I do that if I don't know when or where this message pop up from using c# code?! in other words, how I can take control on the IE window(client side) in which this message popup and how ...

Is there a way to supress empty space area on RDLC report?

Hi guys depending on information, my report RDLC on Visual Studio 2008 has some fields that are printed or not. I would like to know how could I suppress only this section when there is no data to be printed. I recall that crystal reports has something like that. But what about a RDLC file? thank you ...

How can keep the debugger from breaking on NotImplementedException exception?

I've tried this, but it doesn't seem to work: Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler...

WinInet InternetSetOption with INTERNET_OPTION_SUPPRESS_BEHAVIOR option not working as expected

Hi all and thanks for taking the time to read this. I have a c# application where I wish to override the default WinInet cookie settings. The goal is that even when the system WinInet cookie privacy settings are set to Block All, within my process, cookies will still be accepted calls. Reading the documentation, it looked straightforw...


Is it really better not to use finalize compare to dispose ? Does dispose remove unmanaged resource in first parse ? What is suppressing finalize ? ...

FXCop warning CA1801: "Parameter is never used..." on overridden inherited supressed property

On a continued mission to clean up the codebase I inherited, via stylecop and fxcop, and one of the warnings from fxcop was CA1801: Parameter 'value' of Something.MyProperty.set(string) is never used. Remove the parameter or use it in the method body. The code it complains about is: public class Something : ISomeInterface public ne...

Can I suppress the "CanExecute" call within the MVVM pattern

I am working with a tree structure using WPF and the MVVM pattern. I start out by creating 20 root nodes and lazy loading the child nodes as each node is clicked. So for instance ... if I have the following: Level 1 Level 1.1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3.1 Level 3.2 Levels 1, 2 and 3 are loaded at run time. Levels 1.1, 3.1 and ...

Suppressing Doxygen warnings

Is there a way to suppress Doxygen from giving "not documented" warnings on particular files? My project has several automatically generated code headers that cause it to throw hundreds or thousands of errors that make it difficult to sift through. ...

Display group with no data in Crystal Reports 12

Hi, I am trying to group my data based on age. I use the following database select: select * from ( select 0 range_start, 11 range_end, '0-10 days' date_description from dual union select 11, 21, '11-20 days' from dual union select 21, 31, '21-30 days' from dual union select 31, 99999, '31+ days' from dual) date_helper left outer jo...