
First page of MS Access Report does not seem to call On Page Event

I have coded a MS Access 2000 report that displays a calendar with one month per page and projects added to particular days. The only data in the underlying record source is a list of months. The structure is created via the On Page event, which also reads in other data. When this report is opened, I've noticed that the On Page event do...

Swapping option boxes in IE?

My client asked me (a js client side programmer) to change the order of the options so that their company's option appears at the top of a select box when the page loads. The following code works in FF but fails in IE7 when I try to swap two options: function load{ var shippingLocation = document.getElementById("location"); var ...

Difference between two grouped values

Hi, I need your help, I have developed a comparative report like this:                     01:00     02:00 Desv              10         23 15/01/2009     20         22 16/01/2009     30         45 I have a dataset with values from two different dates every 15 minutes. I have a matrix which is grouped by row Date and grouped by column ...

WSDL first for existing service layer

I am working on an existing Java project with a typical services - dao setup for which only a webapplication was available. My job is to add webservices on top of the services layer, but the webservices have their own functional analysis and datamodel. The functional analyses ofcource focuses on what is possible in the different service ...

Recursive descent parser: how to find the FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets?

I'm looking for a good explanation of the definitions of the FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets of a RDP when given a grammar. ...

First & Follow Sets check for simple grammar

Here's a few questions I had on a quiz in a class and just want to verify their correctness. Grammar: S -> ABC A -> df | epsilon B -> f | epsilon C -> g | epsilon 1.) The Follow set of B contains g and epsilon (T/F)? Ans: F. There is no epsilon in the Follow sets, correct? (Only $ aka end of input) 2.) The First set of S contains d, ...

Problems with JQuery selectors and "is"

I'm having difficulty understanding why a particular selector isn't working for me. Admittedly I'm a bit of a JQuery newbie. This correctly selects the first div.editbox on the page and colors it yellow: $('div.editbox:first').css("background-color","yellow"); However, this if ... is construct makes the highlighted border appear for ...

Custom TableViewCell with TextField and first responder

I have a custom TableView cell that contains a TextField and I want it to become the first responder as soon as the view is shown but [textcell.textfield becomeFirstResponder] does not work. I know it's because it's a custom cell in another class and I even tried it there and it didn't work. Anyone know how to pull this off? Thanks... ...

Obtaining First Excel Sheet Name With OleDbConnection

Hi, I have one problem. I need to get the excel sheet name in a work book, which looks on the very left sheets tab -the first one from my point of view. I am using this code: public static string GetFirstExcelSheetName(OleDbConnection connToExcel) { DataTable dtSheetName = connToExcel.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, ...

SQL: Alternative to "First" function?

I'm trying to write a query I don't want to have Cartesian products on. I was going to use the First function, because some Type_Codes have multiple descriptions, and I don't want to multiply my dollars. Select Sum(A.Dollar) as Dollars, A.Type_Code, First(B.Type_Description) as FstTypeDescr From Totals A, TypDesc B Where A.Type_C...

How can I remove the first page of a PDF file with Java?

I was thinking about using a library such as PDFBox but I would like your input. SOLUTION With IText public void removeFirstPage(String input_filename, String output_filename) throws DocumentException, IOException { File outFile = new File(output_filename); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(input_filename); int pages_number...

Incorrect cell selection with rowspan (jQuery)

Markup: <tr> <td colspan="3" rowspan="4">1</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> </tr> jQuery: $("table tr td:first").addClass("first-col-cell"); $("table tr td:last-child").addClass("last-col-cell"); ...according to jQuery documentation :first selector should only select the first td (1) but it also selects other 2. Thanks ...

What Company/Platform/Browser will be the first to have high quality native 3D support?

I've been doing a lot of work with Flex/Flash/Away3D lately, and have started looking into Unity3D and Processing, but I'm still waiting for the day (hopefully soon) when you can build Wii/PS3 like UIs that can be used from most computers. It would be amazing if I could just add simple lighting effects on panels that had 3D textures, bu...

Return first element in SortedList in C#

Hello, I have a SorterList in C# and I want to return the first element of the list. I tried using the "First" function but it didnt really work. Can someone please tell me how to do it? Thanks in advance, Greg ...

proper Java package hierarchy?

I just started looking at the new FIRST Robotics Java SDK, which includes project generators to build sample robotics programs. Something I was curious about is the file it generates begins with: package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates; Does this actually make sense? (The library I'm using is from, but my project doesn'...

Ruby Select method (for an array) problemos

I'm running the following method and I'm successfully passing two arguments (inventory, quantity) into the method. However I'm incorrectly using .first and .each methods. I'm attempting to replace .each with the .select to select for the cart item with the Inventory id: 6 possible .each replacement: (does not function) inventory_to_incr...

How to add attribute to first P tag using PHP regular expression?

WordPress spits posts in this format: <h2>Some header</h> <p>First paragraph of the post</p> <p>Second paragraph of the post</p> etc. To get my cool styling on the first paragraph (it's one of those things that looks good only sparingly) I need to hook into the get_posts function to filter its output with a preg_replace. The goal is ...

select first li in multiple unorganized lists with jquery

Hello! Problem demo is here: Currently, when the page loads, all the thumbnails are triggered to dim. I'm trying to make it so that each first thumb remains at full opacity (using :first of course) until another thumb is clicked. I can get it to do it for the first one, but it won't iterate to each . I tried...

What is a good tool for automatically calculating FIRST and FOLLOW sets?

I'm currently in the middle of playing with a BNF grammar that I hope to be able to wrangle into a LL(1) form. However, I've just finished making changes and calculating the new FIRST and FOLLOW sets for the grammar by hand for the third time today and I'm getting tired of it. There has to be a better way! Can someone suggest a tool tha...

[compiler] Question about first and follow

Given following grammar S -> L=L s -> L L -> *L L -> id What is the first and follow for the non-terminals? If the grammar is changed into S -> L=R S -> R L -> *R L -> id R -> L What will be the first and follow ? Thanks ...