
[jQuery] Get first child of xml node

Hi, I have this xml file. I would extract the first child of Status node and alert it. How I can do it? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ns3:ExecuteResponse xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" statusLocation="http://r...

iphone avoid save state

Hi all! In my app I need to avoid the saving state, in fact, I whis that each time the user starts the app, the app will be relaunced like the first time... how can I do? ...

Select the elements, of the first node of XML (linq,C#)

Hello! My question is often asked at several places, but I have an xml, without attributes, so I can't use those methods. My XML's structure is this: <offers> <offer> <seller> <citizen> <name>A name</name> <id>An ID</id> </citizen> </seller> <amount>Number</amount> <exchange-rate>Rate</excha...

Ideal programming language learning sequence?

What do you think? What is the ideal programming language learning sequence which will cover most of the heavily used languages and paradigms today as well as help to grasp common programming basics, ideas and practices? Edit: You can even suggest learning sequence for paradigms rather than languages. ...

R. Zoo. Repeat the first day data through all the day.

Hello I have a zoo series. It lasts 10 years and its frequency is 15min. I'd like to get a new zoo series (or vector) with the same number of elements, whith each element equal to the first element of the day. That's, The first element everyday is repeated throughout the wole day. This is not same as aggregate(originalseries,as.Date,h...

PHP String in Array Only Returns First Character

Hi Everyone, For the next week, I'm stuck with a sadly very slow 1-bar EDGE internet connection, so forgive me if I didn't spend quite enough time researching this one, but I just set up a local server for testing code that I would normally test over the internet, and it doesn't seem to be working the same way on my local LAMP install. ...

How can i print first page of a pdf document in C# using Acobat Reader?

I want to print first page of a pdf document. Now i can pring all pages of pdf document. But i need to print firsft page. I am using Acrobat Reader and my programming language is C#. ...

CSS2 Pseudo selector for first element of `its kind`?

Hello! Is there a way to do something like this in CSS2 (not 3)? h2:first{bla bla;} Thank you! ...

Changing first day of the week in NSDateFormatter

In order to get the days of the week I use: NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; NSArray *weekdays = [dateFormatter shortWeekdaySymbols]; Weekdays gives me an array with the days names but it begins by Sunday. For some reasons I want this array to begin by Monday or Sunday depending on the loc...

Entity Framwork 4.0 Relationship map table

I have these tables; Customer - CustomerID (primary key) - Name Car - CarID (primary key) - Model Customer_Car_Map (composite primary key CustomerID and CarID) - CustomerID (foreign key to Customer.CustomerID) - CarID (foreign key to Car.CarID) When I generate the models from the database using EF4, it generates classes for all tabl...

Only display container for first 4 visits to site

I'm using the following code to display two div containers after 3 minutes: /* Display After 3 Minutes (180000) */ setTimeout("jQuery('#contact-overlay, #contact-window').show();", 180000); I only want these div containers to open after 3 minutes on the first 4 visits to the website, after this the div containers should not open for t...

On performance of Clojure's `first` function.

I saw the following example in Rich's video on sequences about 33-36 minutes into it: (first "abcd") => \a Now, he say that this expands to (sort of): (first "abcd") => (first (seq "abcd")) => (first '(\a \b \c \d)) So, it looks like an O(N) operation because the full copy of the string is being made. Fir...

MySQL slow query at first, fast for sub queries

PHP: I have a simple pagination script which uses two queries. MySQL: Using server version 4.1.25 - I have two tables (products, categories) with the item_num field tying them together to retrieve products via category and both have unique ID fields which are indexed and auto-incremented. They're both MyISAM types. Query #1: SELECT COU...

Based on a declared constraint, the navigation property is required.

Hi! Im dealing with code first .NET 4 and i'm having trouble with a 1 to 1 relation. breifing of database: -POccurrence -Id -POccurrenceRiskAssessment -OccurrenceId in my class Poccurrence I have a property named RiskAsessment, of the type POccurrenceRiskAssessment. Not all POccurrences have riskassessments, so it needs to be null...

Prolog - get the first list from a list of lists

I've got a list consisting of smaller lists inside of it, each list consisting of 2 items: [[a,1],[b,2],[c,3]] I'm using a function called take(1,L,R) to take the first item from list L and return the item R. The code for the take function is here: take(0,X,X). take(N,[H|T],[H|R]):- N>0, M is N-1, take(M,T,R). At t...