
Handle server response in AS3

I have an asp page that loads a response " user=exists " everytime I try to update a database record (when of course the record already exists!) How can I handle this response with AS3 in Flash? ...

transparency in swf in vb.net

how can i control swf background transparency in vb.net.........either with flash.ocx or if there is any other way.......so that if i have a swf animation block with red in background and some text written with yellow.......now how can i remove that red background in vb.net...actually i want to make a system so that i can choose any colo...

How to initialize Flash ActionScript 3 (AS3) components?

I'm trying to find the correct event to listen for that will ensure that my component parameters are available for use so I can initialize my component. Most examples I have seen online use Event.INIT attached to loaderInfo. loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler); From my experience, that event only fires on the first...

"Link" against a SWC in Flex

I'm trying to do a very simple app in Flash/Flex, that loads an image embedded in the swf itself and then shows it. The thing is I'm trying to do it using the command line only (mxmlc and compc) and without using @Embed, and failing miserably. I have a very simple Main.as : package { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*...

Reading php generated XML in flash?

Here is part 1 of our problem (Loading a dynamically generated XML file as PHP in Flash). Now we were able to get Flash to read the XML file, but we can only see the Flash render correctly when tested(test movie) from the actual Flash program. However, when we upload our files online to preview the Flash does not render correctly, missi...

null object reference in ScrollPane/endDrag() when scrollDrag=true

Hello there. In my flash application, I've got multiple windows which use Scrollpanes. The scrollDrag property is set to true on these because I want that functionality. If I close (within my application) one of these 'windows' and open another, I seem to get a whole lot of this error showing up in my logs: TypeError: Error #1009: Can...

Let keystrokes pass through flash?

On a page i have a flash file. I click it once to start something and i typically leave the page. When i get back i may want to press ctrl tab or w however it doesnt work because the flash file is catching the events. How do i make events pass through the flash so that the file acts like a normal button and will continue to allow me to p...

Flash Game: All resources do not completely load for different users

Hello, I am running an online flash multiplayer game. However, I have been facing a problem lately where some users cannot actually completely load all the resources required to run the game. The percentage that users get stuck at is different for different users (for instance, one could get stuck at 43% and some other at 91%). I don't...

Actionscript 2.0, Having a SendAndLoad() function Issue

I have this code: btn_jouer.onRelease = function () { verif = txt_email_user.text; if (txt_email_user.text == "") { txt_erreur.textColor = 16724736; txt_erreur.text = "Champ(s) manquant(s)"; } else if (verif.indexOf("@", 0) == -1 || verif.indexOf(".", 0) == -1) { txt_erreur.textColor = 167...

How to pass from flash under the external reference?

I have Mac OS widget with flash. If to click on flash the URL in a window of a browser should open. But it does not occur. I use code like this: DETAILS_HTML='object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="700" height="460"...

Problem with the flash scrolling

I have mac OS widget with flash. There is a scroller on flash. Flash is loaded from the Internet. If I have time to press on scroller before the player will be loaded completely scroller works as expected. Otherwise scroller does not move. for FlashPlayer object I use: -apple-dashboard-region: dashboard-region(control rectangle); Plea...

What is the right way to scale a Flex application up to fullscreen?

Fullscreen mode and I have been battling for a while in this Flex application, and I'm coming up short on Google results to end my woes. I have no problem going into fullscreen mode by doing a Application.application.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;, but the rest of the content just sits there in the top, left corner ...

Safari and the z-index flash problem

Hi everybody, I don't know if it's a classic safari 4 bug, but apparently many people cannot display correctly a non-flash content (div, image, etc.) over a flash animation. I tried everything: The wmode (switching from "opaque" to "transparent"), the z-index and many other div "cheats". Did anyone know if there is a safari 4 patch/tr...

XML response in Flash

I have a flash file that displays the server respone on screen. The respone is in XML format. When I use this code: statusText.text = xmlResponse; I get result on screen like %3%20xml etc. What 's wrong with that? I tried the methods toString() and text() but nothing worked ...

Calculate Mono/Complementary/Triadic/Analogous from specific color

I know this is possible to be done using javascript, and I presume I could get the values to flash calling js, but I'm looking for any AS3 library/code that does the same. js examples: http://colorschemedesigner.com/js/color.js http://design.geckotribe.com/colorwheel/colorwheel.js Thank you ...

why is sifr3 not working?

I have redone all the steps of the "how to" on novemberborn, but still i cant get it to work. http://www.luukratief-design.nl/dump/simplefolio/ Does anyone know the answer? would appreciate it. ...

Div on top of flash without wmode

Hello, I have an AD which is basically a flash file inside an IFRAME. Unfortunately, I cannot control the wmode of the flash file. Is there any way in which I can place the div on top of the flash? UPDATE: How does Wibiya (wibiya.com) do it then? ...

make flash movie float to the right and have an html side menu on the left

hey, i have a website built mostly in flash. the flash movie is on an html page. i want the flash movie to be in the same line with a side menu (list of links to other pages on my site). this is my website: http://www.arielajewellery.com/gallery.html i tried this html code: .center{float: center;} .left{float: left;} .clear{clear: both...

Dynamic Flash Navigation Menu

I am trying to create a Dynamic flash Navigation Menu which will disable the button of the page you are on leaving the button in the "hit" state and then active it once you have called for a new page and deactivate the new button. I know this can be done with movie clips and some old school gotoAndPlay/Stop slight of hand but I would li...

Attach random movieclip in AS3

I'm converting an old AS1 project to AS3 and am running into a little problem. Previously, I was attaching random movieclips that are linked from the library with id's like movie1, movie2, movie3, etc. Here was my code: var ranID = random(4)+1; var mc = attachMovie("movie"+(ranID), "mc"+ranID, ranID); In AS3, I've given each of these...