
[FLASH CS4] Button acting as a scroll with mouse event in AS3?

Hi all! I'm new here, just found these forums on Google. First of all, I want to appologise if there is some topics like this, but I searched whole forums and didn't find any that finishes my problem. Now the important one. As I stated in topic title, I need an AS3 code that's doing the thing. This is what I want to accomplish. I have ...

firefox object height ignored when data

I have a flash video loading in a modal window. It works in others browsers but not Firefox. Firefox opens the modal window to the correct width of the object, but with no height. I have come to learn that Firefox does not recognize <param> and instead uses the data attribute. However, when I remove this attribute, the modal opens with c...

Is there a flash or javascript Solari Board available for use on a webpage?

I'm working on a web page which will display information updated periodically via javascript. I want to have it displayed in a Solari Board, complete with the flipping tiles animation. Is there an existing Flash or Javascript implementation I can use? Here's my super-lousy javascript test for one letter. The solution should take a str...

How to handle collisions detection with multiple instances of one movieclip?

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4. The language is Action Script 3 In my library I have 2 items: player wall the player object is already functioning correctly with moving him around. Now when I place multiple wall objects into the stage (wall = 32x32 px) I want to prevent the player from moving when he walks into a wall. I've tried giving...

casting variables to movie clip

How i can convert gecko object to a movie clip function finish(boxname, arrayname:Array):void { for each (var item:String in arrayname) { trace(boxname+"_"+item); var gecko:MovieClip = (boxname+"_"+item) as MovieClip ; trace(typeof(gecko)); gecko.gotoAndPlay("glow"); } } i get the following error high_hsymbol_...

Javascript - find swfobject on included page and call javascript function

I’m using the following script on my website to play an mp3 in flash. To instantiate the flash object I use the swfobject framework in a javascript function. When the function is called the player is created and added to the page. The rest of the website is in php and the page calling this script is being included with the php include f...

How to get/obtain Variables from URL in Flash AS3

So I have a URL that I need my Flash movie to extract variables from: example link: http://www.example.com/example_xml.php?aID=1234&amp;bID=5678 I need to get the aID and the bID numbers. I'm able to get the full URL into a String via ExternalInterface var url:String = ExternalInterface.call("window.location.href.toString"); if (url)...

Flash: Accessing private files from Amazon S3

I have flash (AIR) application running on a single controlled system (there is only one computer running it and nobody has access to it). I will host some files on Amazon's S3 and I need to make sure that only my flash app running locally on that computer can access those files. I'm wondering what the best (most secure) approach would ...

Why would bitmap outperform vector, as3?

Why would bitmap outperform vector? My Flash is for a large Kiosk, with rich media requirements and must function accurately as a counter. I want to keep everything vector for scalability. When I did a simple FPS test, I noticed my Bitmap version performed perfectly, and the all vector file was noticeably slower. PLEASE EXPLAIN • ...

Large file uploads from web pages

Hi folks, I code primarily in PHP and Perl. I have a client who is insisting on seeking video submissions (any encoding) from the public via one of their pages rather than letting YouTube do its job. Server in question is a virtual machine and I can adjust ini settings for max post, max upload size etc as needed. My initial thought i...

How can flash open a port to listen for server requests?

Is it possible for flash to open ports to listen for messages from the remote server? If so, how? ...

capture flash key event "escape"

I have a flash site that users can view full Screen video. the trouble is, I am making only the video player full screen (hiding the rest of the site behind it). my "toggle full screen" button works in that it reduces the video player back to normal size when the user toggles out of full screen back. but when the user hits the escape...

display microphone activity in flex

Hi, I want to display a real time activity bar for the microphone in flex. This is similar to the vertical bar one can see when flash settings dialog's microphone settings tab is displayed. Any built in component or link would help. Thanks ...

Flash file playing FLV and relative paths

Hi Say you have a SWF file with an FLV player that you want to embed on any site. A scenario could look like this: Url of the page embedding the SWF: www.example.com Url to the SWF: www.swf-domain.com/player.swf Url to the FLV: www.swf-domain.com/movie.flv Is there any possible way, that you can refer to the FLV from within the SWF ...

Flash CS3 ActionScript3 importing and using SWC

Hello, I am trying to create a SWC library for use in my Flash AIR project. I have created a seperate FLA called SceneLibrary and followed the steps defined here: http://www.luaye.com/blog/index.php?action=read&amp;id=54 to create a new SWC component. I saved the created SWC into a lib folder within my Flash Dev project, I then right ...

How to insert Flash without JavaScript in the most compatible but valid way?

I'm looking for a way to embed Flash into a XHTML Transitional page that does not rely on enabled JavaScript, which validates and that works across all major Browsers including IE6. So far I'm using this solution which seems to work just fine: http://latrine.dgx.cz/how-to-correctly-insert-a-flash-into-xhtml#toc-final-solution However,...

embed video object in html

Hi I embed a video in html page with swf file. that is running on local host but when i run this on live server. than it dosent work properly. I link flv video in swf file and embed it in html. <script type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28...

Removing the skip buttons from the flash source

Hey there, I am no flash expert however I need to edit the source of the flash project here: http://tools.assembla.com/1pixelout/browser/audio-player/ It's the "Wordpress audio player" I need to remove the skip forward and back buttons when there is more than one audio file. Anyone know how to first of all use this folder structure, I ...

Incrase click radius/size

Hello, I'm looking for a way to increase the click size so when I click, it would effectively count as a click on anything that is in a 100px by 100px radius around the click. Any help would be great, I couldn't find anything online for this. Thanks a lot! ...

Flex socket crossdomain

I am trying to connect to a socket server from flex. I read, on adobe's documentation, the client automatically sends a "request-policy-file" xml element to the socket before allowing it to be opened, and should receive a policy file. The client sends the xml element as expected, My server receives it (on the port I want to use, port 6...