
flash as2: how can i create custom event with parameters ?

Hiya. I would like to be able to create custom event with parameters and to dispatch them when needed. in as3 i can create a class that extends flash.events.Event, add parameters to it's constructor and then use addEventListener and dispatchEvent where required. how can I do so in ActionScript 2 ? thanks! ...

flash lite on mobile application

Hi friend i m doing work on flash lite for mobile, i need help how i implement search logic in xml file ...

Hosting a 32bit OCX inside a 64bit process (specifically Flash)

We are in the process of building a 64bit version of our software, but we use Flash player's OCX control to host Flash in our windows. This OCX file is a 32bit build, do you know if it's possible to host this 32bit version of Flash within our 64bit application? ...

Flash/Actionscript - How can I post a tweet from a swf (without using a server-side proxy such as Tweetr)?

How can I post a tweet directly to twitter without needing to use a server-side proxy script (ie, tweetr)? Can a twitter API call be made directly from a swf? ...

Selenium RC for test Flash

Hi, I'm using selenium rc and i need to test flash. I need to click Allow button on player .I just need some help getting started? Thanks ...

Flash field doesn't accept numerical keyboard when one use upercase keyboard

When using a notebook and I have remarked that I cannot enter numerical character with shift + a letter to enter number. Is this a bug in flash ? How to circumvent this ? ...

How do I play just a specific section of a video in a web page?

It there any way of displaying videos on a website that would allow me to show just a clip of a video without physically slicing the file into actual clips? EDIT: Specifically, I'd like to play the clips using an open source flash player. I could make specific clips, but that is time consuming and a maintenance nightmare. Second EDIT:...

Compiling SWC file from FDT

Hi guys, I've made a library which I'd like to compile to an SWC file, I've tried to do this in FDT by choosing FDT AS3 Library as Run settings, but all I end up with is a 0kb .swc file. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? I can't find much when I google it either, if anybody has a quick walkthrough on how to do it saved in your boo...

How to open a Browser popUp window from Actionscript ( Flash )?

How to open a Browser popUp window from Actionscript ( Flash )? ( Any Code sample would be wary appreciated ) ...

How to call JavaScript function from with in Flash application?

So in my AS file I want to call a function like public function JS(streamUri:String):void{ JavascriptCommand(streamUri) } to get my JS code running... How to do such thing (Example needed) ...

How to create multiple arrays from 2? (actionscript, flash)

so I have array like ParamsArray {a,b,a,a,...b} (so i have 2 kinds of parameters in this array - a and b) (here I have N strings) and another array - DataArray {data1,data2,...dataN} (different strings) (here I have N strings) Now I created 2 new arrays ArrayA and ArrayB and I wanta want to feel arra ArrayA with all data (strings) fr...

nyroModal Window on flash background

I've got a Flex App running at 100% width and 100% height. The embed code is: <script type="text/javascript"> var fVars = {}; fVars.wmode = "transparent"; //also tried "opaque" swfobject.embedSWF("/swf/app.swf", "app", "100%", "100%", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", fVars); </script> <div class="app"></div> I've also got th...

Electroserver to Smartfox migration help

I've got several demonstration programs that use Electroserver, but I'd also want to test the same code using Smartfox. What is the most straightforward method to do this kind of migration? I know the types of classes that need to be changed, but since the terminology is slightly different in both libraries, it's difficult to make a smoo...

Putting a MovieMaterial behind a DAE model in Papervision3D

Hi, I'm doing a project using FLARManager augmented reality and the Papervision3D library. Unfortunately, Papervision is giving me a lot of problems. My scene3D contains a DAE model and a plane. The plane has a MovieMaterial and is playing a video through FLVPlayback. The DAE and the plane are both inside the same DisplayObject3D conta...

Flex/Flash 4 datagrid displays raw xml

Problem: Flex/Flash4 client (built with FlashBuilder4) displays the xml sent from the server exactly as is - the datagrid keeps the format of the xml. I need the datagrid to parse the input and place the data in the correct rows and columns of the datagrid. flow: click on a date in the tree and it makes a server request for batch inform...

Native Mouse events with Flash and Selenium

I understand that Selenium does not support Flash, but it is my understanding that I should be able to do some simplistic testing of Flash by using Selenium's built in native mouse support and doing mouse up/down events based on coordinates. Is this correct? I can't seem to get it working. I'm trying to test on this page: http://mandy-m...

How to convert bitmap data into image file in AS3?

Hi everybody , I want to convert bitmap data to an image file like jpg or png file in AS3 can anyone help me? Thanks in advance ; ...

How to record user interaction in Flash app?

I am looking for a way to capture the user interactions with a text input control in Flash over a period of time (not a screen cast)? For example: If the user enter some text, then delete, then enter something, I would be able to store that interaction as it happens and replay that later. Any help would be extremely useful Thanks ...

Dynamically load _gallery_ (not album) in SlideShowPro using SWFObject

Hi all. I have been successful in dynamically loading an album in SSP before, but using SSP Standalone. I did it like this: var flashvars = { xmlFilePath: "http://site.com/ssp_director/images.php?album=5" } What I'm looking to do now, though, is dynamically load a gallery when the page loads, using text entered in the javascript, ...

Watermarking Flash Videos (server-side)

Hi all, I have a bunch of flash videos that I need to watermark with user related information, to make illegal re-distribution of these files harder. I'm wondering how can this be done server-side. If done client-side, it will be quite easy for the user to intercept the videos before they are watermarked. Since the watermark should co...