i have to implement flash streaming for the relaunch of our video-on-demand system but either because i haven't worked with flash-related systems before or because i'm too stupid i cannot get the system to work as it has to.
We need:
Per file & user access control with checks on a WebService every minute
if the lease time ran out ...
I'm currently working on a corporate intranet application. Part of the requirements are to have the application start a program on the users local PC (Minitab) and then have the webapp communicate with it via it's COM interface.
What are my options for doing something like this?
A signed Java applet and Jacob
ActiveX and .NET (this w...
Hi Guys
Just wondering if anyone know a good flex tutorial website besides Adobe. Appreciate the helps.
Lately I have been interested in the code behind chatroulette.com. As you probably know it is a peer-to-peer webcam-chat-service written in actionscript, as I understand. What i have been wondering about is weather its possible to extract the ip-address of whomever you are currently communicating with. I have seen services that do that, ...
May I know what is the proper way to keep track of display objects created and hence allow me to remove it efficiently later, for garbage collection. For example:
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
var dobj = new myClass(); //a sprite
From what i know, flash's garbage collection will only collect the objects without strong refere...
We've got an app written in Flex that displays data from our app. The .swf file is only 427kb, but it takes a full five seconds to load in Firefox. This is a headache for our users because they need to access the page that contains the app frequently. (The app displays documents, and it's really slow to march through a list of them).
First shortly about how my site works:
When a link is clicked it checks if something is already displayed in either the Left or Right side of the screen (the website looks like a book, so I have a left page I want to display information on and a right page). If there is already something showing it hides it and displays the new o...
How can I load the same image in to multiple mc's without have to load for each one.
So... I have a URL like www.example.com/stream/
I need to make any request to this url and get Http Rewspons header (like this one:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: video/x-flv
Cache-Control: no-cache
I do not need reponse body at all. After I get header need to emmidiatly close connection to that url (so stop to obtain data from it)
Given a string A, how can I determine if that string contains the substring "video/x-flv"?
I have a working mic recording script in AS3 which I have been able to successfully use to save .wav files to a server through AMF. These files playback fine in any audio player with no weird effects.
For reference, here is what I am doing to capture the mic's ByteArray: (within a class called AudioRecorder)
public function startRecord...
I'm trying to make a script that listens to a variable (int or Number) and then does certain functions whether the variable is going higher or lower. So for example if the number gets higher, it runs one function. If it gets lower, it runs another.
Is this possible in AS3? Any ideas?
I want calling actionScript 2.0 function from c# , I using ExternalInterface.addCallback;
In flash:
ExternalInterface.addCallback("test", function (text : String) : Void
in C#: I using shockwave flash object
player.CallFunction("<invoke name=\"test\" retu...
I have a site with a flash SWF on the home page. I have a login dialog that is displayed using the jquery ui modal. The modal dialog is being covered by the SWF movie when it opens. I tried setting the z-index etc but nothing seems to stop the SWF from covering the log in.
Is there any way to force the SWF movie to the background?
The ...
can't make player play video served by php's readfile
Parent loads Child, and wants to pass text string to Child. How can Parent pass a string
to Child swf?
//LOAD CHILD 'has a symbol on stage called LDR that CHILD loads into'
var loadCHILD:Loader = new Loader();
var bgURLTxt:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CHILD.swf");
Hey, so I'm having a bunch of trouble getting ExternalInterface to work, which is odd, because I use it somewhat often.
I'm hoping it's something I just missed because I've been looking at it too long.
The flash_ready function is correctly returning the objectID, and as far as I can tell, everything else is in order.
Unfortunately, wh...
In AS3 you can pass a constant to the compiler
And use it for conditional compilation like so:
trace("This only gets compiled when debug is true.");
I'm looking for something like #ifndef so I can negate the value of debug and use it to conditionally add release code. The only soluti...
Im currently building a new discount-webpage and Im looking for a solution to be able to hover over a discount button to reveal a small text without clicking. And after clicking on the button that the text in the flash button is copied into the clipboard and a new page open with a small frame from my window with the new page undern...
Hi All,
i have the below code, which is basically animating object across the screen, when roll-over happens it pauses the anim, and displays some information. Everything works fine, but when its paused, i wold like that current object to be 'on top' so other items run behind.
I have looked at setChildIndex, but didn't have much luck.