How to compile your flex application for Iphone Using Adobe Flash CS5?
How to compile your flex (Flash Builder) application for Iph*ne Using Adobe Flash CS5? A User can Install an app having it as compiled binary? ...
How to compile your flex (Flash Builder) application for Iph*ne Using Adobe Flash CS5? A User can Install an app having it as compiled binary? ...
Hello, SO How to build something similar to a Flex ViewStack in AS3? What is the best way to build a container with different views that can be switched? ...
Hi all, I have been given the task of adding a scoring system to various flash games. This simply involves taking input, adding functionality such as pausing and replaying and then outputting the score, time left etc. at the end. I've so far successfully edited two games. Both these games used the "actions" code on frames. The latest g...
Hello to all, I have an issue that is driving me nuts. I have an AS3 application that performs a calculation based upon user's input to determine a result. The purpose is to predict the results of a horse's coat color based on the genetics. The results are given in a 3d model swfs that are loaded into the "shell's" UILoader Component and...
Does anyone knows the htm/flash code which acts like music plyer using youtube video? ...
Hi, I'm interested in building a chat application in Flash. Can anyone point me to a tutorial, or related documentation that might help me. I'm not sure where to begin. ...
I am just trying to add a "Hello World" or a program that draw a circle to a brand new project in Flash Professional CS5. So the project file is has a .fla extension And I think the code is supposed to be added to the "action" of frame 1? But I don't see any place where I can open up a box to type in any code? How can that be done? ...
Need auto scroll when new message arrives. ...
In Flash CSn/AS3 you associate a Main class with a flash file which when loaded in the flash player "automatically creates an instance of the program's main class." I'd like to know how to pass arguments to the main class, since you don't write it yourself (you put its name in the Document textfield in the IDE). ...
Within the container "BubbleContainer" I have multiple "Bubble sprites". Each bubble's graphics object (a circle) is updated on a timer event. Let's say I have 50 Bubble sprites and each circle's radius should be updated with a mathematical formula. How do I organize this logic? How do I update all Bubble sprites within the BubbleCont...
The following is entirely a math question. As we know, PerspectiveProjection delivers perspective transformations in 3D represented by the interdependent values of fieldOfView and focalLength according to the following formula: focalLength = stageWidth/2 * (cos(fieldOfView/2) / sin(fieldOfView/2) Q: How to get the visible on-scree...
Hi! I want to embed some video into my HTML page. As background I want to use big picture. And above it I want to insert loop video with (i.e.) walking man. So, can I embed video (without flash and any player controls) in page? Can I decode video with transparent background? Is there any codecs which support transparent background (al...
For a CDROM i'm working on, i'm looking for a method to display images with a lightbox effect. What is the best way to do it with AS3? Is there an AS3 lightbox script available? ...
I have a web-site, that uses colorbox, it also has flash header. Everything works fine in both ff and ie. Before ive started to use colorbox, i had little div that covered small part of flash header for menu purposes. Now, since im using colorbox, i had to declare doctype, and set wmode on flash to 'opaque', in order everything to work...
I'm trying to use a relative path in the -output compiler argument, here's what I've tried (with and without quotes): -o="./deploy/file.swf" -o="/./deploy/file.swf" -o="./file.swf" -o="/./file.swf" -o="file.swf" -o="file.swf" None of these attempts yields a new file, it's as if they are ignored. The deploy directory is in the roo...
Hi All, i am using a data grid in flex and i am generating data from a mysql server. However, my problem is with adding a button within the datagrid so each row has one. i have set the columns itemRenderer to mx.controls.Button although with the buttons shown in the grid there is no label on them (even though one has been set) and the a...
Hi, A friend to me made a flash game for my website. The game makes a request to /game/p00ints.php with the points in $_POST['points']. But, a hacker can easy find out how to get more points I guess, so, how can my friend or I fix this security hole? Best regards, Erik Persson ...
I placed the flash player using: position: absolute; top: 20; right: 40; in the div around it. css: #page { position: relative; } #flashplayer { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 30px; } (as you can see #page is relative) html: <div id="page"> <div id="flashplayer"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4445535400...
Inside my /test folder/music_player/ have have a file called mini_player.swf. If I play it without embedding it anywhere, like this: everything is OK. But when I add it into my index page: the song doesn't start. I'm using a song_list.xml like this: ...
I have an Adobe AIR application that makes multiple connections to a server. When I open more than two connections I get an error: 2032: Stream Error. Is there a configuration option or a property somewhere to raise the limit? ...