I'm trying to solve a similar problem as was described here - to create a Windows Service for taking snapshots of rich webpages (html+js+flash) and saving them to a PDF file.
The bundle Firefox+cmdlnprint did the trick for me. I wrote a simple program running as a service that invokes Firefox to make a PDF. All seems well, the PDF gets ...
How can I consume a webservice that hasn't explicitely created a crossdomain.xml?
I understand it's for security and to prevent cross-site scripting, but it does seem like a major limitation to the Flex framework.
For example, if I want to consume a webservice, which is suppose to be language agnostic, then I can't with Flex. The web...
So I have a simple HTML pages browser in air (using Default one) I give it a link it renders out Page I use code like this (Flash builder)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
Does Flash Builder 4 allow one to automate building Flash CS5/as3 .flas?
Hi -
I have an Actionscript project that I was building using Flash CS4. I embedded a font using the follow:
[Embed(source="/bin/assets/fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf", fontWeight="normal", fontFamily="Myriad Pro")]
Then throughout my application in my TextFields I would set embedFonts to true antialiastype to advanced and set the thick...
Simply stated: I'm trying to record audio in a browser, and get that data back up to the server.
I originally tried to capture, encode and upload the audio using Silverlight, but because of the lack of suitable client-side encoding options, I'm now giving Flash a shot (Flash has baked-in support for encoding to Speex).
I think I've fig...
A client has sent me a Flash CS3 website template she was working on. I'm supposed to do some work on it. When I load it, it displays incorrectly. The body type appears incorrectly. It's different then what it appears on her computer. Causing all the body text to overlap each other.
She has Windows Vista with Flash CS3. I'm using Windo...
So i have a flash site i am doing in as2, even if the solution can only be done in as3, I still want it.
I am trying to accomplish lines through the background image like on this site http://larc-paris.com/#/fr/club
I tried just putting the patten on the image itself, but when i scale my site, its all distorted and the lines does not l...
I need to play videos stored on a web server from a web browser.
I was thinking of using Flash to achieve this. I found this article http://www.republicofcode.com/tutorials/flash/video_flvplayback/
Is there a better approach? Also when the video is playing or is paused, I'd like to be able to read the current time of playback fr...
What are main diferens between flash ActionScript and Flex actionscript?
Why Flash can not compile AS files generated from Flex (with keep-as) directly?
Somy problem is - I want to compile generated from MXML .AS files using Flash CS5... But it appeares to me I can not... Why?
do you know any browser-side component, in HTML/Javascript, Flash, Applet or Silverlight, that
would allow source code edition with syntax highlighting and auto-completion.
CodeMirror has a good syntax highlighting support but does not seem to support auto-completion.
If no such editor exists do you know any way to implement au...
EDIT: If I have a class called Items and it has a movieclip instance which is loaded from a url. The startDrag on item fails. If Items contains a movieclip which we initiate from a SWC (not load it) on Drag works fine.
Now how to solve the issue where I have a class which has a movieClip loaded from outside.
I have the following code:...
We run a database driven website. The next release will have a searchbox with real-time suggestions including thumbnail images. I was wondering if it would be possible to implement this as a widget that can be embedded on other sites as well. Preferrably also as advertising using an ad network..
I would like to get feedback on general a...
Hi Guys,
I have the following code which ultimately loads a SWF into movieclip 'myloader' using a movie clip loader, code as follows:
var myload:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var listener:Object = new Object();
listener.onLoadStart = function(){
animcontainer.myloader._lockroot = true;
I'm a n00b @ AS but I have managed to put together a video player using NetStream that suits my needs perfectly. The thing I'd like to add is that it would display a certain image if the streamed .flv clip only has audio track in it (mp3 converted flv).
Q: is there a way to check if the .flv I'm streaming has video in it?
How can I mask my flash movie dynamically using actionscript to create a 5 pixels rounded mask in the 4 corners? (the corners should be transparent, the rest should be visible)
I had posted my question as an answer to this question: How to get associated URLRequest from Event.COMPLETE fired by URLLoader
Sorry. Here is my question again:
Hi, How can I make your function work for loader object in a loop? Thanks! Meengla Here is my existing (rough) code; I always get the mylabel from the last element of the a...
This deals with the (diverse) flash viewers that let you zoom in on images on websites. I’m trying to extract the large, zoomed-in image rendered by the viewer. In many cases the images seem to be dynamically called by the viewer, or are created only for the part of the image you are zooming on at that point. Ideally, the approach here...
How do I parse an XML document that contains nodes where underscores exist?
<child width_info="" height_info="" />
I tried this:
for each (var item:XML in Environment._XMLData.some_xml.child_node.child){
But that does'nt seem to work. I...
Please check this page: http://islandhideaway.weebly.com/
For whatever reason, the flash slideshow moves over 1 pixel when opened in Firefox on my Mac. All other browsers render it fine, but only on Firefox it leaves a 1 pixel white gap on the left!
I am using the most recent version of SWFObject. This unfortunately is a garbage Weebly...