I write a piece of software that runs inside banner ads which generates millions of session IDs every day. For a long time I've known that the random number generator in Flash is't random enough to generate sufficiently unique IDs, so I've employed a number of tricks to get even more random numbers. However, in ActionScript 2.0 it's not ...
I want to create a voice chat application as a part of a project. However, i am totally lacking direction regarding the programming language to use, the technologies involved.
Can somebody please guide me as to how i should proceed ?
Here are the features that i require :
user to user voice chat
ability to chat in conference (more th...
I have a performance question about pixel bender. I want to enlarge many BitmapData (double their size into new BitmapData). I was doing this with as3, but wanted to use pixel bender to get better performance. On my machine, I get better performance out of pixel bender demonstrations then as3.
To my surprise (or bad coding / understa...
Apologies if this has been answered before or if it's too obvious - pointers are greatly appreciated if this is the case.
What I'm trying to do:
1) have a way to save / copy screenshot from an Air app
2) automatically paste such screenshot into a new powerpoint slide in the current presentation
I have part 1 down but have no idea on ho...
Hi guys,
I think this is an easy question. I am using this useful Flash Document Reader called FlexPaper. I have it embeded in one of my Show pages. But when I click the a link on their tool bar to show the document in a new browser, it points to the following link ...
Dear all,
I need to obtain a string from HTML and put it into Actionscript.
the actionscript:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
protected function getUserName():void{
var isAvailable:Boolean = ExternalInterface.available;
var findUserName:String = "findUserName";
I've launched a website: .. But it does not work in IE 8 (the Flash movie does not load). It works fine in every other browser. I've no clue what's wrong or where to look..
Any ideas?
I have a Flex layout with some fixed size boxes into which I want to display text. However the text length is very variable, so it is necessary to scale, wrap and possibly elide (using ellipsis) the text.
The basic algorithm needed is:
fill bounding box with text, scaling font size to fit
if font size < minimum
set font size to mi...
I'm working with actionscript 3 and have a trouble.
I need to write player where users will see text on the front of the movie.
The text is text field of type "Dynamic text".
The problem is that I need to make this text object transparent for mouse move and clicks.
I tried:
... but it does n...
I want to show a box in 3d on my website, and I was thinking to do it in Flash. How I can show a 3d model?
I need something very simple, it's a textured cube, no interaction required, just let the user pan and zoom.
There is a 3ds viewer in flash or something like that?
Java is also ok (but flash is preferred)
I'm currently a PHP programmer and one of my childhood dreams is to create a game.
The problem is I don't know Flash. I'm not great at drawing stuff or even artistic. I could program a little with JavaScript and I could consider myself intermediate with JQuery.
How do I get started with Flash Game development? What books do I...
In my Flex application, users need to be able to upload and download content. However, this content is access restricted, and I need to do a permissions check before allowing the upload/download. The user clicks a link, and then selects a file using the FileReference class. The FileReference class doesn't attach cookie information, so I ...
We are trying to create Flash online game)
Can you help me to choose the best way to communicate this two technology? Now I have chosen BlazeDS, but I am not sure, mb XML socket, or anything else.....
In my site I use Unicode... I hoped when I'll connect Flash Builder to my server (using Data -> connect to HTTP ) It will work with my API sending Russian text as UTF-8 but instead it sends Þûõó ïúушúøý to my API and so to DB and so on instead of my favourite UTF-8 Русско
when validating a site using w3c validator it tells me the embed tag is not valid markup. So i take it out and it works on safari/chrome but not firefox(3.5.x) but validates fine. Is there something in the object tag i must add in order for firefox to display flash.
I have some software classes(library) to run commands on any mxml file.
These classes(library) are wrapped in a SWC file. This SWC file is referenced by any sample mxml application (by adding as SWC file).
My problem is that I want to test these software classes(library) against my sample mxml file using FlexUnit. That is, I should ...
Is it possible to call my ejbs from Flash actionscript? If yes, can anybody give me any link or example to accomplish the same?
Also if my ejbs are returning List how will flash come to know about this class?
Thanks in advance :)
I like this flash component used here http://thetoke.com/ (skip the intro part)
It has all the cover flow, 3D wall and related features. Has anyone seen this before? Is it possible to buy this component? See screenshot.
Ok, if this is not available to buy or cant decompile :) then how will I go about building this?
I hope someone...
Everything I've tried so far with a FLVPlayback component to seemlessly loop a progressively-downloaded 15 second video has failed. There's always a split-second pause when it's time to loop. For the scenario, embedding video in a flash project is not an option, and the split-second pause is unacceptable. I've tried setting autorewind...
So I have a s:DropDownList with data from service. When an Item from recived list is selected I perform some action (lets call it Action A) I want to add an item visible in list so that when user selects that one item I'll perform another action (lets call it Action B).
Toda when I use such code to fill my list: