
Magento and the <video> tag (e.g. HTML5 Video with Flash Fallback)

Is Magento somehow unique in a way that would make the (now becoming a standard) <video> tag (e.g. HTML5 Video with Flash Fallback) and its related js + swf players not perform well in a Magento site? I understand that regular html blocks can be used in Magento but I have to ask because it seems like with Magento - ya just never know. ...

Flash Player 10.1 causing sandbox violation no previous version caused

This is a WTF moment for me. Working with a SWf where it's worked all along, loading data from http://akmi.kaltura.com. But, now, if you switch from Flash Player 10 to Flash Player 10.1, I get the standard security sandbox violation: * Security Sandbox Violation * Connection to http://akmi.kaltura.com//index.php/partnerservices2/...

pass FileReference between two flash movies

Hi I have an html page with a flash object that provides video chat using stratus. I want to enable file sharing from a different UI on the same html page. I want to use the same stratus connection to send the file. Is it possible to create a small flash object that will present a browse button and let the user choose a file and then p...

Compiling with Flex4 SDK

I'm trying to compile an existing Flex3 project with the Flex4 SDK. I'm getting this error: Warning: This compilation unit did not have a factoryClass specified in Frame metadata to load the configured runtime shared libraries. To compile without runtime shared libraries either set the -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries option to tru...

Action Script 3.0 project running problem

My simple flash project works on my computer normally.But I move it to other computer .swf file does not work.It shows only 3 point like loading and thats all.In my project I have some images .I added them like drag and drop on project.But I tried it with out images and it also gives same error.I am using CS5. ...

Flash CS5 referencing design time objects in AS

If I create an object on stage in Flash Pro CS5 and want to reference it in code, how would I do so? Let's say I have 2 movie clips which I have converted to symbols and given instance names. How would I reference one of the clips? The instance name doesn't seem to work. ...

Dynamically Resizing Flash Object to Fill Window

I have a Flash/Flex object (Flashlight-VNC), which I would like to dynamically resize to fit the entire window after pressing a button in the Flex app. This would preferably happen without restarting the Flex app (and therefore the VNC session). I would just use the built-in Flash fullscreen mode, however Adobe's somewhat silly security ...

A Better Way To Make SelectedIndex Correspond To Selected Item In Flex ComboBox

Isn't there a better way to accomplish this?: (RegionID is a Flex ComboBox) RegionID.selectedItem=value.Region; var N:int=0; for each (var E:Object in RegionID.dataProvider.source) { if (E==value.Region) { RegionID.selectedIndex=N; } N++; } this.validateNow(); All I want...

How can i change the stage height (in flash) of the main movieclip dynamically according to content?

I have a flash widget (kind of player). I need to dynamically change height of the widget according to the data i am loading in runtime via json. I want to do the resize in actionscript event handler. The version of AS is ActionScript 3.0 ...

My Flash.SWF isn't playing

I am very new at this. I was asked to create a new site for this church. They already had a flash.swf file running, I copied the page and did the modifications for he new inforamation, but the file won't play. Here is the code, #<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub...

seekSeconds() problem in as3

hi, I use seekSeconds() to start a video from a specific time.But when i write seekSeconds(1),seekSeconds(2),seekSeconds(3),seekSeconds(4) and seekSeconds(5) the video starts from fifth seconds.when i write seekSeconds() from fifth seconds to fifteenth seconds the video starts fifteenth seconds.How i can solve this problem .thanks fo...

to combine html and flash

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string sUrl = "C:/Documents and Settings/stajer_it/Desktop/Yeni Klasör/inna.flv"; string sBaslangic = "10.000"; string sBitis = "15.000"; lblObje.Text = @"<object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-...

5008 error in flash cs4 as3

HI i try to add a class in my project and show me this error "the name of definition "Box" does not reflect the location of this file.Pleas change the definition's name inside this file, or rename the file." What can i do for that the name is correct in class and in folder! Is anybody help me please....... ...

How do you "step into" with fdb.exe?

Hi I'm using FDB.exe now for debugging. The problem is I don't know how to do "step into" with that. There're two command for stepping, "step" and "next", but it all behaves similar to "step over" in a GUI debugger. So is there any good way? Maybe I need to set a break point in the beginning of the function i'm going to step into, conti...

Export FLA composition to FLEX

Is it possible to export FLA composition to Flex? So it will work exactly as in Flash Pro but instead in FLEX? FLA contains a bunch of movieClips, buttons, images, all driven by an .as file. Thanks, ...

Good resources for flash and actionscript tutorials

My brother just learned flash and a little of action script, now he want to know good resources to improve his skills more and more. He want to know some good tutorials to learn from. Note: He learned flash to help him in my web design, and add a new skill plus the web design skills he knows such as CSS, HTML, photoshop and a little pr...

How to create a textbutton in flash using Action script 3

When i tried using a textfield as a button , it seems it is not having the buttonMode property. So can anyone tell me, how can i programatically create a text button using Action script in a flash project. It should be a simple text, which is clickable. ...

Has flash player 10.1 been released so far?

I just read this post which said flash player 10.1 provides consistent runtime for desktop and mobile devices. I just asked a question on porting a desktop application to mobile here, but if flash player 10.1 is available I won't bother to do the porting stuff. UPDATE Can someone give a link where mentions about the consistent runtime...

How to pass array for Inspectable paramether

When I create a custom component, I define a property which is array that could accept values from the enumeration, see code below: [Inspectable(type="Array", defaultValue="day, month", enumeration="day, week, decade, month, year")] public var selectionMode:Array; I would like to know how I can pass array of values to my component fr...

Simple OpenGL implementatione

Hi all. I work on port of some casual games to Flash. They are based on OpenGL. Used OpenGL version is 1.x mostly. Game engine relies is 2D. It bases on OpenGL textures and simplest glBegin/glTexCoord/glVertex/glEnd. Blending and tiling is used too. The question. I do not want to reinvent OpenGL again. Please tell - maybe you know simpl...