Flash Page Flip
What properties are used to animate a Flash "book"? Are there any open source projects that I can use to make something like this? ...
What properties are used to animate a Flash "book"? Are there any open source projects that I can use to make something like this? ...
For developing Flash / ActionScript packages on Windows, there is no better free tool than FlashDevelop. Unfortunately, its reliance on the .Net framework make it ill-suited for AS3 development on Ubuntu. (My attempts to get it working with Mono failed - the installer wouldn't even work.) Is there a similar tool for use with Ubuntu? ...
I am writing an ActionScript class and I don't know where the standard place to put it is. In other words, where should I put the package in regards to the hierarchy? In flash.myname.mypackage? What is the standard naming convention? As you can probably tell, I haven't had a lot of experience writing ActionScript classes :) ...
Are there a good overview/comparison of Flash-authoring tools somewhere online? By "Flash-authoring tools" I mean "Flash Builder vs. OpenLaszlo vs whatever", not Silverlight or JavaFX. ...
I have to stream videos in my php site? how to do that. any body knows any free flash player given sites link. Please help me. ...
I am creating a textbutton using actionscript. the code is given below. public function createTextButton(parentId){ var mytext:TextField = new TextField(); mytext.x = 478; mytext.y = 225; mytext.height = 20; var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); format.font = "H...
I'm trying to set up a menu. Because this menu can have a varying number of entries, I'm generating it instead of hard-coding it. The Menu object contains an Array of MenuEntry objects, and each MenuEntry has a framework.Button object which contains the text and box that actually gets drawn to the screen. I can add a MouseEvent.Click eve...
Since iphone doesn't support flash at all. Is it Darwin streaming server ? ...
I'll consider myself a newbie, I've made buttons in a flash menu to play animation and go to a url on click, and I've made it so that the url page loads in an iframe. Everything works fine on Safari, but it ends up loading the url page in a new tab for Firefox. If anyone has a solution, it'll be really appreciated. Thanks so much. He...
I am using this Flash panoramic viewer (http://flashpanoramas.com/player/). But for devices without Flash support are there any good HTML alternatives? It needs to support proper 3d panoramics such as Google Street View. ...
Hi guys, how can I pass a string from PHP to Flash? I need to pass this to flash, $var = 'uid_'.$uid.'_'.'likes_'.$likes; Any ideas on how I can accomplish this? Thanx in advance! ...
I am editing a Flash file and I need to change a mailto: link. When I edit that link to change the email address I get several instances of error #1056. I am no Flash guru, I am just wondering why such an arbitrary change would break everything and where I should be looking to solve the problem/ Thanks Edit: Here are the errors: Ref...
I am dealing with a Flash file which has been created by a third party. It has a lot of folders and files in the library and I can't seem to find any ActionScript anywhere. Is there a simple way of finding the location of ActionScript when the author has been naughty and not labelled it or put it in a sensible place? ...
Hello I want to use instances in an array, but get an error. How do I use instances in an array? Thanks. Error 1010 'A term is undefined and has no properties' //I'm trying to make two array objects disappear var pink:Array = ["boxInstance1","boxInstance2"]; /* THIS WORKS boxInstance1.visible = false; boxInstance2.visible = false; */ /...
Hi, i saw couples of weeks ago some notes in adobe AIR website that they said adobe AIR will not be supported on Apple's devices like mac-book-pro, and am working on an application that will be made using adobe AIR and flash technologies and i have to make sure that it will works on apples computers ?? it's really important and i will...
import flash.net.URLLoader; import fl.video.*; import flash.utils.getTimer; fk.autoPlay = false; // Parametreleri yüklüyoruz. var myLoaderInfo=new Object(); //Parametrelerin yuklendigine emin olmak için false yapıldı.bunun daha sonra true olması gerekiyor. myLoaderInfo.myParamsLoaded = false; // Event.complete i cagırmak için kullanı...
Hi, I accidentally stumbled into using flash for a project where php wasn't an option, unfortunately I've come to a point where i need to edit a little actionscript and it's beyond me. the xml looks like this (i know it's stupid but it's already tied into some php parsing functions that would be irritating to rewrite!) <project> <proj...
How can I simulate F11 (fullscreen not maximaze browser window) as with flash: http://www.broculos.net/files/articles/FullscreenFlash/flashFullscreen.html ? in flash: fscommand("fullscreen", true ) permadi.com/tutorial/flash9FullScreen/index.html Thanks ...
Hello, There's 3 boxes I'm indexing through with a timer. They disappear in sequence. How do I make them reappear?Thanks boxes disappear in sequence 1-3 var pink:Array = ["","boxInstance1","boxInstance2","boxInstance3"]; var timer:Timer = new Timer(555); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer); timer.start(); function onTimer...
I need to be able to play MP3/AAC audio with a custom-built Flash player, embedded in a web page using my standard HTTP server. The loadSound() method seems to work fine for this, but I need to be able to skip the MP3 to unbuffered regions of the audio timeline and to start it streaming/downloading from there. Anyone know how I can acc...