
Flex 3 debugging not working with FIREFOX 3

Flex 3 debugging not working with FIREFOX 3 (under vista) no trace() shown in console. breakpoints not working. ...

Compare Flex 3 and 4

Where can I find a chart or some article to compare Flex 3 and new 4. ...

Flex3 Canvas, ScrollBar

Hi, I would like to add a "simple" Sprite into a flex Canvas. I'am doing this: var uic:UIComponent=new UIComponent; var s:Sprite=new Sprite(); //<-- my simple Sprite uic.addChild(s); myCanvas.addChild(uic); The Sprite is correctly added to the Canvas, but now, i need to activate the Canvas ScrollBar depending on the Sprite size. (the...

How do I stop a datagrid's first-row itemRenderer from instantiating/adding/initializing/etc twice?

In a Flex DataGrid's first row, the itemRenderer will initialize twice. Tracing the results reveals that the flex framework is possibly creating two instances of the first row's itemRenderer. In a more complex application, where the itemRenderer contains a data-bound ColorPicker, we're seeing an infinite loop occur because of this prob...

Flash: AMF3 with reference tables?

AMF3 specification defines use of so called "reference tables" (see Section 2.2 of this specification). I implemented this behavior in my AMF3 encoder/decoder I developed in Erlang, but being not very experienced with Flash API, I can hardly find how can I easily force Flash to use these reference tables when serializing objects to AMF...

Read variable from another function

How can I access an variable from another function? I have a function that sets and variable: private function create () { var str:String = "hello"; } private function take() { var message:String = str; } ...

FlashDevelop cannot see the MXML Component File I made

Following a Video tutorial on Flex, but I am inside the FlashDevelop IDE as opposed to Flex Builder. Now, in the video they create a custom MXML Component which is simply a derived Horizontal Box. The markup of the video tutorial to mine is the same and I have the MXML file in the same folder as the Main.MXML. I get the following ...

for loop in Flex 3

i want to create a loop withing my mxml code to create a variable number of input fields based on an integer value , this value is the result of a call which gets the number of columns in a database table. i have tried to use the repeater component however it needs an array, and my call is an int. Is there something in flex mxml whcih ...

flex 3 using nested repeaters

I'm trying to loop through a row of an arraycollection using nested repeater; <mx:Repeater id="rp1" dataProvider="{arrayCollection}"> <mx:Repeater id="rp2" dataProvider="{rp1.currentItem}"> <mx:Button height="49" width="50" label="{rp2.currentItem.name}" /> </mx:Repeater> </mx:Repeater> What im trying to do is make t...

Why will some modules load and some modules not load in FLEX 3?

I have an app with several modules. There is only one module loaded at anyone time. 2 out of the 3 modules load without problems but the third a new module will not fire the ModuleEvent.Ready. I have an event handler function that handles the ModuleEvent.PROGRESS and it just traces out the bytes loaded vs bytes total. It seems to load th...

flex 3 iterate through object values

hi, i have an object which represents a database table. I want to iterate through this object and print printing each value. What can i use to do this? i want to do this inside my mxml not actionscript for each object attribute i want to create an imput field ...

Complete / Progress events aren't firing for Image control with embedded content

I've got the following MXML tag: <mx:Image id="image" width="100%" height="100%" source="@Embed('../assets/Test.swf')" complete="completeHandler(event)" progress="progressHandler(event)"/> But for some reason my completeHandler / progressHandler functions aren't being called. The reason I n...

how to store multiple objects in flex sharedlocalobject?

I have a project where the client can save data from a flex app to their client in xml , something like <xml> <project id='1111'> <data ... /> <data ... /> </project> </xml> this is stored on the flex sharedlocalobject , but if the client creates a new project it overwrites the existing project. How can i store multiple projects in the...

Frameset in flex application ?

There is a frameset concept in HTML ....that we all know.... But i need that to be done in flex application .... How to do that ? ...

Replacing ScrollPane Scrollbar with OS Native Scrollbar

Is there an easy way to replace the ScrollPane scrollbar with the OS's native scrollbar? Flash applications look much more integrated if they have the same skinning as the user's operating system -- which isn't always easy to detect (Vista Aero vs. Classic?). Have you guys come across any examples of Flash apps doing this? ...

How to redirect the web page in flex application ?

I have a button control ....i need another web page to be redirected while clicking that button .... how to do that ? Thanks ...

Flash FileReference Upload to ASP.NET MVC

I am using a Flash/Flex uploading component in my ASP.NET MVC application. My action has a HttpPostedFileBase parameter. My action is called but my HttpPostedFileBase is passed in as null. Any ideas why it would come back null? Edit -- I believe this is on the MVC side. ...

flex 3 order of component loading

Hi , i have a custom component (AS3 component) which i include in my main.mxml. The problem is that it takes a bout 2 seconds longer than the main page to load. It has a db call which casues the delay. how can i fix this so that my custom component is loaded and displayed at the same time as my main.mxml file this is my component incl...

How can I load something from MySQL to an HorizontalList in Flex

How can I load text from MySQL to an HorizontalList in Flex3 ? I am using : <mx:ControlBar x="10" y="40" width="460" height="230"> <mx:HorizontalList id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{dataArr}" labelField="lbl" iconField="src" itemRenderer="CustomIte...

How do Identified animation is flash animation or flex animation ?

**In this Developing site URL ( http://slide.zhoyosoft.com ) one intro animation is there . How do Identified that intro animation is flash animation or flex animation ?** ...