
Flex 4's HSlider and TileLayout resizing problem

I have a simple application that consists of a HSlider and a list that contains a item renderer with a border container managed by a tile layout. For some reason when moving the slider to reduce the size of the item renderer it only reduce to a certain size and wont reduce any further. I use the same principle in flex 3 (with mx componen...

Drag and Drop to a Sprite in Flex

Hi, I need to detect when a user d-b-n-d an object into a sprite. I'm adding the 3 event listeners I need, but only one of them works: ontainer.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER, dragEnterHandler); container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_EXIT, dragExitHandler); container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, dragDropHandler); ...

Flex 4 scroll is wrong when changing scaleX and scaleY

When I zoom in with scaleX and scaleY, the scrollbar (of the object container) ignores the top of my scaled object and the left of my scaled objekt. It's seems like its going outside the container with negative values on x and y and therefore the container does'nt "see" that it's more to scroll. I've tried to change x and y after the s...

Flex 4: Nested components - Bad design?

Is it bad practice/design to nest components inside components using Flex 4? Should I simply be creating components and inserting them into my main application as below, or doesn't it matter? <com:MyComp1> <com:MyComp2> <com:MyComp3> <s:Label text="This is a test."/> </com:MyComp3> </com:MyComp2> </co...

Flex Chrome in flex 4 SDK

Anyone know how to set flex Chrome in flex 4 SDK ? coz when I use showFlexChrome, it always return error if I use flex 4 SDK. thx ...

How do you declare component states in ActionScript?

In mxml you declare states like this: <box:states> <s:State name="active"/> <s:State name="disabled"/> </box:states> How do you acheive the same in an ActionScript class? Apparently it's the same in Flex 3 and Flex 4, whatever it is. ...

Flare Dependency graph not being displayed when project migrated from Flex3 to Flex 4

hello, I have a project in Flex 3 which uses Flare to create and display a Dependency graph.i have recently migrated my project from Flex 3 to Flex 4 and found that the graph is not being displayed.Flex 4 needs Flash Player 10 and i am not sure if Flare has support for the same.Could be because of this? Shashank ...

Dynamic/Real-Time Update using 2 different states in Flex project.

Hi All, I am trying to update a visual component giving some information in 1st state, while I make changes in the 2nd State...Question : Is it possible ? If yes, then is just data binding the solution? how ?! Clearer Description : State 1 : Has a form, in which I enter some data value for 3 boxes. State 2 : Has 3 boxes, who have t...

How do I set a header on the request generated by FileReference?

http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/FileReference.html How do I add my own request header to the POST requests generated by FileReference.upload()? ...

How do I retrieve cookies from the cookie space used by AMF?

I have a flex app that uses AMF to talk to a Spring Java backend. How do I get the values of cookies that have been set by the server and are being sent back by AMF? ...

Is there a way to have global Flex 4 states (user roles)?

I am having an issue with flex states in my application. What I am looking to do is on creation complete of the application, obtain a user role guest/user/superUser (based on username and password) from a server, then set the state client side based on that information. My .mxml classes need to include certain graphic elements based on t...

Spark ComboBox - issue with displaying text for new item?

I've been playing with s:ComboBox and generally like them a lot. One detail is driving me nuts though - most likely due to my lack of knowledge in the subject - is that if I try to add a new item to my dataprovider in a changeHandler (registered to the change event) the text for the ComboBox textInput disappears - although the item addit...

Flex Spark ComboBox in an MX AdvancedDataGrid

I would like to use a combobox as the itemEditor for one of the columns of an AdvancedDataGrid. I looked around and decided to use Spark ComboBox components - they're slick and seem to natively support a lot of neat stuff including auto-completing strings when types in the textInput. After some tinkering I managed to add a spark ComboBox...

Image Skinning a Button in Flex 4

Hi All I'm trying to skin a button with images. The following code is for flex 3, but i need equivalent in flex 4 code. not using skin class.Please post the flex 4 code. .muteVolumeButton { upSkin: Embed(source='images/sound-mute.gif'); overSkin:Embed(source='images/sound-hover.gif'); downSkin: Embed(source='images/sound-on.gif'); d...

Flex 4 - Problem listening to an event in Main.mxml from a UIComponent extended custom class

Hi, I've run into weird issue.I've a main game class which extends UIComponent and basecly glue all game logic together - main loop.Then I've app main.mxml file which initialize main game class,keep care of game screen state(main menu,game,game over,etc..) and add some ui control - flex is great for that.Nonetheless problem arrive when ...

Setting the WebServiceWrapper endpointURI at run time

I'm in the middle of switching from Flex Builder 3 to Flash Builder 4, and one of the problems I have run into is that support for web services in 4 is substantially different. In both IDE's I am able to import a WSDL for my web service and it will generate the appropriate client classes for communicating with the service. The generated ...

Login using Rails Devise and Adobe AMF3

I am trying to login in to my Rails app through an adobe flex application that uses Devise but cannot figure out how to map the AMF request to Devise::SessionsController#New. I tried the following <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="librar...

Flex 4 How do I access a specific cell by index?

I would like to edit a cell by the row and column indexes so essentially do the following: advDataGrid[2][3] = "Dogs" so that I am setting the data grid row 2 and column 3 to Dogs. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this! Side note: I need this because I am trying to allow the user to copy a section of an excel file to ...

should I use papervision3d in a Flex4 project?

if for example I want to create a 3d coverflow component should I create a custom layout and manipulate Matrix3d objects or should I create this component using the papervision3d library? is it common to use 3d engines in a Flex 4 project? ...

Difference between <s:VGroup> and "<s:Group> with vertical layout"

Dear friends, I am trying to get some hands on Flex 4. When it came to choose between VGroup and Group, I am a bit confused. Is there some good reason/distinction between the two, namely VGroup and Group with vertical layout. Which one should a develpoer prefer to get best performance ? Thanks in advance. ...