
Is there a way to populate the Tree component with the display list

Is there a way display the display list in the Tree component. I could parse the display list into xml but then I would not be able to create a reference to the display object. ...

Flex 4 modules - cannot include classes unless in same folder as the module? What am I missing?

Hi, I am playing with a Flex 4 / Air 2 project, that loads Modules at runtime. I can include intrinsic MX classes in my module and all works fine (eg: import mx.controls.Alert). I can also include my own classes - however, only if the class is in the same folder as the module. eg: <?xml version="1.0"?> <mx:Module> <mx:Script> ...

How to get text from a <input> HTML control in FLEX 4

Hi! I have a BorderContainer that has an HTML element inside of it. The HTML has a control that isn't contained in a form. It is possible to retrive text from the input element at a given moment? Thanks! ...

flex HTTP Basic authentication problem

hello, i'm trying to get xml file that requires HTTP Basic authentication : private function authAndSend(service:HTTPService):void { var enc:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder(); enc.insertNewLines=false; enc.encode("login:pass"); service.headers["Authorizatio...

Is there an easy way to automatically format dates according to locale in Flex 4?

I understand that one can use local-specific ResourceBundles in combination with DateFormatters to format dates according to locale. However this is a manual process - is there an automatic way to do this or to set a default for the application? In Java for example, all your dates will automatically appear in dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy format...

Does Flex allow full control over UI components?

Hi, I'm wondering what the best tool is for developing a mobile UI is. My requirements are that I retain full control over the look and movement of every UI component. I think Flex might be the best way to do this but I can't tell if I'll have that level of control using their UI components. Any links would be appreciated. Thanks! Edi...

Nested scroller not working

A sample app where the scroller does not show up. Is there any sane way of using a scroller in a constrain based layout? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:HGroup left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"> <s:Scroller left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"> <s:VGroup> ...

Flex: How to ensure CutOperation puts the cut text on the clipboard?

I have a class that inherits from EditManager and provides these methods: public function performCopy():void { var copyOperation:CopyOperation = new CopyOperation( getSelectionState() ); doOperation( copyOperation ); } public function performCut():void { var textToCut:TextScrap = TextScrap.createTextScrap( getSelectionState() );...

Displaying SVG in Flex 4

It seems like SVG has be "deprecated" in Flex 4 in favor of Adobe's FXG. What can I do if I have a bunch of SVG graphics that I want to keep using. Is there something reliable to convert SVG to FXG? Are they in feature parity? Is there a converter out there that won't cost me $1500? ...

Flex with Oracle 10g

Hi, I am new to Flex 3/4 and was after some help with what is involved (examples pls) in creating an application in flex that runs off an Oracle 10g database to both retrieve/modify data from, with flex. Basically would like to know how to connect flex to an oracle database to perform database transactions like updates/deletes/inserts....

FLEX: Partciles emitter not showing in Augmented Reality(FlarToolkit)

Hi All, I have created a Flex application for a AR Campaign. I am using an external SWF that contain an animation included a particles emitter as my movieMaterial for my PV3D plane. I have created a CustomFLAR class, so my project is more organized. Particles Emitter: http://www.patrickjansen.net/stockflash/particleemitter/Readme.ht...

How can I detect problems with the instantiation of a WebService ?

Hello, I instantiate a WebService with a couple of operations that return an asyncToken. Then receivers get assigned this token and in turn call the fault handlers when the token prompts a fault. I wanted to handle the case where there's a problem at the WebService instantiation stage, e.g. when it goes to read the WSDL and it can't re...

Datagrid with custom HeaderRenderer in Flex 4

Hi, I have a datagrid in my Flex App, and I;m uisng a custom HeaderRender. This HeaderRender has a checkbox. How can I control the checkbox from outside the HeaderRender? thanks! ...

Flex 4 and states! Im sick to always have to set the normal and disabled state in custom components

I'm extending the SkinnableContainer in the hosted component. so in the mxml file i always have to make the normal and disabled states. the problem is that when i make changes in the design mode, the elements get like this: width.normal="xx" and other thing when i would like to be generic like width="xx". where are the options to disab...

Talking to a usb device when RIA app is installed locally - easier in silverlight or flex ?

I'm creating a program that needs to communicate with a usb device when installed on the desktop, but doesn't need to access the device when running in the browser. Hopefully this would remove the need for doing any browser-dependent extensions/hacks to work. Would silverlight 4 let me call a native process to do this (presumably via CO...

How to design a container with connected elements in Flex

I have a container that uses a custom layout to position its children and resize them. I now want to draw FXG arrows between these child components. Where and how should I do this? Should the arrows be children (siblings of the object they connect to each other)? Should I add these children in the layout, or should they be added with th...

How to automatically return to Flash perspective after debugging in Flash Builder 4

Flash Builder 4 knows how to automatically switch on the Debug perspective when the user starts debugging, but when the debugging session is over (e.g. terminated) it remains in the debug perspective. Can it be configured to automatically return to the development perspective when the debugger is detached / process is terminated? ...

flex 4 remove Rotate easing

I'm trying to animate (rotate) an image in flex4 but it seems that flex is adding easing to my animation by default. How can I over ride this so my rotate doesn't have any easing. Here the line of code I'm using <s:Rotate angleFrom="0" angleTo="1080" duration="10000" autoCenterTransform="true" /> ...

Make Flex 4 modules inherit style from main application

Hi, I am developing a modular Flex 4 (or more precisely AIR1.5, if that makes difference) application and encountered rather ugly problem. In the main App I have a style.css, which defines all the styles for, let's say, spark Buttons. It looks more or less like this: s|Button, .moduleButton{ font-family: "Fonter"; skin-class: Clas...

Flex 4 fails to parse XML with quoted text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WorkItems> <WorkItem Duration="1" ID="1" Title="this breaks: &quot;"></WorkItem> </WorkItems> I embed this XML into my Flex 4 app: <fx:XML source="data.xml" id="Data"> </fx:XML> And I get an error: TypeError: Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed. If I remove the quot part o...