
Easy way to switch a back and forth between a real and mock data service for a Flex 4 application?

I have a Flex 4 client application that is under development in parallel with the server back-end. I am use Mate's MockRemoteObject to provide a mock data service, but as the real data service comes on line, we'll want to run against that sometimes from Eclipse. Is there a way to easily switch between the two without having to modify s...

Flex w/ AMF Returning results slowly.

I think this is just a matter of fine tuning some different elements, but I'd like to know your take. I've got a Flex app, using the Flex 4 data services, communicating with Zend AMF services. One of the services returns all the results in a database using SELECT * FROM table there are ~1200 rows (140KB package size). My problem is the ...

How to send PUT HTTP Request in Flex

I want to send HTTP PUT Request on one URL to update that content of XML via using API. URL is like this: https://domainname.com/someurls/id.xml I want to update that content. But When I am sending this PUT request, I have seen that in Network Monitor of Flex 4, Its going as the POST request on this web, while I am setting method as P...

flex skin problem

how can i add flex style reference in flex skin like below example whenever i add this code in my flex file in f:style tag it remove all skin styles how i can set SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin thankss skinClass:ClassReference("spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin"); ...

Displaying loading time

Hi ! I have a flex application embed in a html page (generate by php) I would like to display, the load time of this application. How can I do that ? Should I use php or should I use flex ? Thanks a lot ! ...

Passing properties to a custom component in Flash Builder 4

I'm trying to pass some properties to a component I've created in Flash Builder 4. In my example below I want to pass the "label" property to update the label property of the Button. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. // MyApp.mxml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns....

Flash Builder 4: Error #1009 in when Button is wrapped in BorderContainer

This is really bugging me, but I have a component where a Button is wrapped in BorderContainer. I'm passing a custom property to the component at run-time to change the label of the button but Flex is reporting the following error: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference When the error occurs, Flex highlights the...

Changing properties of several objects in Flex

In my example below I have several objects. I want to change the label of all objects in one go, without calling each element by id. I know how to do this in HTML, but not in Flex. // HTML <div class="text" id="text1">SomeText</div> <div class="text" id="text2">SomeText</div> <div class="text" id="text3">SomeText</div> // jQuery $(".te...

Make a visual object in Flex 4 move along a circular motion path

I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish a fairly simple task: I have a simple graphic and I'd like to apply an "orbiting" effect to it - so that the graphic moves in a circle around an arbitrary point (without rotating around its own center). <s:Ellipse id="circle" width="100" height="100"> <s:fill> <s:SolidColor color="0x000...

Flex module error

Hi, I'm trying to load a module into a flex 4 application (the module was compiled using SDK4 as well) but I got this error (I'm migrating this app from Flex 3 to Flex 4): VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::LayoutContainer could not be found. at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame() at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame...

Runtime Error 1007 on a simple ProgressBar in Flex 4

This is such a simple code that compiles correctly, but I'm getting the error below when running it TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor. at mx.controls::ProgressBar/createChildren()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\pro jects\framework\src\mx\controls\ProgressBar.as:1110] at mx.core::UICompon...

How to place one object (image) on top of the other(video) in Flex 4

Hi, I'm looking to place an image (object) on top of the other object (default video player in Flex 4), any suggestions are most welcome. Do we've to use canvas? can I do it without using canvas? An example would be greatly appreciated, thanks. Regards ...

Flex 4 Problem using datagroup with XML and item renderer.

Hi, I have a Datagroup with a custom item renderer the momment I bind it to XML from an http service it stops working. My XML: <SDLIST> <chartlist> <reportname>FACTORY STATUS</reportname> <reportimage>file:/D:/Work/RapidReport/Images/Charts/Vertical-Linear-Gauges.png</reportimage> </chartlist> <chartlist> <reportname>FACTO...

flex write runtime errors stacktrace to file

Hi, I am developing a Flex + AIR application. While debugging using Flash Builder sometimes I get runtime errors dialog with 'continue' & 'dismiss all' buttons. But when I release a build(.air) & run the application after installing. Then I don't get the same dialog in the release build. I need to track these types of runtime errors f...

Cannot bind data to DropDownList control in Flex 4

I'm fetching some data from a PHP application using Zend AMF. However I can't get the data to bind to a simple DropDownList control. The PHP method is: class Test { public function myMethod() { $res = array(); $res[] = array('NAME' => 'ThisIsATest', 'ID' => 1); return $res; } } Network Monitor repor...

Starting a Windows application from a Flex4 mxml desktop application

I want to write a Flex4 mxml application which can be used to start a Windows application like Skype/Word on the click of a button. How to do this using Flash Builder 4? ...

Create a Flex4 component to have the typewriter effect in text

How can I create a Create a Flex4 component to have the typewriter effect in text , like shown here ...


Is there a updated comparison according to the latest technologies offered as shown here ...

Flex 4 Skin:Specifying state for an attribute in script

I'm trying to create a button skin, where i can set fillColors like in a Flex 3 button, using CSS. It was easy to set the color of the gradients, by reading them from the CSS: adding a few lines in updateDisplayList: fillGradient1.color = fillColors[0]; ... How can i set the colors for the other states, from script? I tried adding fil...

Flex4 TabBar skinning

Hello everyone. I have trying to skin TabBar and NavigatorContent. Please see image for explanation - All tabs are transparent (alpha 0.6) and also their borders. How can I remove top border from NavigatorContent under selected buttonTab ? ...