
Using image while creating custom components in flex

Hi, For my AIR based application I am trying to create a custom component based on canvas which has an image (as shown below). <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100" height="100" cornerRadius="5" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="2" dropShadowEnabled="true" borderColor="#EDEDE8" dropShadowColor="#dddddd" sh...

Flash builder 4 does not show export to native installer option??

Hi, i am using Flash-builder 4 and developed an application to capture screen image and save on desktop. But when i click the export button , the flex builder shows me the option to export to file only as shown below http://web.s4spk.com/irfan/exporttest/index.html I have downloaded latest air sdk and overwrite file in sdk4.0.0 , now ...

Adobe native Air app works on windows7 but not on windowsXP??

Well i have an adobe air app that captures screen and saves image on desktop. The App works fine on windows 7 but it just does not work on windowsXp.. The App use native windows exe that was built in C# using Visual Studio 2010. Its video tutorial and code is given at http://www.gotoandlearn.com/ The app just does not work on windows ...

Aligning Text in spark Labels

Hi I have 2 spark labels next to each other. They are in a basic layout and both have bottom set to 0. They have different font sizes (28 and 12). Both fields only display numbers. I want the baseline of the numbers to line up. At the moment they do not as there are no descenders and the descender area of the line is obviously a diffe...

Flex-IFrame Comm Test Not Working

I'm trying to get the IFrameCommTest example (from the Flex-IFrame site) to work in Flex 4, and, while the IFrame itself works, the communication does not. In particular, I need to get the included HTML page to call functions from the flex app (I already have a way to get the Flex app to talk to the HTML). I've exported the project to...

alert dialog not showing the text in flex 4

Hi, I am using Flex 4 and running into some problems displaying a simple alert box. The alert box shows up, but the text seems to be the same color as the background. I know the text is there because if I mouse over in the alert box window to roughly where the text would be, I can see the cursor change. And when I double click and copy-...

Click Flex 4 spark ToggleButton component in code

I can't found any property in sparks's ToggleButton that allow me to press it from code. I tested setCurrentState("down") method, but this way button not dispatching click event i think. ...

flex 4 render html

can anybody advise me a free component that normally renders html in flex 4? For example i need to render html such as: <p class="Normal" style="color:#FF0000; text-decoration: underline;"><span class="" style="text-decoration: underline;">1.TESTgh</span></p> i found iframe-flex. but it doesn't work in fourth version ...

Flex/Flash Builder is renaming my SWF after building

It's only started doing this today, so I assumed it was something I've done, so I've opened a new workspace, created a new project, logged out, restarted, all of the usual suspects. So the application is called ApplicationMain and the computer's name is Hobbes. What happens is that after a build completes, I see the ApplicationMain.swf...

Flex 4 Scroller component doesn't render horizontal scrollbar.

I'm pretty sure my dynamic mxml layout must give me two scrollbars (horizontal and vertical) but it only shows vertical one. Am I missing something or is it a bug? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xml...

flex 4: resize SWFLoader element to fit inside a VGroup element

Hello. I'm trying to resize a flash game inside a VGroup, no matter what configuration i try to set, some of my flash games are clipped out. i see only 80% of the actual flash screen. this is my code: <s:VGroup id="gameVGroup" clipAndEnableScrolling="true" height="480" maxHeight="480" width="540" maxWidth="540"> <mx:SWFLoader ...

How do I design a dynamically changing table in Flex 4?

So, I'm new to Flex 4 and have been doing the Flex in a Week crash course online. I need some help trying to build a dynamically growing or shrinking table with columns and rows. The cell backgrounds of the table will change color depending on an XML file. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words: http://drop.io/v0woo7w (password...

mx.collections missing? ArrayCollection() in Flex4 (Flash Builder 4)

I have some code that uses an ArrayCollection, it imports: import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; then: static protected var myAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); Seems straightforward, but in my project the import (and thus ArrayCollection) are not found/defined! I am using Flash Builder 4 (Flex 4) - it's an ActionScript ...

Component goes out of another component

Hello, If I drag a textInput from a component and drop it near the end of the another component, the textInput goes outside of the dropZone. Any ideas how to resolve this problem? thanks edit: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spar...

Unable to reload the swf again in my flex applicaion (AIR)

Hi, In my flex application I am showing a titleWindow as popup which has a swfLoader and it loads one swf file. My application and the loaded swf file communicate with the help of LocalConnection. And here is the flow. When the popup opens, I create a connection. connection:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection(); connection.client ...

how to cut bitmap in bitmapdata

I need how to cut bitmap from bitmapdata. plz tell me because i am work for graphics. ...

Find an open popup in Flex 4

I'm opening popups (subclass of TitleWindow) in Flex by using PopUpManager.createPopUp(parent, TrainCard) Is there any way I can get a list of popups that are open? Or do I need to keep my own list? I need to make sure I'm not opening the same popup twice. ...

Does Adobe Flex SDK contain a helper function for converting strings to Booleans?

Yes, it is a trivial question. I was just wondering. Does the framework have a helper function that does something like this: switch (value) { case "true": return true; case "false": return false; default: return Boolean(value); } ...

Collapsing a Spark BorderContainer dynamically does not collapse its children

protected function lbHideQuery_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { if (lbHideQuery.selected) { lbHideQuery.label = "Show Query Panel"; origHeight = canvas1.height; canvas1.height = 0; } else { ...

Flex/Air datagrid open ContextMenu using mouseDown rather than rightMouseDown?

In a Flex 4/Air app, I've got an itemrenderer in a column of a Datagrid. I'd like the item to open the ContextMenu on itemRenderer.mouseDown but it seems to only work with itemRenderer.rightMouseDown. Any ideas as to why? and/or a good workaround? thnx in advance. ...