
How do I put tick labels inside of a line graph in Flot.

I essentially want to have the tick labels sitting inside the graph in their own column. Similar to how Campaign Monitor graphs are. But I can't find a way to do this. Is it possible? ...

Showing line with the right lineWidth in legend.

I have a group of lines, with different width. I would like to show the same width of lines in the legend area, is there a way to do that? Currently, the legend only has the right color in a block (same size for all the lines.) ...

jquery creating stacked bar chart with flot?

I'm using jquery flot and I'm trying to create a stacked bar chart, but I'm having some syntax issues... I'll post my code at the end of this, but I'm quite certain it's wrong. I do get a stacked bar chart, but there's only three columns... Basically, here is the data that I'm working with and what I want to accomplish... The first...

FLOT data as image to write to PDF

I am using jQuery/FLOT to draw a graph, I would like for the user to be able to download a PDF version of the graph. I am writing the PDF using ColdFusion. After creating the graph I then send the html of the graph div, via ajax to a CF script that uses cfdocument to write the pdf. The problem is that in the PDF, it only displays the axi...

Flot not displaying x axis labels correctly

I have to display a graph with date on the X axis and Amt on the Y axis. There will be 8 lines (series) each with n months data. When I plot the graph I am sending in 6 months data for sure.( one line's data is shown below) [1251701950000, 34.50553] [1254294030000, 27.014463] [1256972350000, 26.7805] [1259567970000, 33.08871] [12622464...

Problem passing json into jquery graph(flot)

I trying to retrieve some json to pass into a flot graph. I know that json is right because I hard coded it to check, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not passing right because It's not showing up. Here's the javascript: var total = $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, url: "../api/?key=xxx&api=report&crud=return_months&format=json" }...

How can I get the X axis labels in Flot to be transformed with my data?

I am using Flot to chart some data that I pull back from the server. The X-axis data that I receive is in units of milliseconds, and I want to display the chart with the X-axis in units of seconds. So, I thought this was a good use of the API's transform axis option. I applied my transform like so: var plot = $.plot($("#placeholder")...

Is there a way to change the color of plots in jQuery flot without redrawing the whole chart?

I have a chart that I'm drawing using flot. I want to change the colors of the data plots when someone hovers over text. Currently, I am doing this by redrawing the entire chart each time I need to highlight something. This is pretty slow (about 30 milliseconds for a simple chart, as much as 100 for a more complicated chart). Since all I...

How to save (preserve) the zoom state of flot graphs on Update with AJAX

I have a simple application which polls database for data every minute. When new data is fetched, I am updating the graph using ajax. However, whenever I update the graph (re-plot it with new values added to plot data) the current state of zoom is lost. Before updating the graph, I want to preserve the latest zoom position. After updatin...

How to resize a Flot graph when its containing div changes size

I'm using the Flot graphing library jQuery plugin and I haven't found a good way to handle resizing the graph when it's containing <div> changes size (for example, due to window resizing). When handling the onresize event, I've made sure that the width and height of the containing <div>are updated to the correct size and then tried call...

invalid property id error while passing data in json format

I have a some data in JSON format(which comes from php) to be passed to a javascript function. I'm getting 'invalid property id' error when I try to do this. Error: invalid property id Source File: http://localhost/MathVoyager/index.php/test Line: 1, Column: 15 Source Code: draw_quadratic({ Below is the js function signature(both data...

Jquery flot and week numbers

I've plotted some nice graphs with jquery flot. On the x-as the weeknumber is displayed. I would like to display the weeknumbers of the winter season (oct-apr) but that is not possible 'cos flot likes a straight set (0,1,2,3,4 etc) and not (49, 50, 51, 52, 1, 2 etc). Does anyone know how to fix it? http://sionvalais.com/snowcondition/and...

How can I shade a region between two lines in flot?

I have had a lot of success creating graphs with Flot. However, I can not seem to figure out how one would go about shading in a region between two lines using the library. My goal is to be able to create shaded regions as illustrated below: I found this plugin, but it appears that it can only shade a range of values of a line, as ...

jQuery/Flot: How do you get the coordinates of a datapoint?

I'm currently looking at the example at http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/interacting.html but I can't figure out, how to get the coordinates of a datapoint. I won't be clicking on the Plot so I can't make use of the event plotclick. Now my question: is there another way to get the x and y coordinates of a datapoint, without click...

Problem about using Flot + JQuery in Android

Has anyone already used Flot in Android? I've been reading this http://rapidandroid.org/wiki/Graphing and i've re-used a code that i had that is working on a web site. The problem is that the graphic doesn't render. Something like this: -------------- JAVASCRIPT THAT GETS THE DATA -------------------- if ($('#newsStatsCheckbox'...

Is there a way to graph with jQuery's flot with a data set that doesn't contain x values?

I have large amounts of data formatted in JSON formats, I recently scripted the data to conform to flot's data set, except for one problem, the data has no x values. EG: { label: "testMetric1", data: [12,314,123,41] } I want to simply graph these values as y values. is there a way to tell flot to just assume the x series will be seque...

Create a Radial Graph with Jquery Flot / Examples of Javascript Radial Graphs. AJAX.

TLDR: I am just starting to look into Jquery Flot have used it before but very basically. Was wondering is it possible to reshape the Jquery Flot graph or is it hardcoded to be square. Details: I am looking to create a circle if that is not physically possible. Is there a way I could go about combining 2-4 graphs for example to make a...

How do I make a flot chart use values from a database?

I want to bind the stacked bar chart with some database values. I've got it working using hard-coded values. How do I make it use values from a database? At present, I've got this code in a JavaScript file: $(function () { var css_id = "#placeholder"; var data = [ {label: 'Strong', data: [[1,250], [2,250], [3,250], [4,...

Plotting combination bar and line chart with dual y axis using flot

I planned on using the jquery charting library flot; before embarking on this adventure I wanted to check that combination line and bar charts are supported by flot. Are they ? If they are not, can anyone recommend a suitable javascript library for supporting such graphs. An example fo what I mean is here Combi chart with dual axis A...

All,Flot co-ordinates

Hello all' I am new to Flot. I want to show weekly visitors statistics in my projects. I have to sho the visitors of the month but weekly on Flot. e.g. 1st week 1-5 there are 500 visitors. 6-12 there are 900 visitors. and so on. And I want to show X coordinates as 1-5,6-12,13-19,.... Can anyone suggest what to do. Strictly use Flot. ...