
horizontal error bar

Hi there, I'm working on a charting UI, and have asked for help deciding on a good AJAX charting API, I think I'm going with Flot. It does almost everything I'd like to achieve, except for one, which I'm not sure: I'd like to draw a chart, with each data point having a horizontal error bar (something one can do in excel), kinda like can...

How to control screen-orientation for iPhone in web app

I have a very basic web page that uses flot to create a canvas based graph (similar to what SO uses for reputation graph). In the case of a PC display, it should simply output normally, with a the width (x-axis) being 1.6 times the height. But for iPhones, I would like it if, rather than having it overflow in "canvas" orientation, the ...

jquery Flot from a database in classic ASP

I have downloaded the Flot library and have been having a play around. I understand how the Flot library works and how to draw simple graphs. The bit I am struggling with is pulling data from a DB and passing that into a Flot Graph so that the graph then becomes dynamic depending on the data retrieved. I believe you can pass data from...

round number x-axis Jquery flot graph

I would like to round (0 decimals) the values on the x-axis of a flot graph. The x-axix show week numbers. Does anyone know how to do that? http://www.snowcams.eu/snowcondition/saas%20fee/998 ...

loading flot chart in jquery tab workaround doesn't completely fix the issue

there is known issue with loading a flot chart in a jquery tab that is not the initial visible tab here: this was asked here: http://osdir.com/ml/jQuery/2009-06/msg02284.html and answered with this solution: .tabs-hide { /*display: none;*/ position: absolute; left: -10000px; } there is still some issues with this solution. ...

Jquery flot and week numbers

I made a page to plot average snowdepth by week number. Now that we entered 2010, week 1 my graph stretches the interval on the x-axis (yearweek). What I want is the weeknumber on the x-axis (51,52,1,2 etc), and a fixed intervalwidth. Anyone know how to do that? example <script id="source" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"...

flot display the date in flot based on timestamp

Does anyone know how to display the date in flot based on timestamp <script id="source" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var d1 = [ [1262818800,100],[1262732400,100],[1262646000,100],[1262559600,100],[1262473200,100],[1262386800,100],[1262300400,100],[1262214000,100],[1262127600,100],[1262041200,100],[12619...

displaying bars next to each other in jquery flot

I am working on a flot graph where i have a few data points i want to display next to each other as bars per x axis, by default the bars overlap and i cant seem to find out where to do this. I found a basic example of what im trying to do here: ...

how to judge with firebug whether a appendTo call was successfull / adding a tooltip to a flot graph

I'm trying to follow this example to add a tooltip to a flot graph. But the tooltip does not show up. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#plotarea").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { $("#x").text(pos.x.toFixed(2)); $("#y").text(pos.y.toFixed(2)); if (item) { $("#charttooltip").remove();...

jquery flot - how to find the plot object for the graph I'm hovering over?

Given several flot objects on a page, each with the jquery.flot.crosshair.js plugin enable, how to I figure out which plot object has the labels I want to modify? I am using the example code here: http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/tracking.html, but I have multiple flot objects per page. Each seems to show the crosshairs just fi...

JQuery and flot in a Windows Sidebar Gadget

I'm trying to create a Windows sidebar gadget with JQuery and flot. When I run the gadget in FF the graph is plotted fine. But when I run it from the gadget, it doesn't work. I know the JQuery code is working cause I can use it to change the html, style, etc. So the problem is in the flot part. Any ideas? thoughts? Basically I'm tryi...

comparison of flot versus google charts

i am starting up a website that needs a lot of sophisticated multi line charts. I see two top candidates for the job Flot Google Charts Does anyone have any recommendations or preferences on this decision? ...

FLOT: How to make different colored points in same data series, connected by a line?

Hi all, I think I may have stumbled onto a limitation of Flot, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to represent a single data series over time. The items' "State" is represented on the Y-Axis (there are 5 of them), and time is on the X-Axis (items can change states over time). I want the graph to have points and lines connecting those points f...

asp.net mvc, jquery flot, and json problem

Hi, i'm trying to learn how to use flot and i think your example is a very nice, simple, very understandable code so i've been trying to implement it but... well, here is my code in the index.aspx: $(function () { $.getJSON("../../Home/JsonValues", function (data) { alert('json: ' + data + ' ...'); var plotarea = $("...

How can you toggle between two sets of values per data series in flot?

flot has built-in support for multiple data series (sample code) and also dual-axis (sample code). Assuming multiple data series (water, electricity, etc) that each have an amount (usage) and a dollar value (charge for that usage), what would the best way be to to use flot to display either the amount or dollar values for all the data ...

Why is the JSON that flot expects no longer valid in JSONLint (and hence jQuery 1.4.x)?

Attempting to use the data series from this example no longer passes the JSONLint test and as such attempting to use it with jQuery 1.4 fails. Specifically, returning it or data like it from an ajax request as type json will cause jQuery to throw an error. I know this worked perfectly well with jQuery 1.3.x. Does anyone have a solution? ...

how to read SNMP for bandwidth using php

Hello I would like to get data using SNMP from a router. The data shall be used for a graph I guess using the jquery flot. But my issue is I do not know how to get my webpage to read the data using SNMP from the router. I normally use MRTG but I would like to learn how to handcode it if possible. BR. Anders ...

Adding charts dynamically with flot

I'm running the following code. The button basically adds a chart into the html page. The problem I'm facing is: when I click on the button for the second time, the curve of the former chart fades away (though the labels don't), and I want it to stay. I've tried to debug and this happens when I modify the innerHTML property right at the ...

Problem using Flot charts on a jQtouch web site

Hiiii I have a jQtouch site in dev and i would like to use a chart on it, to me Flot looks like the best way to do this (prettiest!) However if i implement flot on the site i get the following error: Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 0, height = 0 If i comment out the style sheet ../jqtouch/jqtouch.min.css the flot chart works ju...

jquery flot xaxis time

In this example in xaxis will compare the days... $.plot($("#placeholder"), data, { yaxis: {}, xaxis: { mode: "time",minTickSize: [1, "day"],timeformat: "%d/%m/%y"},"lines": {"show": "true"},"points": {"show": "true"},clickable:true,hoverable: true }); how I can print time? This is the resu...