
Retrieve data from mysql by php to create flot graph

Hi i am trying to retrieve data from mysql database to create flot graph can anyone walk me through this procedure or give me an idea of what to do thanks ...

flot graph on a timer

I want my flot graph to update it's data on set intervals. I have been unable to find any built in functionality that does this so I intend to do something along the lines of redrawing the graph each time an interval expires. The data parameter being passed to flot is the only value that will change. The data variable is populated using ...

Finding area of straight line with graph (Math question but needed for flot)

Okay, so this is a straight math question and I read up on meta that those need to be written to sound like programming questions. I'll do my best... So I have graph made in flot that shows the network usage (in bytes/sec) for the user. The data is 4 minutes apart when there is activity, and otherwise set at the start of the usage range...

Flot - Is it possible to have a third y-axis or hidden data set?

Hey, I have a graph showing a persons races times (if you copy/paste the code below into any of the flot examples it should work). I'm showing the time on the y1 axis and the pace per km on the y2 axis, since they are both times %H/%M/%S. But i'd also like to show the distance for each race within the graph. Since the units on this data...

Zend and Flot Charts

I'm planning on adding some flot charts to my site, and i'm wondering are there any recommendations on the best approach for handling this. I have existing model and controller classes that query the DB, and a simple .phtml to render this data as a table. One approach is to add a new flot.phtml file, and have this class handle the crea...

How to display a popup with data of a data point in Flot graph?

I got the Flot-created graph. What I wanted to acomplish is to get some kind of information when user moves the mouse over it - best would be to show the data (from x and y axis) in some kind of javascript popup. It's probably trivial question, but I can't figure it out... Right now my javascript looks like this: <script id="source...

Using flot (or another canvas plotting javascript package) in a modal dialog box

Hi guys, I'm trying to to display a chart (generated using flot) in a modal dialog box. The plot is a blown up version of a smaller chart. From my initial attempts I can't seem to display a chart. Would this be a limitation of the canvas tag? Any ideas? ...

JQuery Flot: clear graph

Hi is ther a recommended way to clear a jquery flot graph? I couldn't find anything the in the api... ...

How can I make JsonResult return an array of arrays (without field names) rather than an array of objects?

I have an IEnumerable list of date/value pairs that I am returning as a Json list to flot. However, when I call JsonResult(), the result looks like this: [{"Date":date1, "Value":value1}, {"Date":date2, "Value":value2}...] Flot is expecting [[date1, value1], [date2, value2]...] Is there any simple way to get the MVC framework to out...

With flot, how can I create a linked pie chart that takes you to other web pages?

In flot, how can I create a pie chart where each wedge is a link to a different web-page? ...

JQuery Flot working in IE6 but not IE8

I have two pages that use the flot jquery plugin, and they both work great in most browsers, and even in IE6. The problem is that the canvas portion of the graph doesn't show up in IE8 and possibly IE7. The key is there, and the axis labels are there, but not the graph itself. http://www.statisticshowto.com/calculators/interquartile-ran...

Why are my Scala types not matching?

I have the following variable series: var series: List[FlotSerie] = List( new FlotSerie() { override val label = Full("Min") }, new FlotSerie() { override val label = Full("Max") }, new FlotSerie() { override val label = Full("Avg") } ) Unfortunately, I am getting a compiler error with the following method, whi...

Toggle data series by clicking legend in flot chart?

I have played a bit with flot.js for plotting some data, but I have quite a few data series, so the user might want to hide some series. One of flot's examples shows how to toggle data series by using checkboxes. I would like to make clicking the legend's little color box or the label, to toggle the visibility of that series. Is that pos...

Change data start point in jQuery flot?

I'm using Flot to graph the clicks per minute for the first 60 minutes on short URLs made: http://cuthut.com/RA5?. As you can see it starts at minute 0 and goes to minute 59. My question is: how do I get the data to start at 1 and end at 59. In my JSON file the time numbers go from 1-50. I set the flot options to have ticks from 0 - 60...

JQuery flot plot is not working in $.getJSON

The code in javascript is $(document).ready(function () {var options = { series: { points: { show: true }, shadowSize: 0 }, xaxis: { mode: "time" }, yaxis: { min:0, max: 100 }, pan: { interactive: true }}; $.getJSON("http://localhost:8085/WebApplication1/metricsJson.jsp?instanceId=3457", function(data){ ...

How to disable panning in Jquery flot when there is no further data ?

How to disable panning in Jquery flot when there is no further data ? I am currently using plot.pan({ left: -100 }); and plot.pan({ left: 100 }); on left arrow click and right arrow click. ...

JavaScript Charts API: Flot jQuery Plugin OR Google Visualization ?

Hi, I am looking for a charts library to be displayed on a website. I will use intensively this library (for area, line and bar charts mainly), so I prefer to secure my choice before starting implementing. The list of website chart libraries that I have initially considered are: Plotkit Emprise JS Charts Sparkline Protochart gRaphae...

Plotting graph with FLOT using mysql and ajax

I am trying to use flot to plot some data that is pulled from a MySQL db. I am log users login visits and I have a SQL function that will retreive the number of visits per day for a given month, getStats($day). I have read some examples online how to properly do this but for some reason when I try and graph the array data in my javascrip...

jQuery Flot data/axis labels on top of graph

Is there a way to overlay the x-axis and y-axis numeric labels onto a jQuery Flot graph. So, I want the labels to not be outside, next to the graph, but on top of the graph itself. The following example creates an overlay div on top of the graph for the annotations: http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/annotating.html Is there a st...

Flot chart inside jqueryui tab

I'm using jqueryui to display my page content in tabs. Right now I have only one tab, with a placeholder div inside. This div displays a flot chart, which has a fixed size. Problem is that jqueryui doesn't detect the size of the placeholder div, so my flot graph does not look like it's inside the tab. Is it possible to work around this?...