
FLV performance and garbage collection

I'm building a large flash site (AS3) that uses huge FLVs as transition videos from section to section. The FLVs are 1280x800 and are being scaled to 1680x1050 (much of which is not displayed to users with smaller screens), and are around 5-8 seconds apiece. I'm encoding the videos using On2's hi-def codec, VP6-S, and playback is prett...

Is there an FLVPlayback onHttpError?

I'm able to tell if an image path was file-not-found or not, because I can attach to the loaders httpStatus. I can't find anything similar for an FLV (not using streaming). EDIT - this is what I'm trying to do, although this code doesn't work: flv.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler); private function httpSt...

FLV player for prettyPhoto (a jQuery based lightbox)

Hello, I try to find a FLV player that works with PrettyPhoto (http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/). I was wondering if anyone here can recommend a FLV player that would work with PrettyPhoto. A link to a tutorial would be great, thanks in advance. ...

How can I make my Video play as soon as the page loads

im lost here, need some help for something probably very simple: I have embedded a swf object to play an flv file. i want the video to play as soon as the page loads rather than requiring the viewer/user to have to click the play button to see the video. I'm not sure if it is the swf file, the script or the javascipt file that has to ...

FLVPlayback component won't seamlessly loop

Everything I've tried so far with a FLVPlayback component to seemlessly loop a progressively-downloaded 15 second video has failed. There's always a split-second pause when it's time to loop. For the scenario, embedding video in a flash project is not an option, and the split-second pause is unacceptable. I've tried setting autorewind...

AS3 FLVPlayback and problems with SMIL files from Highwinds CDN

Here is the src of my SMIL file (with potentially sensitive data XXXX'd out): <smil> <head> <meta base="rtmp://fms004.dc1.hwcdn.net/XXXXXXXX/_definst_"/> </head> <body> <video src="mp4:fms/myvids/EBCVids/onemin/1.mov?doppl=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX </body> </smil> I've verified that the smil file is accessible on the CDN serv...

Need to play flash videos on iphone

Hi all, I am building this iphone app for a client and they have a large set of flash video files that they need to play/stream to the iphone. I understand that the iphone doesnt natively support flv playback but isnt there anything I can do to get around this problem? In case it helps, they are using the akamai flash player on their w...

FLVPlayback, go fullscreen smooth?

Hello, Im looking into using and customizing FLVPlayback in a project. How to go about this is clear, but I noticed 1 anoying thing. When going fullscreen, first Flash player goes fullscreen and then briefly shows the FLVPlayback component in its original size, before jumping to show the video itself fullscreen. I noticed on Youtube th...

how can i start a video from a specific second in as3

hi, i have a problem about action script 3. i have a flv video and its totaltime is 6 seconds. i want to start it from 2. seconds with seekSeconds(). if i write bigger than 6 values in seekSeconds it will only play the video from head to end.İf i write smaller than 6 ,it won't work.what can i write in seekSeconds() to start the video fr...

Prevent FLV Buffering (AS FLVPlayback component)

Hi folks, I have a client who is insisting on having a 65Mb FLV on her home page. I talked her down off of the auto-play ledge but I am concerned about wasting bandwidth on a movie that one in 30 visitors might play. In looking at the docs for the FLVPlayback component here the only buffer related parameter I found was bufferTime Nu...

Insert a movie with original size and play it in full screen mode?

Hi, FlashGurus, I am having trouble to fulfill one of the goals my supervisor gave me. We now have a flash application written in AS2, and now they want it to be able to play the inserted movies(.flv) in full screen mode and be able to exit. I know there's a built-in flvplayback in AS3 that already supports this function, but not in AS2...

how can i load a FLVplayback from a specific time?

import flash.net.URLLoader; import fl.video.*; import flash.utils.getTimer; fk.autoPlay = false; // Parametreleri yüklüyoruz. var myLoaderInfo=new Object(); //Parametrelerin yuklendigine emin olmak için false yapıldı.bunun daha sonra true olması gerekiyor. myLoaderInfo.myParamsLoaded = false; // Event.complete i cagırmak için kullanı...

how can i pause FLVplayback in as3 ?

(Event.ENTER_FRAME,myFunction); function myFunction(event:Event) { if (fk.playheadTime > stopTime) { fk.pause(); } } i pause my video at stoptime it works but then when i press the play button it doesn't work.i guess the problem is my code's place.as you can see i write it in enter_frame event.how can i solve this problem?thanks f...

FLVPlayback skin modification problem in Adobe Flash CS5 with AS3

Hi, I have been working on modifying an existing FLVPlayback skin. Ideally I would like to have one that uses a counter. The problem is, all the fla's provided for the skins with counters fail to publish/compile correctly. Fla's are here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5\Common\Configuration\FLVPlayback Skins\FLA\ActionScript 3....

FLVPlayback Resizing?

Alright, so I'm playing several different videos at different sizes with the FLVPlayback component and something odd is happening that I don't remember happening before... Now, when I switch from video to video, the FLVPlayback physically resizes to match the height of the video... I don't remember this happening before. Before, the FLV...

How to check for the FLV file existence before playing that using FLVPlayback in Action Script 3?

Hi, I'm very new to the Action Scripting, I'm using the FLVPlayback class to play my FLV files. If I'm trying to play a FLV file which is not existed yet then I am getting a "VideoError: 1000" with message of Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server. I want to check for the FLV file existence using the file URL or...

Can I play an FLV on the iPad Simulator?

I am trying to create a simple app for the iPad that with play an FLV when you click a button. I am using the code from http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/codinghowtos/AudioAndVideo/index.html#VIDEO-USE_THE_MEDIA_PLAYER_FRAMEWORK_FOR_VIDEO_PLAYBACK as a reference. Here is the code for my click event -(IBAction) btnPlayVideoClic...

Converting FLV to SWF to play on Web

I want a little greeter guy on my website. I have received a .mov from Adobe Premiere with a transparent background. I opened this in Adobe After Effects, went to composition->add to render queue, I set the output format to FLV with RGB+Alpha and Audio included. I then uploaded the FLV to my webserver, opened the FLV from my server into ...

Flash AS3 FlvPlayback Skin calling parent swf

Hello, I have an FlvPlayback skin, which works really well, except the custom button. Basically this button needs to be able to call a function in the parent movieclip (that loaded the FlvPlayback, which in turn loaded the skin). I am not really a Flash developer, and have not found anything on Google relating to this. It seems like a ...

Can I somehow use CS4 to build an AS2 project that uses the new FLVPlayback component?

We have a huge project written in AS2 with the old FLVPlayback component which was responsible for progressive download playback of FLVs. I'd like to support MP4 files (which is now supported in Flash 9 and up with the updated FLVPlayback) but would like to not have to rewrite all of the project. I've seen in various posts on SO surmis...