
How to build query string with Javascript

Just wondering if there is anything built-in to Javascript that can take a Form and return the query parameters, eg: "var1=value&var2=value2&arr[]=foo&arr[]=bar..." I've been wondering this for years. ...

How can I do <form method="get"> in ASP.Net for a search form?

I have a search form in an app I'm currently developing, and I would like for it to be the equivalent of method="GET". Thus, when clicking the search button, the user goes to search.aspx?q=the+query+he+entered The reason I want this is simply bookmarkeable URLs, plus it feels cleaner to do it this way. I obviously don't want all the vie...

How to write a form editor?

I'm trying to write a print layout editor in VB6 or VB.Net, and am looking for some reference articles to help get me started. The idea is that the editor will be used to define print "areas" for invoice or statement layouts, by allowing the user to draw the box for customer address, invoice number, lines, totals etc. The program will ...

In a django form, How to make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?

In a django form, How to make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited? When the form is being used for a new record entry, all fields are enabled, but when the record is in update mode some fields need to be readonly. For example, in the Item model, for a new record entry, all fields are editable, but while updating ...

ASP.Net Form Databound problems

I know there is a similar problem on this forum, but the solutions did not really work for me. I am populating form controls with fields from a few different data sources, and the data shows up great. I have an ImageButton controlwhich has an OnClick Event set to grab all of the data from the form. Unfortunately, when I click the butt...

Argument exception - parameter is not valid ( LinkLabel on WinForm )

Hi, I wrote a Win Forms app to test how a LinkLabel class works. It appears to be fine until I click on the changed LinkLabel. The Form1.cs code is below: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.For...

What is the best way to catch and show an error if user enters only whitespace in a form field in Django?

In Django 1.0, what is the best way to catch and show an error if user enters only whitespace (" ") in a form field? class Item(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=100) class ItemForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Item if user enters only whitespace (" ") in description CharField, what change ne...

basic php form help

I'm trying to make a calculator that will take inputs from users and estimate for them how much money they'll save if they use various different VoIP services. I've set it up like this: <form method="get" action="voip_calculator.php"> How much is your monthly phone bill? <input name="monthlybill" type="text" value="$" size="8"> ...

Firefox manipulation of saved form data

Hello, there is a firefox plugin for manipulate and delete saved form data? In the browser there is only the optiof for delete all data. Thanks all. Alberto ...

basic php form help (2)

This is an extension of a question I had yesterday. I am trying to make a little php calculator that will show how much people can save on their phone bills if they switch to VoIP, and how much they can save with each service. I have a form that will spit out the right amount for a monthly bill here:

basic php form help (currency display)

You guys were very helpful yesterday. I am still a bit confused here though. I want to make it so that the numbers on the rightmost column are rounded off to the nearest dollar:;Submit=Submit the code for the table looks like this: I want $offer[1,2,3,...

JavaScript/Greasemonkey: Avoiding FireFox Security Warning when Submitting a Form from a Secure Page

Hi, I'm writing a Greasemonkey script to connect two company-internal webpages. One is SSL, and the other is insecure and can only be accessed via a POST request. If I create a hidden form on the secure page and submit it via an onclick() in an <a>, it works fine, but FF gives a warning: Although this page is encrypted, the infor...

How to send data after form has been validated using jQuery?

I have a simple email address sign up form as follows: <form action="" id="newsletterform" method="get"> <input type="text" name="email" class="required email" id="textnewsletter" /> <input type="submit" id="signup" /> </form> Here's what I want to be able to do: Validate the form to look for an empty string or a incorr...

jQuery Form Processing With PHP to MYSQL Database Using $.ajax Request

Question: How can I process a form using jQuery and the $.ajax request so that the data is passed to a script which writes it to a database? Problem: I have a simple email signup form that when processed, adds the email along with the current date to a table in a MySQL database. Processing the form without jQuery works as intended, addi...

Simple ASP form validation - swapped?

I am trying to do some very simple form validation checking for null or '' (empty) using a conditional, but when I submit my form with ALL BLANK FIELDS, it does the latter section of my code. And when I fill out all of my fields it does that other part. So when they are blank, tell the user, which is the first section of the conditional...

Customizing Google Custom Search

Does anyone know how to remove the extra branding on the google custom search? they've added a button and other things like text that says "gadgets powered by google". there has to be a way to pipe the CSE data into a normal form, right? ...

get form position of grid column

I am looking for a way to position a button (the button's contain is the form itself) so that it is always above a column in a devexpress grid. The Grid columns are set up so they can not be resized but the grid and columns then are resized as the form is resized. System.Forms.Control has PointToScreen that looks like would give me what ...

IE sends inner HTML when clicking on a button element

I have the following html in my webpage (simplified). <button type="submit" name="action" value="ButtonA">Click Here</button> In Firefox, it submits "ButtonA" as the value for the "action" form value. However, in IE7, it submits "Click Here". Is there any way to resolve this? I don't want to use input tags, because I need to be abl...

Is there a Javascript MVC (micro-)framework?

Are there any client-side Javascript MVC (micro-)frameworks? I have a rather complicated HTML form and it would benefit from the MVC pattern. EDIT: I imagine a good solution would provide the following: Model and View update the Controller when values change (Observer pattern) Populate the model from the form data when the page load...

Programmatic Form Submit

Hi, I want to scrape the contents of a webpage. The contents are produced after a form on that site has been filled in and submitted. I've read on how to scrape the end result content/webpage - but how to I programmatically submit the form? I'm using python and have read that I might need to get the original webpage with the form, ...