
Formtastic select list

<% semantic_form_for(@product, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %> <% f.inputs do %> <%= f.input :name %> <%= f.input :price %> <%= f.input :pno %> <%= f.input :description %> <%= f.input :shop_category %> <% end %> <% end %> Product belongs to Shop_category, Shop_category belongs t...

Default value for date_helper in formtastic

As basic as it sounds, I can't make the date_helper default to a date, as in: - semantic_form_for resource do |f| - f.inputs do = f.input :issued_on, :default => = f.buttons The above just renders blank columns if resource does not have a date. Would appreciate any pointer on what I'm possibly doing wrong. ...

Individual Form Params when POST data is split

I'm trying to access a date variable from a form individually to the other variables. The form is a formtastic plugin form. The issue I am facing is that the date is a three-part dropdown and simply doing params[:friend][:born_on] doesn't seem to be doing the trick as it returns NULL. Here is my parameters output; Parameters: {"comm...

virtual model and form_for (or formtastic)

Hi, all. Sometimes we need form without model creation - for example search field or email, where should be send some instructions. What is the best way to create this forms? Can i create virtual model or something like this? I'd like to use formtastic, but not form_tag. ...

How can I change the method used in Formtastic?

Hi guys, I was wondering how can I specify the method to send the data from a Formtastic form. It usually uses POST, but I'd like it to use GET in some cases (i.e. for a search form). Is it possible/easy? ...

Display conditional values in a Formtastic select

How do I instruct Formtastic select to only display values based on a condition? - semantic_form_for @member do |f| - f.inputs do = f.input :person = f.input :role, :include_blank => false = f.input :active I only want the :person input to list/select people who are active i.e. == true. I tried to pass a co...

Make ajax result as select list with formtastic

is it possible to use Ajax and make the result as select list with Formtastic? example: semantic_form_for @user, :url => profile_path( do |f| - f.inputs do - f.input :province, :label => "Province", :as => :select, :collection => ["province-1", "province-2", "province-3"] - f.input :city, :label => "City", :as => ...

nil :selected value for date helper in formtastic

I'm using the following code for a date field: <%= f.input :date_of_birth, :selected => nil, :order => [:day, :month, :year], :prompt => {:day => "Day", :month => "Month", :year => "Year"}, :start_year => - 15, :end_year => - 100 %> Everything works as expected, except for :sel...

Is there any rails plugin like formtastic that makes show and index views easier to code?

I use formtastic to create new and edit forms for my resources. with something like f.inputs it fetches and displays all my fields automatically. I would like to know if there is something similar that makes life easier to write the index and show views. I tried using formtastic with 'disable' to show a readonly form but that's not onl...

Using Formtastic and Globalize2 together

I use Formtastic. Now I would like to add model translations for some fields. I look at Globalize2 and it seems like what I need. But I have no idea how to integrate it with Formtastic. Does anybody have such experience? ...

Is there any way to create a form with formtastic without a model?

I would like to use formtastic to create form but I don't have a model associated with that (login form with username, password and openid URL). Of course I could create a model to do that but that model was just a hack without any useful code in it. ...

One to many relationship in ROR using Formtastic

following up with this topic: I am creating a category that may have many products. So, I use the Formtastic as user Chandra Patni suggested. But I find there is a problem when I added attr_accessible to the product.rb. class Product < ActiveRecord::Base valid...

not able to display acts_as_taggable_on tags on ruby on rails (and formtastic!)

Given As the User, I am at a nested new vendors/5/reviews/new. In addition to :params that will get written to the Review model, I need to be able to include tags that belong to the Vendor model. I have used acts_as_taggable_on ( class Vendor.... acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :competito...

formtastic - how to prepopulate a string input with a value

I'm building an app, where users can give comments by just leaving their email to the comment. I want them to be able to register directly from there, by a link with their email adress as a param (like: <%= link_to register_path(:email => %> ) - so there is no existing user record yet. this should be done by applying a va...

authlogic - cause for unsuccessful session creation and no error messages (with formtastic)

Hi, I have 2 questions about authlogic: 1 - how to get cause of unsuccessful session creation (for example - not confirmed, blocked, wrong pass etc) to use it in app logic (route to another page for confimation, or re-enter pass etc)? 2 - question about integration formtastic and authlogic. How to show error messages on session creatio...

Using :collection and :include_blank in Formtastic. How to do it?

I use the superb Formtastic plugin for Ruby on Rails. Does anybody know how to include a blank (option), when using a custom collection? When I try: <%= f.input :organizations, :collection => Organization.all(:order => :name), :include_blank => true %> I get the select box with the collection, but NOT a blank... ...

Formtastic select with grouping

Now with Formtastic I have plain select: = f.input :category, :as => :select, :include_blank => false, :collection => subcategories Here I show only children categories. I use acts_as_tree plugin for parent-child relationship. I would like to show parent categories as well. Formtastic generated select should look like this one: <sel...

Include two inputs in same LI element in Formtastic

Using formtastic, I have a quantity field and unit field that asks for the quantity of the item and the unit it's measured in. My problem, is that I would like the unit box to display along side the quantity box. However, because formtastic pust each input in it's own LI element, I can't get them to appear next to each other. Any ideas...

Formtastic Time fields to read as HH::MIN(00 & 30) instead of two selects?

I'm looking for a way to override the Formtastic plug-in in rails so that times are shown as a single drop-down with minutes represented in half hour increments. Instead of the two drop-downs one for hour and one for minutes. Ex 1:00 AM, 1:30 AM, 2:00 AM, etc? any help would be appreciated. ...

Using fields from an association (has_many) model with formtastic in rails

I searched and tried a lot, but I can't accomplish it as I want.. so here's my problem. class Moving < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :movingresources, :dependent => :destroy has_many :resources, :through => :movingresources end class Movingresource < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :moving belongs_to :resource end class Resource <...