
Frame Animation or Movie file for short interactive "movie" Android Application

Hello, In it's simplest explanation, I'm making a really small "interactive movie" app on Android. In a nut shell, when the app is loaded, it will play a short movie (maybe a few seconds at most @ 12-24fps). I will then have 2 buttons displayed on the screen, and depending on what button is pressed, it I will play another short movi...

When using two frames in emacs, how do I prevent the compilation buffer from showing up in both?

I work with two monitors, and often use emacs with two frames open; one for each monitor. each frame is split into two side-by-side windows, like so: a | b <-- frame 1 in monitor 1 ------- c | d <-- frame 2 in monitor 2 When I hit my 'compile' button while in window a, the compilation buffer opens in the buffer next to it. So fa...

cocos2d problem - layer not updating quick enough

Hi all, i am adding overlays to a cocos2d layer in preparation for a screenshot... CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize]; CCScene* currentScene = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] runningScene]; GameLayer* topLayer = (GameLayer *)[currentScene.children objectAtIndex:0]; CCSprite *middleBackground = [CCSprite spriteWith...

Android - Please Just Give Me a Decent, Working Animation Frame Code

I've been working on frame animation for a week now, and every code I've used has a tremendous amount of errors and plainly just doesn't work. Can you please give me a code that has worked for you? Please include the exact java code you used, the main.xml code, the mainanim.xml, the android:id's, even the images in the res/drawable-hdpi,...

Frame Animation callback when animation is complete in Android

Is it possible in Android to get a callback when a Frame Animation (AnimationDrawable) has completed playing its frame sequence? I know when a Tween Animation has completed, it calls onAnimationEnd(), but is there something similar for frame by frame animations? ...

Problems with UIView Animation of frame property

Hallo! That's really strange.. i'm changing the frame between two states. In case one, it's animated correctly, in case two (back to original size) only x/y is animated, but width/height instantly changes. Any Idea? Greetz // strange behavior [UIView beginAnimations: @"photobtn" context: nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration: 0.15...

Using a video file instead of iPhone camera

Hi guys Yesterday I posed the question of why the Apple WWDC 2010 samples for the iPhone camera dont work in the iphone simulator, That question was answered promptly. However as a follow up question I would like to know how to use video frames from a video file that...

exec code in original local scope of frame

I've written a remote Python debugger and one of the features I need is to execute arbitrary code while stopped at a breakpoint. My debugger uses the following to execute code received from the remote debugger: exec (compile(code, '<string>', 'single') , frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) This works fine for the most part, but I've noti...

Android - Frame Animation: Which IDs go where?

Here is the example code: ImageView carrotsmile =(ImageView) findViewById(; rocketImage.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.animation); main = (AnimationDrawable) carrotsmile.getBackground();} } What would I replace rocketAnimation, carrotsmile, rocketimage, and main with? Like my XML files or something in the xml file...

How to inititalize a UITextView programatically?

How can I initialize a UITextView that is nice and pretty. I have the line: textView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(150, 150, 100, 100)]; but I'd like to make it look nice and I do not know the functions or the syntax to do so. I'd like it to have word wraping and I'd like the corners to be rounded. Also, how can I mak...

Android : Tagging a certain frame in Video?

Hi, I want to tag certain frames in the video with data in Android. Is there any way to accomplish this in Android? ...

Frame vs WebBrowser

If all I'm trying to do is display the contents of some web page in a WPF app, what are the pro's and cons of using the WebBrowser control versus the Frame control? As I understand it Frame wraps WebBrowser anyway. I have no need to display WPF in my control so that feature of Frame doesn't concern me. Thanks in advance. ...

Removing a JTable from Frame

I have a program that is displaying a list of students - which are enrolled in the selected course - in a JTable. How can I remove the JTable before updating it when another course is selected? As it is, when the selected course is changed, the new JTable with students for that course is simply appended below the previous one. ...

get parent frame height with jQuery

I want to get the height of parent frame with jQuery. It's my orginal script var iframeElement = parent.document.getElementById('FrmPatient'); = 170; I want to change this script to jQuery style. How to get that? ...

Automatically Size WPF Frame Object inside TabItem/StackPanel

I want the Frame Control to automatically resize to fill the screen inside my TabItem. Is the following code it renders a very small frame. I would rather not set static heigh and width. Here is the XAML <TabItem Header="Reports" Name="tReports" Height="50" BorderBrush="Transparent" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="St...

How to remove the caption bar of a window in c#

I would like to remove form frame in c# Picture: Anyone know how can I do this ? ...

Reading C++ code CreateFrame function (from C# prespective)

// Create test video frame void CreateFrame(char * buffer, int w, int h, int bytespan) { int wxh = w * h; static float seed = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < h; i ++) { char* line = buffer + i * bytespan; for (int j = 0; j < w; j ++) { // RGB line[0] = 255 * sin(((float)i / wxh * seed) * 3.14); line[1] = 25...

Registering the onload event for a frame using addEventListener/attachEvent

I add an event to a frame using the inline syntax: <FRAME SRC="s.htm" NAME="WINCONTENT" onload="alert( this )"> This works (=the event fires whenever a new URL is loaded), except that I'd much rather register events using addEventListener/attachEvent. Now -- in the onload="alert( this ) example this is set to HTMLFrameElement. How... - Centering Text inside my label!!!

I am trying to make my first program in 2010, and I have a question. You know how when you have a button, the text centers itself within the frame of the button? I have a label in my application, that displays a different text (through the label) everyday. How can I limit the text area, like the frame in the button, and center t...

Create frame class in Tkinter Gui.

Hello, I'm working on a Gui and I'd like to know how to create a class that would implement frame. e.g. class WindowContent(Tkinter.?) """ This class would create a frame for my program window """ class App(Tkinter.Tk): """ main window constructor """ def __init__(self): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self) program...