
SQL to detect similar records in the same database table

I have a requirement to loop through records in a database table and group items that have similar content. I want to match on a single column in the database and if there are similar records I want to extract the ID of each row and save it to another table e.g. if I had 10 similar rows they would be linked to one "header" record in anot...

Resumee matching algorithm

I am building a job site -- yes, there isn't enough of those yet. One of the problems I came across in my research is how to match the relevant resumes to the interested recruiters. The most boring solution I thought of is to use textual analysis to parse the resumes for tags recruiters specify -- which has a drawback: the resume might b...

What’s the correct way to build the SQLite FTS extension as a DLL?

What’s the recommended way to build the SQLite FTS3 extension as a Windows DLL? I’m having the following problem: fts3_tokenizer.obj : error LNK2005: sqlite3_api already defined in fts3.obj The macro SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1 is used in both fts3_tokenizer.c and fts3.c. It creates a global variable named sqlite3_api, and since this ...

MySQL Fulltext search -- multiple tables

I've currently got 3 tables (neighborhoods, cities, states) and I'm trying to list the top 10 best matches (if not an actual match) for a given search term. What I need to do is have it so if there is a neighborhood name match, have it rank higher than a city name match. What confuses me is that if it finds a neighborhood, I'd need it to...

Cannot get right results from postgre full-text search

Hi fellas, I'm developing a simple articles website in brazilian portuguese language. The search feature is based on a full-text search, but it isn't returning expected results. I made this on postgresql. Here is the simplified table: Artigos -id -title -- article title -intro -- article introduction -content -- article body -publishd...

MySQL FullText search without FULLTEXT index

Hi, Within one of our systems we have an option that switches the search system between a LIKE search, or a FullText search with either IN BOOLEAN MODE or WITH QUERY EXPANSION For some reason, the FULLTEXT index was missing but when the system was set to be IN BOOLEAN MODE the query still worked, in the case of WITH QUERY EXPANSION the ...

How to compress, encrypt, and then read/search large XML file stored on iphone disk?

I have a large 'book' that I need to compress, encrypt and also make searchable on the iphone. The app has some requirements that won't allow a simple PDF or EPUB. I have the book in plain text on my computer, and I am parsing/converting it to XML. I want to compress the file to reduce app purchase download time, and encrypt the app j...

looking for an open source text editor with very fast 'search in files' capability

Hello, I have this 100.000 files codebase that i need to tame and i need to very often search for the occurences of a specific function call or a function definition. Currently with notepad++ it takes me more than 5 minutes to do the search. Do you know of a programmer's editor that would make the job ? Thank you for your help Jerom...

Good SQL search tool?

FreeTextTable is really great for searching, as it actually returns a relevancy score for each item it finds. The problem is, it doesn't support the logical operator AND, so if I have 10 items with the word 'ice' in it, but not 'cream', and vice versa, then 20 results will be returned, when in this scenario 0 should've been returned. A...

Custom Search Engine

How would you implement a custom search engine? What do you think about something like this: SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE job_id IN ( SELECT job_id FROM job_words WHERE word_id IN (SELECT word_id FROM words w WHERE text = 'carpenter')) AND job_id IN ( SELECT job_id FROM job_words ...

Full text search - tag system problem

I store tags in 255 varchar area, like this type; ",keyword1,keyword2,keyword3,key word 324,",keyword1234, (keyword must start and end comma (commakeyword123comma)) - I can find a keyword3 like this sql query; select * from table where keyword like = '%,keyword3,%' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `table1` ( `id` mediumint(8) u...

about full text query in SQL

Hello everyone, I have a nvarchar column which contains English and Japanese text. I want to make full text search on this column. When configure full text search, we need to specify language option for word breaker (e.g. using English work breaker or using Japanese word breaker). I am wondering in this case, what language should I assi...

full text search on multiple columns with Coredata on ipad

i use core data in my app. i have 4 columns(id,name,description,specs). I want to full text search across all these columns. Is it possible with core data? If anybody can provide me reference to tutorial or code snippets. Thanks ...

Text search though all .xib files in Xcode?

This seems like such a basic task, but I'm stumped. How, in Xcode, do you execute a textual search though (the XML contents of) all the .xib files in a project? For example, all of our .xib files contain this string on the second line: com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.CocoaTouch.XIB. So I'd think that searching all project files for that st...

SQL 2008 Fulltext Index with Autocomplete

I've implemented a simple suggestive keyword autocomplete plugin that reads off the sys.dm_ftw_index_keywords table as follows: SELECT top 5 words.display_term, SUM(words.document_count) as c FROM sys.dm_fts_index_keywords (db_id(), object_id('testtable')) words WHERE (display_term LIKE '%test%' AND keyword != 0xFF) GROUP BY words.displ...

How much extra storage does MySQL fulltext index consume?

I am looking for a way to estimate how much extra storage will be needed if a MySQL TEXT column gets a fulltext index. Intuitively speaking the size of the fulltext index is dependent on the total length of text but what exactly is affecting it? ...

Searching keywords(from a matrix) in a string(around 500 char)

Hey, basically what i am trying to do is automatically assign Tags to a user input string. Now i have 5 tags to be assigned. Each tag will have around 10 keywords. A String can only be assigned one tag. In order to assign tag to string, i need to search for words matching keywords for all the five tags. Example: TAGS: Keywords Drink...

How do I implement full text search in Chinese on PostgreSQL?

The title says it all. This question has been asked before: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2495997/postgresql-full-text-search-in-postgresql-japanese-chinese-arabic but there are no answers for Chinese as far as I can see. I took a look at the OpenOffice wiki, and it doesn't have a dictionary for Chinese. Edit: As we are already ...

Can anyone point me toward a content relevance algorithm?

A new project with some interesting requirements has arrived on my desk. I need to develop a searchable directory of businesses, with a focus on delivering relevant results based on arbitrary search queries. The businesses can be of any niche; there's no one area that is more represented than another. When googling for things like "se...

How To Search Domain Objects And The Physical Files They Point To Using Solr Or Searchable

I have a digital library system where I store metadata and the path to physical file in the database. The files may be anything: plain text,Word,PDF,MP3,JPEG,MP4... How can I provide full text search to both my domain objects and the physical files (or some text extraction of the files). Is my only choice to store the document text i...