
Catch F11 pressed when the flash app is not in focus

hi i have a website which has a video playing. what i want is when my browser going into a full screen mode i want to only show my video. when i press F11 by click on the address bar / click on the browser window and press F11 my browser goes into the full screenmode.But i dont understand that F11 is played. Is there a event from my ...

How did scribd implement their 'fullscreen' mode?

The scribd fullscreen mode is pretty neat (example: http://www.scribd.com/doc/13161906/Java-Lab-Manual-With-Java-Installation-Guide?classic%5Fui=1). The advantage (for RIAs specifically) is that it doesn't (almost) completely disable the keyboard the way the 'default' fullscreen mode in Flash Player does. Seems to also work when embedded...

Windows Mobile application in full-screen mode

I have a Windows Mobile application developed with Visual Studio 2008 and C# (Smart Device Project). When I run the application there's a start menu bar visible on the top and keyboard bar on the bottom. How can I make my application run in full-screen mode? If possible I would like to have a solution that will allow me to turn full-scr...

How to bring Windows Taskbar on foreground while running maximized?

I've got an app running maximized in a borderless window and need access to the windows taskbar on a given user event. How would I bring the taskbar in foreground in .NET while running maximized? Also an hint with regards to how to make it reliably go away wouldn't hurt! :) EDIT: please note that I don't want the taskbar always on, I ...

XNA: get screen's width and height

how do i get the width and height of the entire screen in XNA? ...

How do I put my OpenGL app into fullscreen mode?

I'm new to OpenGL but I've written a small application that runs fine in a window. Now i'd like to run it fullscreen. There is this from the FAQ, but it seems to require GLUT, which is not open source. What's a good method for putting an OpenGL app into fullscreen mode? On Windows XP for now, but I'll be porting to other platforms. ...

Jquery Modal/Dialog with Fullscreen option

Hi Guys, I am looking to use a Jquery modal/dialog plugin for my site to view content. I am currently using Thickbox which works well but it does not have a fullscreen option, when I say fullscreen I mean fill the whole browser window. Does anyone know of any good modal/dialog plugins which can expand fullscreen? Cheers Eef ...

Is there a way to invoke the "Identify Monitors" function from C#?

I'm working on a little WPF app that will run fullscreen and I'd like to give the user the ability to choose which monitor it will display on. To make it easier to identify each monitor in the list, I would like to do something like the Windows Display Settings dialog's "Identify Monitors" button. Is there a way to invoke that function ...

Flash AS2 fullscreen problem

Hi, i have my code to make the stage go to fullscreen but it doesn't seem to work if I use the .swf version of the file, if i export it as a .exe file though it will work, heres my function function toggleFullScreen() { Stage.displayState = (Stage.displayState == "normal") ? Stage.displayState = "fullScreen" : Stage.displayState = "...

as3 video full screen mode

I have created a video player, but need to add a button that, when clicked, puts the video into full-screen viewing mode. I don't want to scale everything on the stage - just the video. I can't seem to find how to do this - I thought it would be easy. ...

Flash - Full Screen Image fx

Hi, I am wondering about the image effect seen on this site http://www.daffys.com/ I'm referring to the dotted / grid-like effect on the images. Do you think it's a simple Photoshop treatment or is it an effect done in Flash, related to the fact that the images scale full screen. I've seen this on many other sites and would be very int...

Flash fullscreen projector

Is there a way to do a projector fullscreen in flash but retain the proper size and tile a pattern background? Much like an HTML page with a pattern background and main content area. Thanks. ...

How to make a piece of WPF content take up the entire application window

I'm working on an application that contains a number of content areas. I want to implement a behavior such that in response to user input, any of these content areas can be toggled to fit the entire application window, and optionally back to its original position again. I experimented with several approaches and none of them seem optim...

window.focus() doesn’t work in IE fullscreen

Hello everybody, When my website is in fullscreen mode (with IE8), the window.focus() javascript command doesn' work. Do you have a fix for my problem? I tried to put a window.blur() before, without success. Thank you! Nicolas ...

Making a full screen Cocoa app

I want to create a full Screen Cocoa application, however my app is slightly different from a conventional fullscreen app. This app would be below everything else, so underneath the menu bar and the Dock, etc. It would have a large image covering up the Desktop and icons, with a custom NSView in the middle with a table view, etc. If thi...

GUI for creating fullscreen web applications

Desktop GUI builder tools such as Qt Designer and Glade let me easily design a resizable interface with menus, shortcuts, tab order, status bar, etc Is there an equivalent tool for the web? I am not after building a typical web interface where you scroll down to view all the content, but a fullscreen interface with menus at the top and...

Flash: Using mouse wheel events in full screen mode (Windows and Mac)

Although Flash has a mouse wheel event (MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL), it comes with quite a few problems. The first is that the event is not yet supported on the Mac. So there are a bunch of solutions, all of which (basically) capture the mousewheel (or DOMMouseScroll) event in javascript and pass it into the flash app. Luckily, under all t...

can't escape fullscreen mode by escape key in vista i.e 8

when i try to escape full screen mode in flash by escape key it doesn't close the fullscreen unless i press somewhere on the flash area. this happens only in vista i.e 8 (this combination only!!!). i would like yo know if you ever run into it . I have no idea what can cause it. any suggestions? thanks ...

Is there any way to automatically focus an application started from kde autostart folder?

I'm currently starting Firefox on Kubuntu 9.0.4 from my .kde/Autostart directory. Firefox is starting fine, but it doesn't grab the focus in the KDE desktop. This is a problem because Firefox is set to start full-screen. As it does not grab focus, the KDE taskbar is still visible over the bottom of the Firefox screen. As soon as I select...

VBScript - set app in "full screen" mode

Hi to all! i have application that can run VBScript form inside. Is there a way from this app to run vbscript that set the same application in full screen mode? I was thinking of something zooming or resizing the window somehow. Thanks! ...