
Should I resize my loaded images when switching to full screen in Flash

I have a swf that loads images from my server and resizes them to fit the 800x600 stage size. The original images are stored at 1024x768 max pixels. The user can press a button to go into fullscreen mode. What should I do to show the images at the best quality? a) should I resize the loaded images to their max size (1024x768) b) do I n...

JPanels, JFrames, and Windows, Oh my!

Simply stated, I am trying to make a game I am working on full-screen. I have the following code I am trying to use: GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); if(!gs.isFullScreenSupported()) { System.out.println("full-screen not supported"); } Frame...

How to detect Flash full screen mode and escape from it with JavaScript

I need a way to send notification to the browser that my website user has entered full screen mode in Flash. On clicking a link running only JavaScript within flash it escapes full screen and completes the rest of the JavaScript. Any ideas? ...

JDialog Not Displaying When in Fullscreen Mode

I have an application that runs in fullscreen mode and has been working fine. Now I need to add a simple, undecorated dialog and I'm running into trouble. If I run the application maximized but not in fullscreen, the dialog displays and functions as expected. When I switch back to fullscreen, the dialog will not display. The dialog e...

PyQt display fullscreen image

I'm using PyQt to capture my screen with QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()) and I was wondering if there was a way I could display my screengrab fullscreen (no window borders, etc.) I'm trying to find a way to desaturate my display with PyQt ...

Flex full screen mode

Hi, I'm new in flex. I faced problem to make full screen in flex 3.My layout container type like below. <mx:Application > <mx:Panel> <mx:ViewStack> <mx:VBox > <mx:VBox > <mx:Canvas > <mx:HBox width="300" height="300"> </mx:HBox> </mx:Canvas> </mx:VBox> </mx:VBox> </mx:ViewStack> </mx:Panel> </mx:Appli...

Safari full screen bug

I need to use full screen mode in my flash application, for some reason when i go into full screen mode in safari or chrome, the stage is completely disabled. I tried using a very clean swf file with nothing on it, just 2 buttons: one for full screen and the other for normal screen, and still i can't click on anything after going into fu...

Bug? FlashPlayer 10 Projector not going into fullscreen depending on SWF/HTML Player settings

Hello, We now use Flash CS4 to publish our FlashPlayer (SWF) and Projector (EXE) but have been having problems with the Projector not running full screen but we can't see why. To demonstrate, create a new AS2 Flash Project in Flash CS4 and add the following actionScript to Layer 1, Frame 1 fscommand("fullscreen", true); fscomma...

OpenGL with GLUT on windows 7, fullscreen mode not showing the message box

Hello, I wrote an OpenGL app in C++ a while ago, back when my operating system was Windows XP. I used GLUT (plane ol' version) to show the window and also used full screen mode. There are times when I displayed a message box (MessageBoxA method, using the MB_TASKMODAL modifier). In windows XP the message box was being displayed nicel...

Full screen on many screen (WPF)

Hi all, I'm using WPF I would like that my windows take the entire screen of all the screen. If I use the code snippet : WindowState = WindowState.Normal; WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; Topmost = true; WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; it takes only the active screen. How to fill all the screen ? thanks for your help ...

Drawing on multi screen with WPF

Hi all, I've created an application that display a topmost window on each monitor, to cover all available place. Then, I would like to allow to draw a rectangle on the windows. So, I create a rectangle that I add to the window when mouse move and mouse click ... This is working except when I'm drawing a rectangle that starts on a windo...

java - Debug full screen app in eclipse

Hi, I'm developing a java full screen application. I would like to debug this application using eclipse debugger. However, if I put a breakpoint, my application stops, but my eclipse window doesn't popup, because the full screen application is on. Up till now, I commented out the lines which made it a full screen application, but I won...

Is there a way to make a website go full screen (WITH user click)?

Hi all, A client wants me to create a website that can go to fullscreen when the user clicks a "View in Fullscreen" button/link. The solution I've seen posted here and elsewhere: window.open('www.example.com', 'title', 'type=fullWindow, fullscreen, scrollbars=yes'); seems to work spottily across browsers. Is there a better/more comp...

YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript. The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; in...

Regex HTML Extraction C#

I have searched and searched about Regex but I can't seem to find something that will allow me to do this. I need to get the 12.32, 2,300, 4.644 M and 12,444.12 from the following strings in C#: <td class="c-ob-j1a" property="c-value">12.32</td> <td class="c-ob-j1a" property="c-value">2,300</td> <td class="c-ob-j1a" property="c-value">...

Open Default page without Addressbar, Menubar & Statusbar in ASP.NET

How can I open my Default.aspx page without Addressbar, Menubar & Statusbar? ...

TOPMOST window in full-screen

Hi, I'm playing with a JFrame in Java. I want it to be the topmost window i.e. always on top. The setAlwaysOnTop() works fine, but as soon as I start a movie or a game-window in a full-screen mode then it fails to stay on top. I played around with JNI and handles. My C code for JNI is using SetWindowPos() and this seems to be working ...

java & fullscreen over multiple monitors

Hi, A snippet from my Java application: JFrame f = new JFrame(); GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); gd.setFullScreenWindow(f); So what it does is make it self fullscreen. Now the odd thing is that the program is fullscreen but only on one mo...

Take screenshot of DirectX full-screen application

This boggles me. DirectX bypasses everything and talks directly to the device driver, thus GDI and other usual methods won't work - unless Aero is disabled (or unavailable), all that appears is a black rectangle at the top left of the screen. I have tried what other have suggested on several forums, using DirectX to get the back buffer ...

Problems with stage.displayState (it's null even after assignments). Fullscreen AS3.

Relevant things: I had fullscreen code working before I did a security update on the flash player. Nevertheless, I still can fullscreen Youtube right now I'm doing the fullscreen activation in response to user clicks (therefore no security is blocking it AFAIK) stage.displayState is null all the time, in the main timeline and even afte...