
Fulltext search on many tables

I have three tables, all of which have a column with a fulltext index. The user will enter search terms into a single text box, and then all three tables will be searched. This is better explained with an example: documents doc_id name FULLTEXT table2 id doc_id a_field FULLTEXT table3 id doc_id another_field FULLTEXT ...

Fulltext search for django : Mysql not so bad ? (vs sphinx, xapian)

I am studying fulltext search engines for django. It must be simple to install, fast indexing, fast index update, not blocking while indexing, fast search. After reading many web pages, I put in short list : Mysql MYISAM fulltext, djapian/python-xapian, and django-sphinx I did not choose lucene because it seems complex, nor haystack as ...

SQL Server Fulltext search yields no results

I have SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. I enabled FullText and created a catalog as follows: create FullText catalog MyDatabase_FT in path 'mypath' as default I then created a FullText index as follows: create FullText index on Cell (CellName) key index PK_Cell with CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO I executed the fol...

MySQL FULLTEXT aggravation

Hi - I'm having problems with case-sensitivity in MySQL FULLTEXT searches. I've just followed the FULLTEXT example in the MySQL doco at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/fulltext-boolean.html . I'll post it here for ease of reference ... CREATE TABLE articles ( id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(20...

Transform Search String into FullText Compatible Search String?

I'm working with the fulltext search engine of MSSQL 2008 which expects a search string like this: ("keyword1" AND "keyword2*" OR "keyword3") My users are entering things like this: engine 2009 "san francisco" hotel december xyz stuff* "in miami" 1234 something or "something else" I'm trying to transform these into fulltext e...

Rewrite SQL Fulltext Function to return Table only

I have a MS SQL Fulltext Function like this: (...) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT * FROM fishes INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(fishes, *, @keywords, @limit) AS KEY_TBL ON fishes.id = KEY_TBL.[KEY] When I use this function in LINQ, it generates a special return type which includes all fields of my "fishes" table, plus Key and Rank. How cou...

Implications of Fulltext Search over many columns

Hello, I have a really wide table which includes separate columns for billing address, shipping address, primary address, names, aliases etc. (I can't normalize this table further, and that's not the question here anyways). I'm implementing SQL Server fulltext search, and I'm wondering whether I should limit the search ability to just t...

SQL Server - Fulltext Weights/Ranking based on matched Column

How can I apply a higher rank to a search result if a search word was found in a specific column? For example, if the search term is "King", and it was found in "LastName", I want that to be ranked higher than if it appears as part of "King Street" in the address. How do I do that? ...

SQL Server: One large persisted computed column for Fulltext Indexing

It appears to me as the easiest, most straightforward solution, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Instead of having a fulltext index on all individual columns of a table, isn't it better to just generate one single wide computed column and run the fulltext index against that only? It appears to me that it gets rid of all the issues o...

SQL Server - Filter field contents to numbers only

How can I copy the value of a field, but only its numbers? I am creating a computed column for fulltext search, and I want to copy the values from my Phone Number fields (which are varchar) into it, but not with their formatting - numbers only. What is the command that would do this in my computed column formula? Thank you! ...

Speed up SQL Server Fulltext Index through Text Duplication of Non-Indexed Columns

1) I have the text fields FirstName, LastName, and City. They are fulltext indexed. 2) I also have the FK int fields AuthorId and EditorId, not fulltext indexed. A search on FirstName = 'abc' AND AuthorId = 1 will first search the entire fulltext index for 'abc', and then narrow the resultset for AuthorId = 1. This is bad because it ...

How does the SQL Server Fulltext Index grow?

I'm trying to get an idea of fulltext index growth and gauge its long-term memory needs. Does it keep a cache of each search? (Knowing that the first search for a new keywords always takes slightly longer, and is subsequently faster) Will it grow indefinitely? Or is its size pretty much finite after its creation? Should I expect perfo...

SQL Server 2008 Bug with Fulltext Creation

I have SQL Server 2008 (Version 10.0.2531). The following annoying bug? happens, and maybe someone has a workaround: When I create a computed column which also combines values from a scalar valued function, and then add it to the fulltext index via the wizard, everything works fine. The fulltext index correctly picks up on the column a...

Fulltext searching array of strings

I have a PHP array of strings: ie: "Big green car parked outside"..etc I would like to perform boolean search operations on these strings, similar to MySQL fulltext searching , or Sphinx Searching. For example, I would like to find all strings containing word "green" but not "car" Does anyone know of any existing PHP classes or librar...

Always-indexed MySQL indexing/searching replacements for InnoDB?

I am using InnoDB for a MySQL table, and obviously queries using LIKE and RLIKE/REGEXP can take a lot of time. I've tried Spinx, and it works great, except I have to re-index context at intervals. I can re-index every minute, but I am wondering if there is either 1) a setting in Sphinx to keep records always indexed or 2) other software...

mysql fulltext search as level2 index

lets say I have a table with product details. one of the fields is category (integer). I want to do fulltext search on product name in specific category. Unfortunately Mysql does not allow me to specify index that includes category and product name as fulltext. It looks like I can use fulltext only on product_name and theefore any ful...

Using SQL Server Fulltext Search with a Union View

Hello, I have a view which combines two tables via UNION ALL. The view is also schemabound, if that matters (WITH SCHEMABINDING). Is it possible to enable fulltext search on this view? I understand that Fulltext Search requires a unique index, but I can't create it because of UNION. Is there another way to make Fulltext Search work on...

Using an overall WHERE clause when using UNIONS in sql

Hi, I am trying to return the MATCH() AGAINST() results against several tables using UNIONS, the only problem is some rows return a relevance of 0, I want to exclude these. After the unions is there a way to use 'WHERE relevance > 0' Below is a bit of my SQL SELECT pages.content AS search, page_info.url AS link, MATCH(pages.content) AG...

Google like search query using Full Text Search in SQL Server

I am running a small website wherein I would like to make a functionality like Related Links section. For that I created fulltext catalog and index. So far I tried many ways to create search query which behaves like google, but I would say i was not even 10% close to what google is doing. During my research what i found was only follo...

MySQL Fulltext searching and minimum search term length.

I am using fulltext searching in mysql to search a database of videos I have, however when I search my videos some results will never get returned because the title I am searching for is less than the ft_min_word_len set in MySQL's settings. mysql_query("SELECT MATCH(videoDescription) AGAINST('".$searchString."' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE...