
PHP: Calling a function within a return string

Hello, I'm trying to call a function within a string return statement. Both are in the same class. However, I'm obviously not calling it right because it doesn't work :) private static function doSomething(){ $d['dt'] = //unix time stamp here; return '<div class="date" title="Commented on '.date('H:i \o\n d M Y',$d['dt']).'">'.ti...

accesing static variable in php

hey there i have a simple case of class with static variable and a get function all compile ok but at run time i am getting this error [Sun Jul 25 03:57:07 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'TYPE' in ..... for the function getType() here is my class class NoSuchRequestHandler implements ...

Jquery cannot access $(this) in callback function

Hello, I am creating a plugin and it cannot access $(this). A simple overview of my plugin is (function($){ $.fn.myPlugin= function(options, callback) { return this.each(function(){ $(this).click(function(){ // some plugin works .. callback(); }); ...

ORA-12714: invalid national character set specified

Hi All,I got a problem with oracle database ,i created a stored procedure and i wanted to pass an array of items' ids to this procedure to select the data according to array of items using "in" clause,the available solution to this as i found was to create a function and pass a string value with all item's ids seperated by a comma ,and t...

Jquery check whether element is hidden (continuously)

Hello, How to check whether a element is made to hide at once. i.e how to notify the visibility of an element. In my case, the element is made to hide by slideUp function. At once i should be notified about the visibility of the that element. I got the idea of using bind() method. But it does not have a onHide like event. So how to ge...

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare happening on same line

I have been fighting with this error for a while. The error is somewhere in the function I now have php telling me it can't redeclare a variable on the same line... strange. Any help would be great. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_block_admin_init() (previously declared in /home/bp-member-login-redirect/bp-member-login-redire...

How to know what function called another

Hi, I wanna know if there is any way to know where the function currently in execution was called, this is, in what file and line. I'm using C language, and I'm looking for something similar to _FUNCTION_, _LINE_ or _FILE_ macros. Best regards, Sérgio ...

changing string to a function in javascript (not eval)

var foo = "function (){ alert('meee'); }"; foo(); I have tried the above but it does not work is there any other way to execute that function without using eval? thnx ...

Tracking function instances

OK so is there a way in php do track function calls such as function Tracker($name,$returnedValue,$file,$line) { echo $name . '() was called and returned a ' . typeof(returnedValue); } function test(){} test(); The reason for this is to send a custom framework data type back so another example would be $resource = fopen('php://s...

PHP sum values of a whilefunction

Hello guys, we've codeded this PHP-Script: function price($id) { $ergebnis = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM preiszuordnungen where id=$id"); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($ergebnis)) { //Wenn grundpreis dann färben if($row->typ=="grundpreis") { ...

JQuery $(document).ready ajax load

I looked at quite a few of the related questions and I must be asking this completely different as I saw only a few that seemed to relate. I am loading an entire middle div via JQuery Ajax call and I simply want to be able to do some automatic JQuery on that new area like $(document).ready allows when a DOM is being loaded. I read that l...

calling user defined function with params

hi I am defining function func1(); I want it to take some param(s) ie var func1(aaa, bbb){ //do something, anything! }; then i want to call it later in the doc something like this: $('#some_id').click(func1($this)); but its not working. I've been messing with it for a while but its very strange the way jquery/javascript handles u...

Relative time function in js for format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+0000

Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew how I could parse this type of date format: 2010-07-26T18:02:46+0000 into the relative time such as "30 seconds ago" I already have a function which does it for a similar but different time format: function relative_time(time_value, is_relative) { var values = time_value.split(" "), ...

Python variable assignment order of operations

Is there a way to do a variable assignment inside a function call in python? Something like curr= [] curr.append(num = num/2) ...

PhoneGap: It's possible to use only the phonegap.js and it's functions only in a Website (doesn't want an App only a Webpage)?

It seems that I haven't understood correctly how PhoneGap works. I thought: Take an index.html, include the PhoneGap.js in as type of JavaScript and open the result on iPad/iPhone. But then, none of the functions like accelerometer, beep(), vibrate() is working. Is it necessary to build an app for that for working correctly? I have a ...

Wordpress function is_front_page() not working...

Hi, I have a "static" page set up as my front page for Wordpress. I have this in the index.php file: <?php if (is_front_page() || is_home()) { ?><p>TEST FRONT PAGE</p> <?php } ?> For some reason, the "TEST FRONT PAGE" does not show up on the front page, but does show up on the posts page (as i...

Excel VBA Function to Return True or False based on Cell Background Colors in a Range

I keep a spreadsheet of my timeline at work and when I meet and expect to meet certain milestones. The data (dates) is stored left-to-right and each project has it's own row. The milestones are permantely set and occupy Range(O:AA). My data is color coded as Green (Complete), Orange(Deadline), Blue(Not working on), Red(Not applicable). ...

Calling a PHP function defined in another namespace without the prefix

When you define a function in a namespace, namespace foo { function bar() { echo "foo!\n"; } class MyClass { } } you must specify the namespace when calling it from another (or global) namespace: bar(); // call to undefined function \bar() foo\bar(); // ok With classes you can employ the "use" statement to eff...

Python - Assign global variable to function return requires function to be global?

So, I'm confused. I have a module containing some function that I use in another module. Imported like so: from <module> import * Inside my module, there exist functions whose purpose is to set global variables in the main program. Some of the global variables need to be assigned to the output of another function in that same module....

how can i add a function to json object which has __type attribute?

I am sending an object that i generated within a class from the server as a result of web service call. it is returning with __type and it's other attributes from server. I want to add some function to this object to call from everywhere easly in my files. How can i achieve this? Thanks... ...