
Execute a bash function upon entering a directory

I'd like to execute a particular bash function when I enter a new directory. Somethink like: alias cd="cd $@ && myfunction" $@ doesn't work there, and adding a backslash doesn't help. I'm also a little worried about messing with cd, and it would be nice if this worked for other commands which changed directory, like pushd and popd. A...

Ruby passing different attribute arguments to same function

Hello, I have a job model which has many attributes. I would like to use graphics to display the sum of some of these attributes. For that, I am using the following code in the javascript portion of the view which produces the graph: <% for job in @daily_jobs %> ['<%= %>',<%= job.walltime %>], <% end %> This returns ...

Dynamically naming and implementing the body of a javascript function

For simplicity's sake, I've included a script that dynamically calls a function by its name: var foo = "hello"; var bar = "world"; var function_name = "say_" + foo + bar; // Since its name is being dynamically generated, always ensure your function actually exists if (typeof(window[function_name]) === "function") { window[function_...

Postgres STRING_TO_ARRAY alternative? Like STRING_TO_RECORD ?

I need to convert a comma separated text into a set of records. I created this function but I am not convinced that the best way: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_StringListToRecord(pStringList TEXT, pDelimiter VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE vIndex INT; arrSize INT; arrValue TEXT[]; BEGIN arrValue := STRING_TO_ARRAY...

sending more than integer to the C++ function as parameter

Possible Duplicate: Passing a constant array to a function in C/C++ void Bar (int *values) {} void Foo () { int values[3] = { -5, 2, 8}; Bar (values); } But i want something like the following. How can i make this possible? void Foo () { Bar ({5,2,8}); //error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '{' } ...

Is it possible to run a django function automatically on certain dates?

Hello, In my django project I would like to be able to delete certain entries in the database automatically if they're too old. I can write a function that checks the creation_date and if its too old, deletes it, but I want this function to be run automatically at regular intervals..Is it possible to do this? Thanks ...

Help Turning C++ coding into Function

SigTerm said this: "Smells like a bad code. squareOne..squareSix should be probably array. Instead of char constants, enums or ints should be probably used... " How do i do that with this code for the board also if someone could suggest the code I would have to use to get users to enter the row and column for the X and O for the game. v...

Turn code into an Array and Display

How can I turn this into an array? I need a board to show blank spaces and when the user enters it gets filled with a X or an O by another function. The current board works I would like to make it into a array[3][3] and display the contents of the array. void showboard(char &squareOne, char &squareTwo, char &squareThree, char &squareFou...

Overlay multiple stat_function calls in ggplot2

I have two data.frames, one containing raw data and the other containing modelling coefficients that I have derived from the raw data. More detail: The first data.frame "raw" contains "Time" (0s to 900s) and "OD" for many Variants and four runs. The second data.frame "coef" contains one row per Variant/run combination, with the individ...

Problems with Function checking Array input with IF statements

The void checkboard function is not working. This is a tic tac toe game. So that function checks after each move if someone has won the game or if it is a tie. After someone wins or there is a tie the board is to be reset and the game startover. I just cannot get the void checkboard function to work. Please help me solve this problem. ...

Storing locations in Array as a variable to be changed in a if statement

Is there a way to store the x and y entered by the user into a location for the array. I have this: if (x == 1 && y == 1) { board[0][0] = playerMarker; } I want to make it so the x and y are stored into a variable that matches the name of a spot in an array. But I want to try and make it more like this: ...

Finding a function's parameters in Python

I want to be able to ask a class's __init__ method what it's parameters are. The straightforward approach is the following: cls.__init__.__func__.__code__.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount] However, that won't work if the class has any decorators. It will give the parameter list for the function returned by the decorator. I want to get...

passing args when calling jquery function

hey, Im trying to make a call a jquery function and pass some args with it in the form of $('#button').mouseenter(exampleFunction(arg1,arg2)); function exampleFunction(arg1,arg2) The function works fine with no args written like this. $('#button').mouseenter(exampleFunction); function exampleFunction; but as soon as i add () to p...

Scala: issues using functions as first class objects

Hi, I need to have a collection of generic functions, but I can't get it done in the way I like. I created a List[(Any)=>Unit] but as soon as I try to insert a function, for example a String=>Unit I get an error. How could I declare a generic function collection that does not consider parameter and return values types? ...

Avoiding the main (entry point) in a C program

Is it possible to avoid the entry point (main) in a C program. In the below code, is it possible to invoke the func() call without calling via main() in the below program ? If Yes, how to do it and when would it be required and why is such a provision given ? int func(void) { printf("This is func \n"); return 0; } int main(vo...

is it good practice to create functions which use other functions that you built?

I was wondering if it was good to have this since it makes code less portable. Thanks ...

Variables from function are undefined

I'm placing an entire pagination script into a function so I can use it more times. The code is long but there's just one part I'm having trouble with. After I call the function paginate($connection, "categories"); I use $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY cat_name LIMIT $start, $limit"; etc.. and I get these errors. Not...

Function is causing huge memory leak?

I have the following function: void CGlEngineFunctions::GetBezierOpposite( const POINTFLOAT &a,const POINTFLOAT &center, POINTFLOAT &b, float blength ) { POINTFLOAT v; v.x = a.x - center.x; v.y = a.y - center.y; float alength = GetDistance(a,center); if(blength == 0) { blength = alength; } fl...

Can Javascript get a function as text?

Can Javascript get a function as text? I'm thinking like the inverse of eval(). function derp() { a(); b(); c(); } alert(derp.asString()); The result would be something like "a(); b(); c();" Does it exist? ...

Passing multiarrays into functions through pointer

Hello, how can I pass multiarray into function through pointer with c++. I can do this with simple arrays void Foo(int *arr) { } int someArr[10]; Foo(someArr); What about 2-dimensions array? ...