
Why does my function pointer code run with no errors?

I have this: typedef void (*funcptr) (void); int main(){ funcptr(); //this can compile and run with no error . WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHY NO ERRORS? } ...

is there any way to inline just some selective calls to a function not all of them?

Is there any way to inline just some selective calls to a particular function not all of them? cause only form I know is declaring function as such at beginning and that's supposed to effect all calls to that function. ...

How to call a self.value in a class function definition in python?

How could I call a self.value in a definition of a function? class toto : def __init__(self): self.titi = "titi" def printiti(self,titi=self.titi): print(titi) ...

function of preprocessor

what is the function of preprocessor??????? ...

Passing a var from one Extended function to another

I am having trouble passing the url of $.PhotoUpdater.doUpdate(url) to do the doUpdate function. Firefox returns this error : useless setTimeout call (missing quotes around argument?) [Break on this error] timer = setTimeout($.PhotoUpdater.doUpdate(url), 5000) my code: $.extend({ PhotoUpdater: { startUpdate: function(organi...

Linked List Losing nodes after leaving recursive function

struct Letter { char let; Letter *next; }; Please look at the function below called addLETTERS(). int main() { Letter *Top = 0; Letter *head = 0; char letters = 'a'; head = new Letter; Top = new Letter; MakeNull(head); MakeNull(Top); addLETTERS(Top, head,letters); retur...

How can I use Python Ctypes to override global WEAKREF function in a shared library library?

I understand I can set a global function pointer inside a sharef library to point to a python function as follows. from ctypes import * liblibrary = cdll.LoadLibrary('') def py_library_hook(strings, n): return 0 # First argument to CFUNCTYPE is the return type: LIBRARY_HOOK_FUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_char_p), ...

Return recordset from function in classic ASP

Hi, I'm at a loss on how I can return a readable recordset from a function in classic ASP. This is what I came up with, but it's not working: Response.Clear Response.CharSet = "utf-8" Response.ContentType = "text/plain" Dim Count Set Count = Test Response.Write Count.Fields(0).Value Function Test Dim Query, Connection, Comman...

Scoping and functions in R 2.11.1 : What's going wrong?

This question comes from a range of other questions that all deal with essentially the same problem. For some strange reason, using a function within another function sometimes fails in the sense that variables defined within the local environment of the first function are not found back in the second function. The classical pattern in ...

How do you include authorship and version info into your MATLAB functions

This question is related to my previous one: MATLAB m-file help formatting. What do you usually write to describe authorship of your own function? Do you put it at the end of the function body or right after the help text before any code? How do you include version information? Is it possible to automatically update version after funct...

VIM function to insert timestamp

Someone in a previous question suggested the following for adding timestamps to VIM: nmap <F3> a<C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %I:%M %p")<CR><Esc> imap <F3> <C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %I:%M %p")<CR> Instead of using F3, I'd like to insert the timestamp by executing a function instead. For example, typing :Now. Unfortunately, I don't gr...

How do I make a jQuery script work on Grails??

How do I make a jQuery function work with Grails?? I installed the jQuery plugin and added grails.views.javascript.library="jquery" at the end of conf/Config.groovy And when I trigger the function I get an error saying Object Expected I checked the code and is fine, you can check it out here: When I wr...

Function passing arguments in reverse

Here is my function: void abc(char *def, unsigned int w, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z) { printf("val 1 : %d\n", w); printf("val 2 : %d\n", x); printf("val 3 : %d\n", y); printf("val 4 : %d\n", z); } and here is where I call this function: unsigned int exp[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; unsigned short count = 0; a...

How should I serialize code references in Perl?

I wish to nstore a Perl hash which also contains a code reference. Following this perldoc I wrote something like this: use strict; use warnings; local $Storable::Deparse = 1; my %hash = (... CODE => ...); nstore (\%hash, $file); I get a warning saying Name "Storable::Deparse" used only once: possible typo at line 15.. I gues...

How can I serialize a closure in Perl?

I think this might be best asked using an example: use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Storable qw(nstore retrieve); local $Storable::Deparse = 1; local $Storable::Eval = 1; sub sub_generator { my ($x) = @_; return sub { my ($y) = @_; return $x + $y; }; } my $sub = sub_generator(1000); say $sub->(...

How should I define 'static' subroutines in Perl?

I'm used to work in Java, so perhaps this question is a Java-oriented Perl question... anyway, I've created a Person package using Moose. Now, I would like to add a few subroutines which are "static", that is, they do not refer to a specific Person, but are still closely related to Person package. For example, sub sort_persons gets an ...

jQuery onclick with parameters gives "** is not defined"

This is in my Javascript: function doSomething(fieldActions) { var Actions = fieldActions; $(Actions).show("slow"); $(this).hide(); } This is in my HTML: <a onclick="doSomething('#date-actions');">edit</a> The parameter needs to affect and DIV field. The ID of this field can be variable and there can be multiple on a page, so that...

Passing multiple parameters to a method in PHP

Hello guys, I'm working on a simple class right now to get my head around OOP and i need some help with a function that i'm creating. The function receives various parameters, being some of those optional. For example: public function Test($req, $alsoreq, $notreq = null, $notreq2 = null, $notreq3 = null) { // blah blah } My ...

Nested Classes C++ static inner methods (Xml parsing and trying to populate vector with values)

So this is what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to use a sax parser to parse some XML. it looks like I need to call all their methods as statics. So if I want to pass a value back from say startElement it is static void startElement. Which brings me to my example code. I have been pulling my hair on how to update a value in a Nes...

How to input the name of the text file as a function's argument in Matlab?

Basically I export .dat files, with headers, from a software and then I use data in them in Matlab. I am making a general function in Matlab which could read the data from the .dat files I export from the software. Can you tell me the way I can input the name of the .dat file as function's argument? function [property_without_headers]=g...