
C++ Function List

I'm working on a fairly complex project, a custom encryption routine if you will (just for fun) and I've run into this issue in designing my code layout. I have a number of functions that I want to be able to call by index. Specifically, I need to be able to call one randomly for the encrypt process, but then address that by a specific ...

How do you find Leapyear in VBA?

What is a good implementation of a IsLeapYear function in VBA? Edit: I ran the if-then and the DateSerial implementation with iterations wrapped in a timer, and the DateSerial was quicker on the average by 1-2 ms (5 runs of 300 iterations, with 1 average cell worksheet formula also working). ...

How do you pass a member function pointer?

I am trying to pass a member function within a class to a function that takes a member function class pointer. The problem I am having is that I am not sure how to properly do this within the class using the this pointer. Does anyone have suggestions? Here is a copy of the class that is passing the member function: class testMenu : p...

How do you determine Daylight Savings Time in VBA?

What function will let us know whether a date in VBA is in DST or not? ...

Which is more preferable to use in Python: lambda functions or nested functions ('def') ?

I mostly use lambda functions but sometimes use nested functions that seem to provide the same behavior. Here are some trivial examples where they functionally do the same thing if either were found within another function: Lambda function >>> a = lambda x : 1 + x >>> a(5) 6 Nested function >>> def b(x): return 1 + x >>> b(5) 6 ...

Class design vs. IDE: Are nonmember nonfriend functions really worth it?

In the (otherwise) excellent book C++ Coding Standards, Item 44, titled "Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions", Sutter and Alexandrescu recommend that only functions that really need access to the members of a class be themselves members of that class. All other operations which can be written by using only member functions shoul...

when to pass fuction arguments by reference and when by address?

Could anyone explain with some examples when it is better to call functions by reference and when it is better to call by address? ...

How much overhead is there in calling a function in C++?

A lot of literature talks about using inline functions to "avoid the overhead of a function call". However I haven't seen quantifiable data. What is the actual overhead of a function call i.e. what sort of performance increase do we achieve by inlining functions? ...

Function pointer to template class member functions

I have a templated class defined (in part) as template <class T> MyClass { public: void DoSomething(){} }; If I want to call DoSomething from another class, but be able to do this for multiple 'T' types in the same place, I am stuck for an idea as method functions pointers are uniquely constrained to the class type. Of course, each...

Is there a better way to do optional function parameters in Javascript?

I've always handled optional parameters in Javascript like this: function myFunc(requiredArg, optionalArg){ optionalArg = optionalArg || 'defaultValue'; //do stuff } Is there a better way to do it? Are there any cases where using || like that is going to fail? ...

Executing dynamic SQL in a SQLServer 2005 function

I will preface this question by saying, I do not think it is solvable. I also have a workaround, I can create a stored procedure with an OUTPUT to accomplish this, it is just easier to code the sections where I need this checksum using a function. This code will not work because of the Exec SP_ExecuteSQL @SQL calls. Anyone know how to e...

Why are the built in functions in PHP named so randomly?

It seems that there is no real pattern to the way functions are named, str_replace, strrpos, strip_tags, stripslashes are just some. Why is this the case? EDIT - this wasn't meant as a "troll" type post - just something that I think everytime I use the language! ...

Calling a C++ function pointer on a specific object instance

I have a function pointer defined by: typedef void (*EventFunction)(int nEvent); Is there a way to handle that function with a specific instance of a C++ object? class A { private: EventFunction handler; public: void SetEvent(EventFunction func) { handler = func; } void EventOne() { handler(1); } }; class B { private: ...

What is the difference between a method and a function

I am a long-time Applescript user and new shell scripter who wants to learn a more general scripting language like Javascript or Python for performance reasons. I am having trouble getting my head around concepts like object orientation, classes and instantiation. If someone could point me to a pithy explanation of methods vs. functio...

What is the naming convention in Python for variable and function names?

Coming from a C# background the naming convention for variables and method names are usually either CamelCase or Pascal Case: // C# example string thisIsMyVariable = "a" public void ThisIsMyMethod() In Python, I have seen the above but I have also seen underscores being used: # python example this_is_my_variable = 'a' def this_is_my_...

How do you trigger javascript functions from flash?

How do you trigger a javascript function using actionscript in flash? The goal is to trigger jQuery functionality from a flash movie ...

How do I slice an array in Excel VBA?

What function can I use in Excel VBA to slice an array? ...

Functions vs Stored Procedures

Let's say I have to implement a piece of T-SQL code that must return a table as result. I can implement a table-valued function or else a stored procedure that returns a set of rows. What should I use? In short, what I want to know is: Which are the main differences between functions and stored procedures? What considerations do I hav...

How can I combine multiple rows into a comma-delimited list in SQL Server 2005?

Right now, I have a SQL Query like this one: SELECT X, Y FROM POINTS It returns results like so: X Y ---------- 12 3 15 2 18 12 20 29 I'd like to return results all in one row, like this (suitable for using in an HTML <AREA> tag): XYLIST ---------- 12,3,15,2,18,12,20,29 Is there a way to do this using just SQL? ...

In an Oracle cluster will sysdate always return a consistent answer?

In an Oracle cluster (more than one machine co-operating to serve one database) will the "sysdate" function always return a consistent answer? Even if the servers' Operating System clock reports inconsistent values? ...