
Actionscript 3 introspection -- function names

I am trying to iterate through each of the members of an object. For each member, I check to see if it is a function or not. If it is a function, I want to get the name of it and perform some logic based on the name of the function. I don't know if this is even possible though. Is it? Any tips? example: var mems: Object = getMembe...

Auto-load function / class libraries when needed

First, a little background. The company I work for uses a massive function / class library, which gets included on every single page. Thousands and thousands of lines of functions, 90% of which probably won't even be called on a page. In an attempt to lighten the server load a little, I've been experimenting with smarter library setups....

VBA user function: Bad for argument name and submitted variable name to match?

Note the argument of the function is named strToothpaste. When the function is called, the variable that's passed in uses the same name. Private Sub DoThis() Dim strToothpaste as String Dim booSmellsFunny as Boolean booSmellsFunny = fnc_Fragrance(strToothpaste) End Sub -------------------------- Private Function fnc_Fragrance(s...

What are PHP functions file and their users?

By functions file I'm referring to a file that is called for in each PHP page and contains functions. I noticed another question asking about function files and it reminded me that my PHP website did not use any function file. So I'm just wondering if function files are recommended for sites. ...

what does a php function return by default?

If I return nothing explicitly, what does a php function exactly return? function foo() {} What type is it? What value is it? How do I test for it exactly with === ? Did this change from php4 to php5? Is there a difference between function foo() {} and function foo() { return; } (I am not asking how to test it like if (foo() !=0) ....

using unions in function parameters

I recently discovered that something compiles(not sure that it's legal though). My need for such a thing comes from this: My project outputs machine code for a selected arch.(which may or may not be the same arch. as the one running the program). So, I would like to support up to 64bit architectures right now(while also supporting existi...

C: Returning a pointer to an automatic variable

Say you have the following function: char *getp() { char s[] = "hello"; return s; } Since the function is returning a pointer to a local variable in the function to be used outside, will it cause a memory leak? P.S. I am still learning C so my question may be a bit naive... [Update] So, if say you want to return a new char[]...

mysql function to provide equivalent to Oracle NVL

I have a strange situation. I have to use NVL(columna, columnb) in Oracle and MySQL. I can't change the SQL as it is in a package I can't edit but it is the only thing that doesn't work in the application I have between MySQL and Oracle. How would I write NVL() in MySQL. I've looked here (

Using constants as default function values in PHP

Is this legal? <?php function ftw($foo = 'pwnage', $nub = MENU_DEFAULT_VALUE, $odp = ODP_DEFAULT_VALUE) { //lots_of_awesome_code } ?> where MENU_DEFAULT_VALUE and ODP_DEFAULT_VALUE are previously constants defined previously in the file. Thanks. ...

How can I loop through a list of functions in Perl?

I have a list of functions in Perl. Example: my @funcs = qw (a b c) Now they all belong to this module Foo::Bar::Stix. I would like to call them iteratively in a loop: foreach $func (@funcs) { Foo::Bar::Stix::$func->(%args) } where args is a hash of arguments. However I keep getting this error: "Bad name after :: ..." at the li...

Introspecting a given function's nested (local) functions in Python

Given the function def f(): x, y = 1, 2 def get(): print 'get' def post(): print 'post' is there a way for me to access its local get() and post() functions in a way that I can call them? I'm looking for a function that will work like so with the function f() defined above: >>> get, post = get_local_func...

JavaScript "window.onload" – is "window" really necessary?

I see people use "window.onload" all the time, but why? Isn't the "window" part completely superfluous? ...

DB2 Java user defined function

Hello, I'm trying to write a Java function for my DB2 database. When my class is in SQLLIB/Function all is working great. Now i need to change the path of the class to another location for client deployment. I can't seem to make it work. Please Help! Thanks. ...

Function name for creating something if it's not there yet

From time to time I write a function that just creates something if it's not there yet and otherwise does nothing. Names like CreateFooIfNecessary() or EnsureThereIsAFoo() do work but they feel a bit clumsy. One could also say GetFoo() but that name doesn't really imply that foo may be created first and it only works if the function r...

Creating a .bashrc function to search through all files for a particular string

I have a useful little command that searches through all files & subdirectories for a particular string: find . -name "*" -exec grep -il "search term" {} \; I'd like to turn this into a function that I can put in my .bashrc and call from my shell without needing to remember the whole thing, but I can't get it working. This is what I h...

Error Handling in User Defined Functions

I want to write a non-CLR user-defined function in SQL Server 2005. This function takes an input string and returns an output string. If the input string is invalid, then I want to indicate an error to the caller. My first thought was to use RAISERROR to raise an exception. However, SQL Server does not allow this inside a UDF (though yo...

Pass Function value to Stored Procedure in MS SQL

I have a Function called dbo.GetFoo(). I also have a unit-testing Stored Procedure called AssertEqual (which takes @TargetValue sql_variant, @ExpectedValue sql_variant, and @Message varchar) I want to call GetFoo() and check to see if it's returning the right value 'X'. My T-SQL statement is: exec AssertEqual dbo.GetObjectType(), 'S', ...

Running a function on multiple elements using Jquery

Hey, I've got some code that I'd like to run on every single checkbox on my page within a table, but I'm not sure of the best way to do this? I've tried something like this but it didn't work :( $(document).ready(function() { function whatever (elem) { var $elem = elem; $elem.val('test'); } $('table tr td :check...

how to use a function with a non-optional argument defined as the third

I'm using someone elses class and that person has defined a function with five arguments. in Sentry.php: function checkLogin($user = '',$pass = '',$group = 10,$goodRedirect = '',$badRedirect = '') If all five fields are filled in this leads to a login procedure. Now on the page where he explains how to use this there is a snippet wh...

Indirection from func() to __func()

Quoting a code snippet : /** * list_add - add a new entry * @new: new entry to be added * @head: list head to add it after * * Insert a new entry after the specified head. * This is good for implementing stacks. */ static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) { __list_add(new, head, head->next)...