
call database row in to a function

Hi, I am writing a function which is called into a page, but I am not sure how to call information form database into the function in order to use them. Basically I am doing some calculation in the function where I need information form database to do them. Is there anyone who can give a clue on how ot do this? Many thanks F From a co...

PHP - check if array is inside a string

$comment = 'billie jean is not my lover she is just a girl'; $words = array('jean','lover','jean'); $lin = some_function_name($comment,$words); ($lin=3) I tried substr_count() but it doesn't work on array. Is there a builtin function to do this? Thanks!! ...

Gradient affects of a function - Flash CS4

I want to apply a blur filter to an image in Flash CS4. I understand how to apply the filer but is there a way to apply it in differing amounts to different parts of the image? I.E. I want to have the edges very blurry while I want the center to stay relatively sharp (apply the blur filter as if it were a gradient coming from the cent...

Default date in mysql

hi foks, i am facing issue while creating table where in that one column which is set to default value of current date........i would stress this point "that i need only date not time along with that"....i would be really thankfull to those who tries to help me.... ...

Compare similar functions in different files

I have a large complicated function that was ported from C++ to C#. I would like to perform a diff to see exactly what has changed between the two. Other can manually copying each of the functions to 2 temporary files oldFunction.cpp and newFunction.cs and diff-ing those is there another way? ...

How to make two arrays into a function in c++?

I have two string arrays "Array1[size]" and "Array2[size]". They both have the same size. I would like to write a function which contains this two arrays but I am having problems in the way that I am declaring them. I am declaring it like this: void Thefunction (string& Array1[], string& Array2[], int size); And when I call it I am...

Def, Void, Function?

Recently, I've been learning different programming langages, and come across many different names to initalize a function construct. For instance, ruby and python use the def keyword, and php and javascript use function, while VB uses void, etc. My question is: What is the reasoning and differences between these different constructs an...

Why is the output of the following two statements different?

code: #define f(a,b) a##b #define g(a) #a #define h(a) g(a) main() { printf("%s\n",h(f(1,2))); //[case 1] printf("%s\n",g(f(1,2))); //[case 2] } output: 12 f(1, 2) Why is the output not same in both cases? [I understood the concatenation (a##b) and string conversion (#a) here, but I did not get why the outpu...

How can I test the performance of a C function?

Are there some good ways to know how a function performs in C? I would like to, for example compare my own function to a library function. ...

Is there an opposite function of preventDefault() in JavaScript?

I am counting words in a text field and after a certain amount of words, I use prevent default. In the else, I would like to renable the default commands. Does preventDefault() have an opposite function? Here is some sample code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Can we alias a function in php ?

is it possible to alias a function with a different name in PHP? if yes how ? suppose we have this function sleep(); is there any quick way to make an alias called wait(); without writing this code function wait ($seconds) { sleep($seconds); } ...

Need to make full names in cakePHP

Hi all, If I have a person model with first_name and last_name, how do I create and display a full_name? I would like to display it at the top of my Edit and View views (i.e. "Edit Frank Luke") and other places. Simply dropping echoes to first_name and last_name isn't DRY. I'm sorry if this is a very simple question, but nothing has ...

How Non-Member Functions Improve Encapsulation

I read Scott Meyers article on the subject and quite confused about what he is talking about. I have 3 questions here. Question 1 To explain in detail, assume I am writing a simple vector<T> class with methods like push_back, insert and operator []. If I follow mayers algorithm, I would end up with all non-member friend functions. I w...

SQL Server Function.

What is wrong with this function... The function intends to remove the specified leading characters from a given string. I know there is a patindex base solution to this which however doesn't consider spaces and all zero entries... but I want to know what is wrong with this one... If I input "00012345" it should out put me "12345" howev...

Check if host computer is online with PHP?

I've been having some issues with my Internet connection and I was wondering what is the fastest, error-less and most reliable way to check if the host computer is connected to the Internet. I'm looking for something like is_online() that returns true when online and false when not. ...

how to calculate sum of hours?

My tables are as follows workers: id integer ... days: id INTEGER event_date DATE worker_id INTEGER and hours: id INTEGER hr_start VARCHAR2(8) hr_stop VARCHAR2(8) day_id INTEGER I need a function which will calculate for every user in database, sum of hours in current month. ...

PHP function checking if you can create an object of a certain type?

It would take too long to explain why I need this, but I was wondering if there was a PHP function to check if a type of object was recognized. In other words, a function that would check if $dog = new Dog(); would cause an error, because Dog didn't exist. Thanks for you help. ...

Where is pow function defined and implemented in C?

I read that the pow(double, double) function is defined in "math.h" but I can't find its declaration. Does anybody know where this function declared? And where is it implemented in C? Reference: ...

Where can I see the content of submit() java script function?

Just for curiosity... If possible, where can I find and see the javascript submit() function's content on the form? Just to see how it handles http requests. thanks! ...

What is the Difference between submit() function and send() JavaScript functions?

Hi, I have been studying JavaScript from one book. Once I was playing with the codes concerning the client-server site communication, I wanted to do a POST request with the code below (which uses IE ActiveX object XMLHttpRequest): <script type="text/javascript"> var oRequest = HTTPRequestUtil.getXmlHttp(); var sRequestType = "post"; ...