
Using mysql_query and mysql_fetch_array

I am trying to find out which is the proper way to fetch data from my database. Either way works, but what's the difference; an in-depth explanation? $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM _$setprofile"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $username = $row['user']; $password = $row['pass']; echo "$username:$password"; } ve...

Jquery: i have a function $.fn.my_function with other functions inside, how can i call them?

Suppose i have this ($ = jquery): $.fn.my_function = function() { function foo() { //do something }; function bar() { //do something other }; } I lauch this with $('.my_class').my_function(); Now, i need to call foo and bar on callback to certain events. How can i call them? ...

Is there a language with subroutines but no local variables?

I'm wondering if anyone if aware of a language that has support for variables (that could be considered 'global'), and subroutines (functions), but without a concept of parameter passing, local scope, etc. Something where every subroutine has access to every global variable, and only global variables. ...

javascript function return not working.

Hey, I have a problem returning a variable in my function, the below script works fine: function sessionStatus(){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.getJSON(scriptRoot+"sessionStatus.php",function(status){ alert(status); }); }); } sessionStatus(); Bet when I try the following I get a message box with the message...

problem w/ linking static function g++

Hi- I am trying to build a small program and I have my own library libfoo. I have a camera class that is calling a static function from my Vector3 class (i.e. crossProduct). My camera class and Vector3 class compile ok and are built into libfoo. However when I am linking like so: g++ -g -O2 -o test1 main.o -lfoo I get this: libfo...

C++ generic classes & inheritance

Hi! I'm new to generic class programming so maybe my question is silly - sorry for that. I'd like to know whether the following thing is possible and - if so, how to do it I have a simple generic class Provider, which provides values of the generic type: template <class A_Type> class Provider{ public: A_Type getValue(); void setSu...

In javascript, how can I tell what object a function is bound to (ie, its 'this') without calling it?

Does anybody know? Couldn't find this question asked before, even though it seems fairly basic. ...

"error: too few arguments to function"

I have a C program called opencv2.0 function : cvSaveImage( out_img_name, img); Compiler gcc reports that too few arguments to function cvSaveImage The prototype of cvSaveImage in highgui.h is CVAPI(int) cvSaveImage( const char* filename, const CvArr* image, const int* params CV_DEFAULT(0) ) After I change my call to be ...

<list> retreving items problem with iterator

I have a list of type Instruction*. Instruction is a class that I made. This class has a function called execute(). I create a list of Instruction* list<Instruction*> instList; I create an Instruction* Instruction* instPtr; instPtr = new Instruction("test",10); If I call instPtr.execute(); the function will be executed correct...

Should I kill a function running as a thread (.Net)

Hi, I've just started with C#. I'm running an object's function as a thread (new Thread(myFunc).Start()). Does the thread kill itself when the function is finished or must I manually get rid of it? If I must, what is the best way to do it (I may not know when it finishes etc)? Thanx! ...

Python: Convert string into function name; getattr or equal?

I am editing to work with .cif files for protein structures. Inside the existing, there is the following functions (I believe that's the correct name if it's not associated with any class?), just existing within the .py file: ... def unpack_pdb_line(line, ATOF=_atof, ATOI=_atoi, STRIP=string.strip): ... ... def read_pd...

Why I can't pass two chars as function arguments in C?

I have a function: int get_symbol(tab *tp, FILE *fp, char delim) and I call it like this: get_symbol(tp, fp, ';') I always have it declared in the header as: int get_symbol(tab *, FILE *, char); No this all works fine, I can execute the code in the function and the delim is set. But if I try to add one more char to the function'...

Access variables in C structures

Dear all! I am not too familiar with C programming, and I have to do few modifications on a source code, here is the problem: I have this in a header file : typedef struct word { long wnum; float weight; } WORD; typedef struct svector { WORD *words; double norm; } SVECTOR; In my file.c , I have a function like doubl...

Python tabstop-aware len() and padding functions

Python's len() and padding functions like string.ljust() are not tabstop-aware, i.e. they treat '\t' like any other single-width character, and don't round len up to the nearest multiple of tabstop. Example: len('Bear\tnecessities\t') is 17 instead of 24 ( i.e. 4+(8-4)+11+(8-3) ) and say I also want a function pad_with_tabs(s) such ...

Including a function inside single quotes

I am trying to figure out why I can't include a function into this. I am trying to make it so $client will make it's way into the request string.$client&amp;test=againtest $client IS DEFINED as text from my database. function update($pro){ $request = ''.$client'&amp;'.'te...

Calling functions with parameters using SOAP with Perl

I am attempting to access a web service using SOAP through Perl and am having issues calling the service's functions that require parameters. The XSD that dictates the SOAP call says, <xs:complexType name="getVersion"> <xs:sequence/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="getVersionResponse"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0...

use random functions (python)

Hi, I wonder if we can do that in python, let's suppose we have 3 differents functions to processing datas like this: def main(): def process(data): ..... def process1(data): ..... def process2(data): ..... def run(): test = choice([process,process1,process2]) test(data) run() main() Can we choice...

Javascript function as callback

The following script produces "Hello", "undefined", "Hello" message boxes: function action(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000); } var obj = { text: "Hello", f: function() { window.alert(this.text); } }; obj.f(); // Line 1 action(obj.f); // Line 2 action(function() { obj.f(); }); // Line 3 I looking for explanation...

copy data from sheet 1 to sheet 2 in the same workbook in excel

Hi all, An excel sheet (sheet 1), gets updated on a daily basis by the Admin dept. I need to copy this data in sheet 1 to sheet 2 automatically in the same workbook. Is this possible? If so, pls help me with this. Thanks in advance. ...

Best way to return early from a function returning a reference

Let us say we have a function of the form: const SomeObject& SomeScope::ReturnOurObject() { if( ! SomeCondition ) { // return early return ; } return ourObject; } Clearly the code above has an issue, if the condition fails then we have a problem as to how to return from this function. The crux of my ...