
sql split string by space into table in postgresql

I looking for a function like regexp_split_to_table, but our db is version 8.2.9, so it doesn't have it. I'm really only splitting on a space, so a string like how now brown cow would return +------+ |Column| +------+ |how | |now | |brown | |cow | +------+ is there a simple function that can handle this, or something I ...

What is the difference between call and apply?

What is the difference between using call and apply to invoke a function? var func = function(){ alert('hello!'); }; func.apply(); vs; Are there performance differences between the two methods? When is it best to use call over apply and vice versa? ...

Obj-C Function Parameters

How can I send parameters to my function? - (void)alertURL { NSLog(@"%@",url); } - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url { alertURL(url); return YES; } If there is anything else wrong, please tell me :) ...

Objective-C Alert .. not working?

For some reason my alert is not working? If i use NSLog(@" %@ ", url) its fine... but no alert here: - (void)alertURL:(NSURL *)url { UIAlertView *someError = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: url message: @"Error sending your info to the server" delegate: self cancelButtonTitle: @"Ok" otherButtonTitles: nil]; [someError show]; [someE...

Avoid excessive function parameters: class-centered or function-centered approach?

How would you fix the following bad code that passes too many parameters around? void helper1(int p1, int p3, int p5, int p7, int p9, int p10) { // ... } void helper2(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p5, int p6, int p7, int p9, int p10) { // ... } void foo(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5, int p6, int p7, int p8, int p9...

Want to avoid eval AND Function constructor

Trying hard to replace the eval without using Function constructor. Stumped. I am not a newbie but not an expert either. jslint says this is evil; when I replaced it with a Function constructor, it said that was just a form of eval()! evaluateEventScript: function(requestObject) { var resultData; resultData = eval(r...

How do I pass a string as a function argument in MATLAB?

Basically, I have 10 data files and I wrote a MATLAB function to process these data. The code is like this: function Z = fitdata(file_path) A = importdata(file_path,','); ... end Since I don't want to input the same command 10 times (for different file names), I wrote another script to automate this processing. The code looks li...

Function naming conventions

I am writing a library, so, I want its functions to be named as clearly and cleverly as possible. Currently, I use the following principles: Self-explanatory names: a function getName() will tell the developer what it returns as well as setAddress(), isMale(), etc. Short: a function name must be as short as possible so that it's simple...

How to add records (struct) in a function in the C programming language?

How do you add a record if you send as a parameter to a function? struct record { char name[20]; int nr; }; void AddRecord(struct record **p_allRecs, int p_size); int main() { struct record *allRecs; /* putting in some records manually, size++... */ allRecs = (struct record *)malloc(size*sizeof(struct record)); } AddRecord(&allRecs,...

MySQL Date and Time functions don't exist

I have installed WampServer 2.0 with MySQL 5.1.33. I can do Numeric and String functions like SELECT ABS(-2)orSELECT LOWER('ASD') but with Date and Time Functions such as SELECT CURDATE()orSELECT NOW() I get Error : no such function: CURDATE Am I doing something wrong, is there anything I need to install? Any help about where to...

Variable argument lists in C functions - How to properly iterate through the arg list?

In the following C program i get the warning: warning #2030: '=' used in a conditional expression. What exactly is the problem and how do i avoid this? What is the correct way to iterate through the variable arguments? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> int Sum(int a, int b, ...) { int arg; int Sum = a + b; va_list...

How to reset Python interpreter to a 'safe' state?

I have a C++ app that embeds the Python interpreter. There are points in the code where the interpreter may get interrupted and I need to make sure the interpreter is in a 'safe' state to execute new code. I would just call Py_Finalize and re-initialize everything except I have a bunch of PyObject * references that I need to stay valid. ...

getint and getch

"As written, getint treats a + or - not followed by a digit as a valid representation of zero. Fix it to push such a character back on the input." Ok, well this is the original version: int getint2(int *pn) { int c, sign; while(isspace(c=getch())) ; if(!isdigit(c) && c!= EOF && c!= '+' && c!= '-') { ung...

Pass multiple optional parameters to a C# function

Is there a way to set up a C# function to accept any number of parameters? For example, could you set up a function such that the following all work - x = AddUp(2, 3) x = AddUp(5, 7, 8, 2) x = AddUp(43, 545, 23, 656, 23, 64, 234, 44) ...

Reference function or create a new function that only calls another?

def a(something): return something*something #Case I - referencing b = a #Case II - creating a new function to call the first def b(something): return a(something) Which is better style? Are there drawbacks to either? ...

string functions

I'm solving this K&R exercise: Write versions of the library functions strncpy , strncat , and strncmp , which operate on at most the first n characters of their argument strings. For example, strncpy(s,t,n) copies at most n characters of t to s . Full descriptions are in Appendix B. So i was wandering if there's a site that contains s...

*Passing a Method into a Class

Hi all, I'm coding a small class that maximizes a given function F and returns the coordinates. For example in maximizing the 1-dimensional fitness function below I currently have: using System; public static class Program { public static double F(double x) { // for example return Math.Exp(0.4 * Math.Pow(x - 0.4...

Which function is faster and efficient?

I need to verify if a certain user exist on my site.I want to know if which of these two functions is more efficient, faster and better compared to each other and why.Thanks in advance! Public Function CheckIfFriendExist(ByVal arg As String) As Boolean Dim alluser As New MembershipUserCollection() alluser = Mem...

How can JavaScript make new page that contains more JavaScript?

I'm opening new page using JS and writing into it the HTML code, however when I try to write JS inside the new page using document.write() function it doesn't work. Apparently the main JS closes as soon as the it sees /script> which is intended for the JS of the new page that will be opened. Is there away around this? var opened = win...

Nested functions in Python

def maker(n): def action(x): return x ** n return action f = maker(2) print(f) print(f(3)) print(f(4)) g = maker(3) print(g(3)) print(f(3)) # still remembers 2 ... why does the nested function remembers the first value (2) even though maker() has returned and exited by the time we call action()? ...